Chapter 37

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*Toms pov*

Today was sunday and I got to pick up lily, she was staying with me for the week and meeting Carrie! It was also our monthiversary from our first date on Thursday so I had something special planned

I hoovered all around my house, tidied up my bedroom and put some new bed sheets on my bed. After my house was finally clean enough I headed towards Lilys.

I pulled up and was quickly at Lilys flats door, she swings it open and kisses me before running into her bed room.

"Hello" I say, crouching and stroking Oli behind the ears,

"So lil? How are you planning on getting Oli to mine?" I laugh as he hops on my knees,

"He has a carry case in the closet, could you get it out for me?!" she replies popping her head round the corner,

I nod and walk off towards her bathroom, I open the door next to it and look at the colourful junk lily has in there: Blow up beach stuff, Party hats, feather scarfs..

I walk back into the living room, carrying the case, and see lily putting a small bag into quite a large suitcase.

"How long do you think you're staying for?" I chuckle walking over to her and putting down the carry case,

"It's all I need to make myself look presentable" she laughs turning round smiling,

"Presentable? you look gorgeous!" I state moving my hands to her hips and slowly leaning in.

She shuffles forward a bit and presses her lips against mine, I pull her closer to me; pressing our chests together. We were interrupted by Oli nuzzling in between our legs, I step back slightly and chuckle before picking him up,

"Why do you do that?" she ask pecking at my lips before turning back to her suitcase,

"What, pick him up? because he's adorable and wants to be" I say sticking my tongue out,

"Okay..? Anyway, just need to pop to the loo and I'm ready, can you put Oli in the carry case" she asks moving towards the bathroom.

We eventually get to my house after the long struggle of getting her suitcase into my tiny mini. She takes Oli into the house as I yank out the case from my car, I walk in and see her standing in the middle of the hall; looking at each photo frame I have I the wall.

"Aw foetus McFly" She laughs, I place her case by the stairs and walk in to the kitchen,

"You can let Oli out if you want, I dunno where Leia, Marv or Aurora are but I'm sure they'll get along" I state as lily walks in behind me.

She places down the case and sets Oli free, well he slowly creeps out of the box; looking around frantically at the new surroundings.

Lily lightly chuckles and walks over to me, she wraps her arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest. "this weeks gunna be a lot of fun" She said looking up at me.

"Yep" I say popping the 'P', "get to meet Carrie on Tuesday, Wednesday going to watch Harry run the marathon, and hey there's a party which us boys have been invited too on Thursday; do you wanna go?" I ask kissing her forehead,

"Sure, are you ready for the many photos of us together?" She lightly laughs,

"Yes, because they'll have you in them" I smile. Lily smiles back and leans up, our lips touch and I felt a shiver go down my spine as she licked my bottom lip, gladly letting her tongue explore my mouth.

She slowly gets back onto the flats of her feet and smiles up at me, "you're quite short aren't you?" I state,

"No I'm not; I'm pocket sized. 5ft 5 and a half! you're just tall! anyway, you wouldn't want me being as tall as you because that would make you look short" she replies pouting.

There was a sudden eruption on meowing from behind us, both Marvin and Leia had realised there was someone different here and were brave enough to find out who. Marv looked very confused and went in circles around Oli.

"Well lets get you unpacked, you're alright sharing with me right? I can make Carrie sleep on the sofa if need be"

"No, I wanna sleep with you!" she quietly shouts, "i mean, share a bed with you.." She quickly corrects, going bright red in the process.

Lily was now all unpacked, I had made room for her stuff in a spare draw and taken some shirts out of my wardrobe for more clothes of hers.

"I love your house" Lily states walking into the living room where I was lounging on the sofa watching futurama,

"Aha much bigger than yours right?" I laugh, she nods and walks towards me. She sits down by my feet, crossing her legs and sitting kind of awkwardly,

"Come 'ere" I say opening out my arms. She comes and lays down in front of me, I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest.

"Hey what's the time?" She asks turning back to face me,

"Um, like half three.. why?" I ask brushing away a piece of hair that had fallen across her eye,

"Come dine with me time!" she exclaimed grabbing the TV remote off the table and switches channel,

"Hey! I was watching that?!" I shout poking her stomach,

"And now your not" she states sticking her tongue out and turns back to the TV,

"My house. My TV. My rules" I say starting to gently tickle her sides,

"No! Don't tickle me!" She screams and I start to tickle slightly harder.


"What are you doing?" I ask walking into the kitchen, lily was stood at the stove with two pans on it,

"I'm making some dinner, what kind of eggs do you want?" She asks smiling back at me as she pushes down the lever on the toaster and walking over to my fridge,

"No no no, this is my house and you're the guest!" I state picking her up and moving her away from the fridge,

"Tom! put me down!" Lily screams kicking her legs. I do as she asks and place her down by the table,

"Sit down, i'll make us dinner" I smile, she thumps down on a chair and childishly pouts as I walk over to the fridge.

The problem was that I never really had the time to cook, so I had no idea what to do..

"You sure you don't want me to cook?" Lily chuckles slightly, seeing that I've been staring into the fridge for a couple of minutes,

"I'm sure! Maybe you could just lend a hand.." I reply, giving her a confused face. She nods and grabs two of the eggs I was holding and cracked them into a frying pan.

We finished our meal and moved back to the sofa where we'd been before, she lay down in front of me and switched on Russell Howard's Good News.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now