Chapter 35

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Three days later

Alexis pov
I walked around base in my alt mode. Ironhide was out on a mission and I had to take care of Cameron and Lyndsey. They were asleep when the alarm went off. I turned on my odes in an instant and ran back to there room, but I was already too late.
"STARSCREAM!" I roared out, "PUT 'EM DOWN! THERE ONLY SPARKLINGS!" My voice was so deep I thought it was deeper than my dads for a second there. Starscum only laughed. Which in retaliation made me even more angry. I opened my hand and it turned into a gun. I was screaming at everyone through the comm link but making sure my eyes never went dim or looked away from him. I pointed the gun at his chassis but he put Cameron there, I pointed it at his processor but Lyndsey followed soon after. I growled under my breath. Starscream turned around and started running. I chased after him, running faster. I grabbed my sparklings and kicked him to the ground. I put them in there cribs as I picked him up by his chassis plates. "You touched me, your getting hurt, touch Ironhide or my children, your going to die. Any last words?" I growled in his face.
"Yes, say goodbye to your little boy." My eyes widened as he aimed his cannon at Cameron me fired. My world slowed down and I felt my chest tighten. In an instant I had jumped in front of the shot and blocked Cameron. I fell forward. I turned around and starscream was running. I stood up and started to chase him, but I was loosing energon. And fast. A ground bridge appeared and he ran in I ran in afterwords. Normally I would have stopped but not now, not ever. He had Lyndsey in his grasp and I was never letting her go. I got to him and I tackled him grabbing Lyndsey and putting her in my chassis. I turned around but was pulled back by starscream. I could hear Lyndsey's cries inside my chassis. I punched starscream in the jaw then ran away from him,
"Ratchet i need a ground bridge at my coordinates NOW!" I yelled into my com link. I saw the green and blue light and I ran towards it but another one appeared next to it. My spark stopped for a moment. Megatron came out of one and the other stayed empty.
"Ratchet move your ground bridge to the left! It's important!" He did... but it moved on both sides
"Ratchet? Reply"
"Ratchet here what's the situation?"
"Ratchet can you change the color of the ground bridge?"
"NOW RATCHET!" I could hear starscream coming up behind me and I saw Megatron realize that I was here.
"Ahh Alexis, it's a pleasure seeing you again." He said coming closer to me. I took a step sideways. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the ground ridge Megatron didn't come out of change colors to blue and green not green and blue. I instantly ran into that one.
"Close it!"
"But your still in it-"
The light dimmed behind me and I ran quicker. I made it to the end but I tripped. I started falling forwards but someone caught me. My hands reached for my chassis. I looked up and met eyes with Ironhide.
"HIDE! Where is Cameron?!" I asked jumping up and running towards Cameron's room. At this point I had completely forgotten I was leaking and when I went to open the door I fell to my knees. I Leaned on the wall and I heard ped steps behind me.
"Alexis!" Ironhides voice rumbled from behind me. He picked me up and lifted me up bridal style.
"ratchet has Cameron...we...we have no idea where Lyndsey is, what were you doing on that decepticon ship anyway?" Ironhide asked.
"I-I had to save her, I had to save Lyndsey. S-starscream attacked base and found the sparklings, he tried to shoot Cameron but I blocked it with my stomach, then he grabbed Lyndsey and started running, I followed him and then I ran into Megatron and now I'm here... my stomach... I-it hurts 'hide." I groaned. His eyes were wide the whole time.
"So where is Lyndsey?" He asked when he handed me to ratchet.
"My chassis" I groaned opening it enough to gently pull Lyndsey out and hand her to Ironhide before my hand fell and I passed out.

Ironhides pov
My wife, my sparkmate, my best friend, my partner in crime, my ride or die, (I learned that from Alexis) my everything was out there today and I didn't know. She could have died saving our daughter. She is an amazing hero and an even more amazing Mother.

So hey my lovelies!❤️ it's another update, yay. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye for now.

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