Chapter 68

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*Lilys pov*

I couldn't help but stare at the rock on my finger, the way the early morning light shone on it; making the light bounce off in different directions. It was only last night when it all happened but I'm still smiling like crazy.

Looking over to Tom, his hair all over the place, face buried into the cushion and duvet resting on his hips. I gently started running my finger up and down the dip in his spine, making him lightly groan and mumble something into the cushion. I sigh and make myself more comfortable, Sitting up against the headboard to continue looking at the ring.

"Why are you up so early?" Tom mumbles, he starts rubbing the sleep out of his eye before pulling my waist against his cheek,

"Couldn't sleep" I smirk, twirling the silver band around my finger,

"Too heavy?" Tom asks picking up my hand with the ring on, "Phwar it is!" He chuckles,

"Oh shush you"

"Don't shush your fiancé", I couldn't help but blush at that word, fiancé, Tom is my fiancé?

"Don't be mean to your future wife Mr" I say poking his cheek that wasn't pressed against my hip,

"Oh I like the sound of that, my future wife"


As time went on, the plans for our wedding changed. From the first week of being engaged Tom and I agreed on having a simple June wedding, only close friends and family, in the country side and an outdoor ceremony. But, the closer the wedding got, the more people we wanted to invite.. It went from having about 30 people, to now 150..

It was now January, Tom and I visited a lot of people over Christmas, mostly each others family. And in doing so - added more to the numbers..

"Okay so the wedding invitations are going out on Friday, so that gives us three days to check them all and make sure they're all correct" I say to myself, I was home alone currently, Tom was out for lunch with the guys, "but that means going through 168 cards.. i'll leave that for Tom and the boys"

"Now the dresses.. Next Tuesday morning we go to see the florists, Im still not sure with the mix of White Lily's and red roses that Tom insisted we had.. maybe its better if I see them together in real life.." I started to ramble on to myself, dragging my pen across the full page of my wedding planner and muttering plans under my breath,

"It's not good if you talk to yourself dear" Tom grins as he comes into the kitchen, startling me as he does,

"Well I have no one else to talk to so I do! How was lunch?" I ask as be comes closer to me and kisses my forehead,

"Yeah it was good, the boys were wandering when I was taking them to have their suits fitted?"

"Um.." Stuttering as I flick through the pages of the book, "Thursday 25th of feb at 2 o'clock, How many best men do you have again?"

"Well there's Doug, Dan, Harry and George"

"So four? And then there's your dad, so five in total." I state, scribbling down on the page, "Okay and I'm going to look for dresses on the Wednesday before so that the bridesmaid dresses will match the colour of the flowers, which we'll pick out on Tuesday.."

"God love, you look exhausted" Tom sighs, pulling out the chair next to me at the table, "have you even showered today? And aren't they your PJs?"

"Nope and yes, now don't touch anything or i'll cry"

"Okay I won't touch anything, as long as you go take a shower and change"

"Nope" I state popping the 'p' "I have to finish this, Sara (our wedding planner) wants to know what food we want the caterers to do and the travel arrangements"

"Well we've already chosen what the choices are for people to eat so we just have to tell them when the information from people come back, and how about segway's! That would be awesome!"

"Tom we are not going to our wedding on Segways! We're getting married in the church across the road from the hotel we're staying in, and the reception is in the hotel- there's no point in getting anything"

"Okay I guess you're right, but now this is settled - go take a shower and get dressed" Tom orders pointing to the door,

"I just have to look for a photographer and a hair dresser.. and a make up artist.. and a DJ.. or band"

"Okay that's it!" Tom shouts, pulling me off the chair and over his shoulder, "First thing, you're going to have a shower and put a dress on, Secondly we're going to go over to one of the One Direction boys houses - they said they would sing at the wedding, and after all that you're not going to do anymore to do with the wedding until tomorrow" He states as he walks up the stairs and into the bathroom,

"Bu-" I start before Tom presses a finger against my lips,

"No buts! Now strip and Shower!" He orders, leaving me in the bathroom.

I shower and get changed into a strapped blue and white tie- dye dress, white wooly tights, black leather jacket and boots. Tom then drags me out the house and into the car.

"Who's house are we going too?" I ask after about fifteen minutes of driving,


Suddenly everything comes back, I'd spoken to Harry when we were in a large group, but not just us two since that night- and Tom didn't know anything about it.

"Okay, great" I nervously chuckle, after a few more minutes Tom pulls up outside an apartment block.

We make our way towards the door and wait after knocking. A young lady opens the door, white dressing gown loosely wrap around her and what I can only describe as 'Sex Hair'.

"Can I help you?" she tiredly asks, attempting to neaten out her hair,

"We're here to see Harry, he told me it was okay to come over?"

"Oh okay" She whispers, cringing as if she had a headache and walked back into the building, Tom and I awkwardly look at each other before letting ourselves in. Soon enough the recognisable curly haired fella was in front of us and lead us towards his living room,

"So, um do you guys want a drink?" Harry asks as we sit down,

"Nope I think we're good, we came here about our wedding actually" Tom smiles grabbing my hand a squeezing it gently,

"Oh okay great, how can I help?"

"Well we were wandering if that offer was still standing?"

"Which, the boys and me performing at the reception?"

"Yeah, don't worry it won't be for the whole time, we're having another band play for the majority of the time"

"Okay well I'm sure we'd love to sing! We'd just need to know song you'll want us to do and when abouts" Harry smiles, he pulls out his phone from his back pocket, thrusting his hips up to get to it,

"Was there anything else you guys needed?" He asks as he starts typing into his phone,

"No that's it, see you soon curly" I lightly chuckle, pulling Tom off the couch as I get up,

Harry smirks before pressing his phone against his ear and waving off as he walks out the room, Tom and I make out way out and head back home.

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