Chapter 59

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*Toms pov*

After stopping at costa three times on the journey to Lilys childhood home, we were finally here. The sun was shining brightly as we pulled up into a small roaded lane with white picket fences surrounding each one of the simple yet beautiful houses.

Both Harry and I were gazing in awe at the perfect country houses, they were so different to the ones back in London. You could barely hear any traffic, the main sound was the musical notes from birds songs.

"Well we're here" Lily states as she pulls up in front of a large cream house, a large garden with almost glowing green grass and chatter coming from within.

Lily tells us to leave the stuff in the car so that she could find her mum straight away, She grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring smile before leading us towards the bright red front door.

"Lily dear!" The woman exclaims pulling lily from my hand and into a tight hug,

"Hello Mum" lily replies tightening the hug with her mum, they pull apart and lily turns to look at me, "So mum this is my boyfriend, To-"

"Tom Fletcher! Yes I know who he is deary, why you look so much bigger in real life then on posters" Her mum chuckled, she brought me into a light hug, I look back to lily who's cheeks were flushed and she was looking away awkwardly.

"And this is Harry, the one I was tell you about" Lily continues motioning towards Harry who was behind us, "I want to introduce him to Laura"

"Hey Miss Stevens" Harry smiles holding his hand out,

"Now now Harry, we're all family here" She smirks pulling Harry into a hug! "and please don't call me Miss Stevens, makes me sound old! Call me Sandy" Sandy states.

We all follow her into the house, the smell of roast chicken fills my nostrils as we walk into the kitchen, a younger version of lily walks over.

"Oh my god, hi" She stutters,


"Oh right sorry, this is my little sister Maddie!" Lily chuckles as she hugs the newly named Maddie,

"Okay, wow hi" Maddie gasps, "sorry just still in shock that you're really Tom fletcher and Harry judd.. and in my house and one of you are dating my sister!'

"Well it's great to meet you love" Harry laughs hugging her, she look like she's almost about to cry from excitement.

We all sit down and Lilys mu- I mean Sandy, makes us some tea and shows us some photos of when lily and Maddie were little, which both Harry and I chuckled at.

"So the bedrooms are all ready for you. Lily, you and Tom are in your room and Harry dear you're in the guest room next to theirs" Sandy smiles picking up our empty mugs.

Harry and I go collect our bags from the car before meeting lily upstairs, I assume I had the right room since there was a pink glittery label on the door that read 'Lilys room, Girls only!' That made me giggle.

I walk in and see lily on the bed just looking around the room, posters of us and busted on the bright purple walls, a pink fluffy rug by a table with a mirror and books on. Lily takes a deep breath and sighs before looking up at me, small tears escaping the corner of her eyes.

"Lil, what's up?" I ask dropping the bags, I sit next to her and cup her face in my hands,

"This room just brings back so many memories, some good.. some of my dad.." She sniffs, I use my thumb to wipe away the tears on her cheeks,

"But that's all in the past babe, as long as Im here and I'm with you, i'll never let him hurt you.. I would never let it happen" I say kissing her forehead gently,

"Thank you Tom, I love you" She smiles,

"Hey there's that smile I fell for, love you too lil" we collapse down on the bed, her head leaning on my outstretched arm as she played with my fingers, "you really had an obsession with us didn't you"

"Can you blame me? Four hot, loveable, talented men that came in such a great package, who could resist?" She chuckles, moving to be on top of me,

"Hey! You only have eyes for me right?!" I say pocking her cheeks,

"Don't worry I fell for you first, you and your chin!"

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now