Chapter 46

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*Dougies pov*

"Where is she?!" Tom shouted, almost in tears,

"I've texted her, and Danny but no reply yet.." I reply, sitting next to Tom of the sofa.

It had only been about half an hour since Lily had run out, with danny following her. Tom had managed to draw quite a crowd from all the cerfuffle over what happened. Evie was sat next to me on the arm over to sofa, my arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Harry and Charlotte were both trying to get hold of Danny or Lily, but still nothing. Even Niall and Liam had left to go search for them outside.

Even though Tom had sobered up a bit, he was still in an awful state, his eyes were red from him itching them out of in-patientness and worry. He was curled up on the other end of the sofa to me, his knees up against his chest.

"Niall! Liam! Have you found them?!" Tom asks hopefully as the boys walk back in, They both shake their heads gently and sigh.

"Someone has to find them!" Tom almost screams, he seem to be worried about both Lily and Danny now..

"Look, Tom i'll call Danny again if that'll make you calm down a bit" Evie softly states, Tom eagerly nods.

Evie stands up and walks over to the window to get signal, she stands there patiently as it rings. After a while of waiting she slowly turns to face me and shakes her head.. But quickly turns back and presses the phone harder against her ear..


*Dannys pov*

I could feel Lilys breath gently blowing over my lips, we were getting closer by the second. Our lips just graze, her silk lips gently pressed against a mine.. suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It startles me, and lily, making us jump apart from each other. We look at one and other, only just realising what was going to happen,

"Hello?" I quickly ask unlocking my phone,

"Danny! Oh my god, why haven't you answered anyone calls or texts?!" Evie shouts on the other end of the phone,

"Sorry, I must have only just got a bit of signal.." I reply. I look over at lily, she slowly sits back down on the bench and watches me as i talk,

"Oh okay, well have you found lily?!" Evie states,

"Yeah, she safe and with me right now" I reply, staring at lily who still had tear stains under her eyes. I hear Evie whisper something out of the phone, "it's okay Tom, Dannys found her safe and sound",

"Okay that's amazing! Are you bringing her back to the party?!"


"Wait.. what do you mean no?" Evie questions, sounding quite offended,

"She doesn't want to see Tom.. I'm taking her back to mine, where she can stay in the guest room, and they can talk tomorrow.. when Tom isn't drunk and lily isn't going to try and kill him and or herself.." I state, she sighs before once again whispering,

"Danny! Bring Lily back to me right now!!" I hear Tom scream from Evie's phone,

"Tell Tom that he can see her tomorrow, and to get a good nights sleep.. Also tell Charlotte to meet me with our car in front of the park" I say before hanging up.

Lily sighs and looks to me, tears once again building in her eyes. I hold out my arm and she stands up, she walks towards me and I wrap it around her shoulders. We walk together toward the front of the park,

"Um Danny.." Lily starts,


"About what happened back there.. that didn't mean anything to you, right?" She asks looking up at me,

"No, we're friends.. best friends. It was the romantic area and mood that was there, and both of our slightly drunken minds, that made us nearly kiss"

"So can we just forget it happened?"

"Sure" I reply, kissing her hair. We reach the gates and see Charlotte parked in front of them, She waves and she sees us walking towards her.

"Lily, I'm so glad you're okay" She states getting out the car and hugging lily tightly,

"I'm glad too, how bad is Tom right now?" Lily asks, a slight croak in her voice,

"Um.. he's.. Regretting what happened, and he misses you" She replies.

Lily hops in the back, me in the front next to Charlotte.

*Lilys pov*

Charlotte drives us towards her and Dannys house, I take my phone out my purse and see the long line of missed calls and messages,

Harry: 2 Missed Calls, 3 text messages;

"Lily please tell me where you are, so I can come pick you up! x"

"Toms crying coz he feels so bad, please come back! x"

"Lily if this is a joke to you, it's not funny! We're all panicking like hell back here!"

Evie: 1 Missed Call, 1 Text message,

"Girl pick up! We just need to know you're safe!xx"

Charlotte: 3 Missed calls, 2 text messages,

"Lily this is serious! Call me!! xx"

"Toms going mental, just tell us you're alive and okay. One of us will come and find you!xx"

And Tom..: 12 Missed Calls, 7 Text Messages,

"Babe I'm sorry! xx"

"Lily I love you! Please come back!xx"

"You're the only girl I want! I need you!xx"

"Don't leave me, please.. I need you with"

"Let me explain myself, you knew how much I had to drink! xx"

"Come back to my house, I want it to be our house! Please baby I love you, you have to know that xxx"

"I understand if you never wanna talk to me again.. just let me have one more night, one more night of love, one more night of you being in my arms, one more night.. of us being the little family we already are.. xx"

The tears started to build up again, a few escaped and trailed down my cheek and over my lips. I could feel Dannys sympathetic eyes staring at me, looking up I see his body turned around in his seat, his head resting on his hands.

"Please stop crying" He mouths, I give a pathetic half smile before he turns around the right way in his seat.

We get back to his, Danny hops out first and unlocks the front door. I follow in behind him with Charlotte close behind me, he walks off into the kitchen which left me and Charlotte. She leads me upstairs to the spare room, the clean beige room which I'd slept in before made the memory rush back.. That was the night Tom first told me he loved me..

"Do you want to borrow some clothes to sleep in?" Charlotte asks as I sit on the bed, looking around the room just thinking about Tom..

"Sure.." I sigh throwing my phone on the bed,

"I know this is none of my business.. But what's going to happen between you and Tom?" She asks sitting next to me,

"I'm not sure.. I should listen to what he has to say.. Right?" I reply, she nods before leaving the room.

I had so many thoughts running around in my head: mostly of Tom.. but also my slowly changing feelings for Danny..

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