Chapter 37

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Ironhides pov
I woke up to a bright light being shined on my optics. I closed them and shook my head.
"What?" My voice was groggy and hoarse. I heard a groan and I opened my eyes again. I looked and saw Alexis laying her head on my bi-pedal forms leg plating, she was in bi-pedal form also. I lifted my arm up and gently laid my servo on her processor. She groaned again and sat up a bit, lifted her hand and rubbed her optics. She looked at me and smiled widely.
"Ironhide! Your awake" her arms gently wrapped around me after she stood up.
"Y-yeah" I groaned
"Do you feel any better?"
"I mean I feel different, sore, renewed, almost as if I got a great nights rest and I woke up happy again." I said and her smile widened.
"Ratchet? I think he may be better!!" She said jumping up and down and fist bumping the air. I silently chuckled at her, she was so cute, for the first time in a long time I can finally tell everyone how actually happy I am. I mean it feels like I'm being watched as if I'm in a movie or a book or something but like no one really knew what was going on. I lifted my servo and gently grabbed Alexis's small one.
"Alexis?" I started.
"I. Mh. I am sorry for slapping you, for hurting you, for causing you pain and knowing I'm the cause. I really wish I could make It all back up to you, but there isn't any way that I can." I sighed. But her face never changed from the bright smile she had before.
"Ironhide, I know your sorry, it wasn't even your fault!" She threw her hands up in the air and gave me a sideways smile. "In all honesty I've loved being married to you so far because look at all we have. Maddie, the twins, this huge family and our love. It will continue to grow, even as we get older and wiser we still will be the irresponsible couple in love with each other so much so that we will drive each other crazy, run ourselves wild, but still be hopelessly in love with each other. We have accomplished so much together and I really want to accomplish even more, but only with you by my side because your the one I look for when I'm sad, the one I look for when I'm mad, your my shoulder to cry on. You are my favorite superhero, the only one I want to save me when I'm in trouble. I love you so much Ironhide, none of that was your fault so don't blame yourself." She was grasping my hand the whole time as she spoke but the smile never left her face. She was genuinely happy to be with me and finally for once I was proud that I was the actual cause.

Alexis's pov
I held his servo in mine hoping he would never let go. Everything I had said had been true and I've never been more in love with someone in my whole entire life. Not even Wheeljack. In all honesty I have forgotten Wheeljack has even existed till this point. I shook the thought from my mind and looked up at Ratchet who had started to work on Ironhide.
"His energon levels are normal and he seems fine, the rotten energon has been cleared from his system. It is now behind stored in a secret spot." Ratchet explained with care. And I mean real, real care, like sympathy and not grumpiness.
"Uh...Doc you okay?" I asked, this was the true tester, I called him doc, he hates doc.
"Yes I'm perfectly fine why would you ask?" My eyes narrowed.
"What's wrong doc bot?" I asked again
"What are you talking about? Nothing's wrong I'm perfectly calm" I caught the slightest smirk on his lip plates and in a flash I had pinned him to the wall.
"Who are you?" I asked well more growled.
"What are you talking about it is I Ratchet." My eyes grew wide but then I made them darken.
"TELL ME WHO YOU REALLY ARE... NOW!" I shouted and he flinched. That's when I saw the needle in his hand. Rotten energon. My optics widened and I jumped back.
"What's the madder afraid of a little rotten energon?" He asked.
"Where's ratchet?" I asked
"Oh I'm not 100% sure on that one, let me get back to you." I growled. I heard Maddies voice coming through the door, oh no not now.
"Oh why if it isn't Ratchets little human/bot toy." He smirked.
"Maddie stay back" Ironhides voice was right behind me. I looked up and he had his optics trained on the ratchet impersonator.
"Ironhide no, your sore, you told me"
"Well suddenly I'm feeling better." He said
"Yes, I'm not letting him hurt you, end of story!" He said changing his hand into a gun.
I charged at the mech and he dropped the needle as he picked me up off of him and threw me to a wall. I hit the floor with a loud thud but I got up and ran at him again. This time he had his sword for a servo.
"Weapons down and we'll let you escape with your dignity" I smirked.
(Get it? Get it? No?'s Ironhide saying weapons down and sideswipe saying and we'll let you escape with your dignity from dark of the moon😀 except I made Alexis say it, you'll see why) I knew that Ironhide and sideswipe had shared those same lines while filming the transformers movies. He pointed his sword at me,
"You dare point a weapon at me?! You want a piece of me? I will tear you apart!" I heard Ironhide try to hide his chuckle as I said his lines from the second movie they filmed.
(Revenge of the fallen)
I charged at him,
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I growled throwing him across the room with this newfound strength.
"I shall never- ahhh alright!" He whimpered as I pushed my sword under the top layer of his armor.
"I'm actually knockout! Ratchets in the room over there! He has no idea Ironhides even awake! Now please let me leave! I swear I won't tell megatron of your location." He whimpered. Maddie stepped over.
"You do and boy oh boy you will be scrap metal in my bare servos! your energon will feel good running through my fingers, NOW GO!" She growled out. He ran out and my optics widened as I looked at Maddison.
"What was that?" I asked pointing at her then putting my hands on my hips.
"I got bored and I want to talk to ratchet. So I told him to leave." She said and I laughed.
"That's my girl." Ironhide said gently nudging Maddies arm. I smiled at them both.
"Now, let's get Ratchet." I walked into the room and Ratchet looked up from his computer.
"Decepticon signal! Near base!!!!" He shouted and I laughed.
"More than one!!" My optics narrowed.
"Can you pinpoint who it is?!" I growled out. "I swear to primus-"
"If it's knockout I call killing him!!" I turned my head to see Maddie smiling. Well then.

I know I suck im sorry, I promised you guys an update but I totally forgot to post it!! Ugh wow! I am so sorry!!! Please forgive me!!! I will write another one right now and maybe another one. Love you all❤️

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