Chapter 33

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*Dannys pov*

"Hey, are you guys free tonight?" Tom asks as he walks into the studio where Dougie, Harry and I were sat, Harry made sure he didn't make eye contact with Tom. It was odd, had something happened between Harry and Tom?

"Yeah I'm free, why?" I ask pulling my guitar on my lap,

"Lily was wandering if we all wanted to go round hers tonight, just to hang out for a bit" Tom smiles,

"Okay awesome, i'll call Evie and ask her" Dougie replies standing up and walking outside,

"She wants you to come too Harry, we need to straighten things up." Tom states slightly bitterly, looking over at Harry; He lifts his head and nods before picking up his drum sticks and beginning to use them and tap on this knees.

"What's going on between you guys? you've been acting odd all week and we barely see you together anymore" I ask, something had to be up, whenever we were with Tom; Harry wouldn't be there, and whenever we were with Harry; Tom wouldn't be there..

"Nothing." Tom states rather quickly.


It got to about half six and us guys were finished in the studio, Only Tom knew the way to Lilys place so he had to show us the way before Doug and I picked up our girlfriends.

"She lives in a flat? Awesome!" Dougie chuckled as Tom pulls up out outside the block of flats,

"Yeah, it's quite small inside but nice and cozy" Tom replies,

"Okay we'll be back in about half an hour with Charlotte and Evie" I say steeling the drivers seat, Tom throws me the keys

"Bring 'er back safe" He states, chuckling slightly,

"I'm sure the girls'll be fine Tom..?" Dougie replies,

"He means the car Doug" I laugh. I pull of the drive and head towards charlottes.

*Lilys pov*

Now back from work and changed into a short cherry red skirt and white blouse I was hurrying around trying to get my apartment tidy.

I started putting out little snacks for everyone when they arrived. I hope my apartment would be big enough for all of us, there was only enough room for three on my sofa and there were seven of us; so I got out two of my old bean bags from my closet and made a pile of pillows.

There was a knock at my door, I put down the final cushion I neaten down my skirt before shuffling across the floor to the door. I open door to see my very delicious boyfriend in a tight baby blue shirt and black jeans, "hey gorgeous" Tom smiles and leans over; Gently placing a kiss on my lips before stepping aside slightly, Now I could see Harry standing behind him; looking very awkward.

"Come on in, where are the others?" I say gesturing for them to walk in,

"Oh Doug and Dan went to go get the girls, I had to show them where you live first" Tom replies. Harry walks in, silent, and stops in the middle of the living room area.

"Okay since we're alone, I guess we should talk" Harry finally said, Tom and I nod before walking over to my sofa, we take a seat on it and Harry sits in one of the bean bags.

"Well first I'd like to apologise to both of you, it was in-appropriate of me to have done what I did; and so here's my sin-sear apology" Harry starts,

"Well thank you, carry on?.." Tom states taking my hand in his,

"Do you know what it's like to be the only single person out of our group? it's horrible! Seeing everyone happy with each other.. It was alright when it was you and me Tom because we could be each others wing men, but then you snatched up lily and now Im alone again.." Harry softly said, trailing into a whisper

"Well when was the last time you went on a date?" I ask,

"Months ago.. I've tried going out to bars and clubs by myself but it never goes well."

"How about I try and set you up? I know quite a few, hot, single girls that I'm pretty sure would love to date you" I reply, smiling and earning one back from Harry,

"Yeah, I don't see why not? So are we cool?"

"Yep, we're okay" Tom states standing up, he walks over to Harry and holds out his hand; Harry shakes it but pulls him into a man hug. I giggle before walking over to Harry and hugging him also.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now