Chapter 9

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*Toms pov*

Lily currently had her head pressed lightly against my chest, I gently lean my chin on the top of her head and could feel her shaking.

I nod at the judges and they leave the hall after picking up their clip boards. I slowly lean back from our hug and lily unwraps her arms from around my waist and looks up at me with her beautiful almond eyes, she wipes away some tears that were building up under her eyes.

"Hi" I say breaking up the silence between us, it wasn't awkward.. it was nice actually..

"Hello.." She stutters

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. just in shock.."

I laugh, this wasn't the first time this has happened, most fans do this. "Do you.. want to go get coffee to sort out things?" I ask taking a deep breath after looking deep in her eyes. She eagerly nods and picks up her guitar from her seat, I start walking out the hall with lily close behind.

*Lilys pov*

We walk silently over to Starbucks, I was still gob smacked that I was going there with Tom.. this must have been a dream.. it wasn't possible..

Him being the gentleman he is opened the door for me to walk through, I thank him and he follows close behind;

"What do you want to drink?" Tom asks while moving his arm to a few centre meters away from my back to guide me towards the line,

"Um.. I'll have a latte" I reply reaching for my purse,

"No no! It's on me" Tom smiles, "why don't you go find somewhere for us to sit",

I nod and go over to the corner by the window, I still couldn't believe it.. I was here with the Tom Fletcher..

Tom walks over to table with two cups of coffee and places one in front of me. He smiles and takes the seat next to me, "so why don't we get to know each other a bit eh?" Tom asks after taking a sip if his coffee,

"Um, okay! well what do you want to know?" it was weird, I didn't feel awkward at all around Tom, he was so calm it made me feel relaxed..

"How about you start with your family"

"Okay, well I have 1 younger sister; called Maddie, and an older brother called George.. the usual parents who are absolutely mental and that's about it" I reply, I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes, they were gorgeous.. he looked at me like he was actually taking an interest..

"Um, how about some of your childhood?"

I continue to tell Tom about some odd stories from my childhood, one from when I was 6 and ran straight into a wall; also showing him the mark on my forehead from it - which he found hilarious - and even took out my phone to show him some photos of me when I was little.

He was now right next to me, his arm resting on the back of my chair just a couple of centre-meters away from my back. I know this was wrong, he's 26 and me only 24 but I felt some connection between us, every time I looked at him he was smiling back at me or laughing at something I said.

An hour had passed and it was now 3:30 and Tom was still sat right next to me, still with his arm around the back of my chair,

"And this was me and my old cat adolf.." I said pointing at my phone

"Adolf?! how old were you in this photo?"

"I think about 10 or 11? And what? he looked like hitler but my dad refused to call him that.. But Adolf seemed okay with him!"

Tom started to laugh like crazy, I don't even think it was that funny.. but if it made Tom laugh it made me laugh!

"You were one special child Lily Stevens" Tom states looking at me with an adorable half smile,

"And I still am now" I reply, it was now silent, both of us looking deep into each others eyes..

Toms eyes started to move from my eyes to my lips.. what was he thinking? before I knew it his hand was wrapped around my waist and we were both leaning in. I couldn't help myself, It was Tom freaking Fletcher! and he was planning to kiss me!

He gently bit his bottom lip -telling me what he was going to do- I started closing my eyes before we were centre meters away, I could feel his breath on my face. I open one eye slightly and see his face miller meters away from mine, his hand got tighter around my waist and I knew it was about to happen.

Slowly Tom pressed his silk like lips onto mine, fireworks started going off in my head, was this really happening? Was it another dream?!

To my disappointment Tom started to move away slightly, but I thought to myself ' this is a once in a life time opportunity! why waste it'. i leaned forward slightly and Tom continued to press harder and move his lips slowly on mine, success! It was no longer than another minute before I decided that that was enough, gently pulling back Toms lips moved away from mine.

"Wow" I whisper, still within kissing distance

"Yeah.." Tom said, a full grin now covering his face, he looks up at me with his hazel eyes.. god this man was beautiful,

"Well.. I think I better be going" He starts, breaking up the moment we were having,

"Yeah, it was lovely meeting you Mr Fletcher" I quietly giggle holding out my hand,

"Common we're friends now Lily, Call me Tom" he replies opening his arms out,

Friends?! I didn't know friends kiss? I chuckled,

We both stand up and embrace in a hug, once again I take a deep breath and take in his cologne.. it was delicious.

He moves back slightly and places a light kiss on my cheek before separating.

Walking out side, onto the pathement, Tom turns around and looks at me again,

"So, about that music session you've won"

"Oh yeah, so that wasn't it?" I giggle, getting a small one out of Tom also,

"Nah, so how about we meet here next Wednesday at 12.. if that's good for you?"

"Yeah, that sound good.. Goodbye Tom" I say before starting to walk towards my flat,

"Bye Lily" I hear Tom shout before I walk around the corner, I had a huge grin across my face.

Tom Michael Fletcher just kissed me! How the hell was that even real! Maybe moving to London wasn't the worst thing in the world.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now