Chapter 25

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*Toms pov*

I pull up at Dannys house, there were two cars already there so we were second to last to arrive. I step out the car first and wait for Lily to come onto the pathement next to me before I lock the car.

We walk hand in hand up to the door, I ring the door and a short while later it swings open with a rather sweaty looking Danny, "Come in come in!" he states swinging his arms in the direction of his living room.

We walk in to the living room to find Harry and Charlotte sitting there, "Hey lily! great to see you again!" Harry states standing up and walking over to lily.

"Yeah great to see you too, how's the training going?" she asks as they have a long hug,

"Oh it's going well thanks, hey you should come to a training session with me! you defiantly look like you work out!" he laughs as they separate, that was definite flirtation from him.

I could see lily blush, "yeah, maybe!" she replies after looking at me,

"Oh yes, Charlotte this is Lily!" I say introducing them,

"Hello, lovely to finally meet you.. toms always talking about you!" She laughs standing up and hugging Lily,

"Oh he is, is he" Lily smiles looking over at me.

We all sit down and hear Danny cursing and swearing from the kitchen, Charlotte stands up and laughs before heading towards the kitchen. There was a knock at the front door Harry shouts that he'll get it and leaves the room, which leaves me and lily alone.

She was sitting on the arm of the sofa and me on the cushion, constantly looking around, she seemed fascinated at Dannys house. "What?" she asks as she catches me staring at her, "just thinking about how beautiful my girlfriend is". she rolls her eyes and leans down, gently pecking at my lips she sits back up as Harry walked back in with Dougie and Evie behind him.

"Evie this is Lily, Lily this is my girlfriend Evie!" Doug said as he motioned towards lily,

"Hello! Lovely to meet you" Lily states standing up and hugging Evie,

"Same to you!" Evie laughs separating the hug, Lily hugs Dougie as well before he walks off to the kitchen with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"So tell me more about yourself lily, I barely know anything!" Evie said as she took as seat on the sofa opposite me, Lily comes back and sits in between me and Harry,

After about half an hour Dougie had come back and was sat next to Evie; his arm around her shoulder, under her long blond hair. Me, i had my arm around Lilys waist, holding her tight against me. Lily and Evie had really hit it off, both of them discussing about work and families.

"Dinners ready!" Charlotte shouts coming back into the room.

We all walk into Dannys large dinning room, a huge oak table in the middle with 7 place matts set up, Lily and I sit on once side with Danny and Charlotte, and Harry with Dougie and Evie on the other.

"Well done Danny, this looks delicious!" Lily exclaims looking at the food,

"Thank you! Everyone tuck in!" Danny shouts, and we all do!

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