Chapter 29

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*Lilys pov*

Tom and I were in a gradually progressing make out session, I really wanted to forget that Tom had already told me that he loved me; it was freaking me out..

The sound of my stomach grumbling quickly broke me and Tom apart, "excuse me" I chuckle holding my stomach. "lets go make some breakfast?" Tom laughs grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs.

We pass the living room and see everyone fast asleep on each sofa and Harry on the floor with his head on the table.. looking very uncomfortable. Tom starts to wash up some of the pots, pans and baking trays that Danny had used to cook last night so that we could use them this morning. I grabbed one of the clean baking trays and put strips of bacon on it before shoving it in the oven, Also cracking a couple of eggs into a bowl and dipping slices of bread into it then frying them in a pan.

After a while Tom had finished washing, drying and putting away everything, he walked behind me while I was at the cooker and wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his nose into my neck. I smile and lean my head slightly back to rest on his, still flipping the toast in the frying pan.

I hear a groan coming from the living room and a very sleep looking Dougie walks through the door, "you guys are very close this morning" he lightly chuckles walking over to the kettle which had just boiled and made himself a drink,

"How's the hang over?" Tom asks moving away from me and getting some plates out the cupboard.

"Urgh it's alright, not the worst.. where did you go last night Tom, you just disappeared?"

"Oh, no where.. just needed some fresh air" Tom states looking over at me and placing the plates besides the cooker where I was, he kisses my cheek before going to sit opposite Dougie at the breakfast-bar. I plated up three portions of food for each of us that were awake and handed two of them to the boys.

A little while later I heard someone else waking up and slowly stumbling through to the kitchen, round the corner Harry gradually made his way through the door and smiled as he saw me. God this was awkward.. now that I knew he liked me I couldn't see him as a brotherly figure like I did before.. He made his way to the coffee machine and poured himself some before taking a rather large gulp of it. After he had finished the coffee he picked up a couple of strips of bacon and shoved them in his mouth. "Hey lily, wanna come to the gym with me today? It'll only be for a couple of hours at the most but would be nice to have some company for a change.." Harry states walking over and pulling out a seat next to me.. I felt bad, I shouldn't say yes because I knew Harry liked me and Tom was already jealous.. but It might be nice to spend some time really getting to know Harry..

"Um..sure, i'll have to go back home to get some clothes tho.. which gym do you go to?"

"The one on 3rd avenue, meet at about 3ish?"

"Yeah, okay"

Later on in the morning everyone had finished up the food I'd made and we were all awake and talking in the living room. I was worried about going to the gym with Harry, what if he made a move on me? He was a very attractive male.. and was in my favourite band.. I might not be able to resist..

"You okay lil?" Tom ask nudging my shoulder,

"Oh..Yeah, I'm great" I reply kissing his cheek. Tom was perfect, I've been lying to myself and him; of course I love him.. I loved him when he was just in McFly and now that he's my boyfriend I thought my feelings would be different.. but they were just stronger!

*Toms pov*

It was now the early afternoon, I was worried about what Harry would try on lily; she was quite vulnerable and I knew Harry's mind..

It was now about one in the afternoon, each couple was curled up with the other half and we were watching Avengers Assemble. I was sat up on the sofa with my legs off the cushion and lily had her head in my lap. Lily kept checking her phone every minute or two and I could see every time she did she would look very worried..

"Lily?" I whisper, not to disturb anyone else,

"Yeah" she smiles turning her head to look at me,

"Are you okay, you're constantly checking your phone?"

"Oh yeah.. I feel bad cause I haven't fed Oli since last night.." I laugh slightly, yep she was just like me: always thinking of my cats,

"Well I can take you home if you want, I don't mind"

"Yeah? I'll go get my stuff" she replies kissing me quickly before scampering off upstairs. I can't help but smile, she was my girlfriend and was absolutely gorgeous!

"I'll see you later guys!" I say as lily walks down stairs with her clothes and shoes from last night,

"And I'll see you in about two hours" Harry laughs pointing at lily, she awkwardly nods before waving and walking towards the door.

We get to Lilys and sit in my car for a bit, "Now I know this may sound silly, but be careful with Harry.. He's a real show off and will do anything to get a girl" I say as she turns to face me,

"Don't worry, I'll be careful.. " she smiles, leaning over slowly our lips collide and instantly it gets a bit hotter,

"As much as I want to continue this, I've gotta go" She says kissing my lips before walking towards her flat. She waves before closing her front door.

I sit there, thinking about lily, when I noticed the bushes that were across the street from Lilys house started to move.. suddenly a man holding a rather large camera came strolling out the bush, Shit! I totally forgot about the paparazzi.. what's tomorrow headline going to be?

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now