Chapter 19

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*Dannys pov*

We all watched and lily was being rocked back and forth by Tom, I felt awful.. I shouldn't have made her tell us, it was a horrible memory and should have been forgotten.

"I actually have to go, me and Charlotte are going out tonight so i'll see you guys tomorrow" I state standing up,

"I'll walk out with you!" Dougie said, he opened his arms out to hug lily, she stands up and walks over to him. They have a quick hug before separating, I then open mine out and she hugs me too.

"Lily, it was lovely meeting you! Hopefully we will see you sometime soon" I say nodding to the guys and walking out the room with Dougie behind me.

Just as he closes the door Doug speaks:

"Do you think Tom and Lily'll go out?"

"Yeah of course they will Doug! Didn't you see how they were looking at each other? How Tom immediately went to hug her as soon as she started crying? and how we walked in on them when they were just about to kiss?!"

He just chuckled, we reached outside and waved off to each other before we got into our cars.

*Toms pov*

Now Dougie and Danny had gone, it was quite silent in here. Harry was trying to make Lily laugh, and successfully doing so, by being a complete idiot! I still had one arm around lily and I hadn't realised, until a moment ago, that it had been there the second the guys came back from getting the pizzas. But she didn't seem to mind, and neither do I.

"Right, should be off too actually! Big training day tomorrow with my mates for the marathon!" Harry states siting up from the floor,

"Oh wow, I could never run a marathon!" Lily laughs,

"Well it's not gunna be easy, but it's for the charity! Those children need that money" Okay now Harry was showing off, he earned a "aww" off lily which made me roll my eyes,

He stood up, and so did lily. They embrace in a very tight hug, Harry seemed to pull their lower bodies together using his arms that were round her waist. I could see she pulled back quickly after that and they separate.

"Bye Harry" I say,

"Bye guys!"

Lily collapses on the sofa and back against my arm, she starts laughing a bit before sighing and looking at me,

"What? What are you looking at?" She asks, stunned after seeing me staring at her,

"You're gorgeous you know" okay, where was this sudden burst of confidence coming from?

"No I'm not.." she replies looking away and hiding her blushing cheeks,

"Yes, you are" I move my right hand and turn her face to look at me, her eyes were still slightly red from when she was crying and her cheeks still flushed,

"I'm not.. have you never been outside! There's more gorgeous women everywhere you look, I'm like a pig compared to them."

"Well, you're the most beautiful pig I've ever seen" I state, that sounded more romantic in my head..

"Oh Tom, you really do know how to sweep a woman off her feet" Lily laughs,

I shake my head, we were alone and I knew we wouldn't be interrupted again. Her eyes once again melted my heart and I felt myself leaning in, her leaning slowly forward too. My grip tightened around her back and soon enough our lips grazed.. but were broken swiftly apart by a loud vibration on the table.

It had startled us both, I sigh before looking at lily who was silently chuckling to herself; we really can't catch a break can we!

She reaches down and picks up her phone, she sighs as she unlocked it. Looking up at me she smiles,

"I have to go, that was a reminder that I have work in thirty minutes and it'll take me 20 to get home. Thank you again for today Tom, it was a real pleasure meeting you and I'm privileged that I won the chance to play and sing with you" she states standing up,

I stand up too, we have a long hug.. god I wanted to kiss her again so badly! We separate and she looks up at me,

"Goodbye Tom" she said slightly down heartedly,


"Well this was the only day we had together, the only reason I'm here was because I won the competition.."


She holds out her hand, I awkwardly shake it before she picks up her bag and guitar and leaves the room..

That can't be it.. I can't not see her again! I was standing here in an empty room and the woman I want just walked out that door saying that we'd never get the chance to see each other again?!

"Lily!" I shout running down the Corridor after her, I looked around.. she must be heading out the front door now!

I started Legging it faster trying to find her.

I caught a glimpse of her long hazel hair passing through the front door, I swing it open,


She quickly turns around and lets off a sigh and smiles, "Will you go on a date with me?!" I shout breathlessly from across the street,

"Yes! Yes Of course I will!"

I run over to her Side of the road, she looks up at me when I get straight in front of her,

"Tom.. do you wa..."

"Shut up and let me kiss you!" I interrupt,

Pressing my hands against the side of her face and pulling our lips together. Finally! She drops her bag and guitar and puts her hand on my arms, putting more pressure on her lips.. making up for the two or three times we had been interrupted!

"Now what were you going to say?" I chuckle as we separate our lips,

"Do you want my phone number?" she laughs, I nod quite vigorously, I give her my phone and she types her number in.

"Goodbye Tom" she giggles,

I shake my head and press our lips together once more.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now