Chapter 60

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*Harrys pov*

We had woken up quite early to help Sandy set out everything for the Barbecue, it was like a small family reunion.. but with me and Tom there too.

Tom and I had the job of making the barbecue and starting to cook some of the meat that took the longest.

"So.. what do we do?" Tom questions,

"Put the coal in first, put a match at the bottom of them and slowly begin to blow to help the flame grow quicker" I say, "its quite simple"

"Fine mr know-it-all you do it and i'll watch!" Tom replies childishly,

I do as I said, filling the bottom up 3/4 full of coal before turning to Tom and handing him the matches, "common Tom its the easiest thing to do" I sing while chuckling slightly,

"Don't quote my song dude" He replies giving me a glare. He take the matches from my hands and lights a match, he slowly makes a well in the middle of the coal before shoving the match at the bottom, "AGHHH" Tom squeals pulling his hand from the coal, "IM GONNA DIE" he grasps his finger in his hand and runs off inside to find lily. I laugh and finish off the barbecue before putting the grill back on and putting some meat on.

After a while Tom come back with a smile on his face and plaster on his finger, "She kissed and made it better" He states with a child's voice, I just laugh and pass him the tongs so that I could get my phone from the room I was staying in.

In the next two hours more and more of Lilys relatives and old friends arrived at the house, Tom and I felt a bit left out but me more then him- Tom was constantly being pulled from person to person being introduced as Lilys boyfriend.

I was currently sat by myself on one of Sandys garden benches, Everyone had eaten and the barbecue was sitting there still warm but the garden was abandoned other then myself.

"Anyone sitting here?" A soft feminine voice asks, I turned to see possibly one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen, she had short curly blond hair that stopped at her shoulders, deep blue eyes and a petite figure but tall,

"N-n-no.." I stutter, motioning for her to sit there,

"We're not related are we?" She asks, sounding slightly concerned,

"Oh no, I'm here with Lily and Tom -Sandy invited us"

"Ah okay good" She smiles, wow.. her smile was breathtaking,

"Why good?"

"Because I can't find one of my relatives attractive now can I" she laughs, "I'm Laura, Laura Holmes" She holds out her hand,

"Harry, Harry Judd" I reply shaking her hand.

*Lilys pov*

"Aunt Josey, Aunt Josey!" I almost scream for the what feels like the hundredth time just trying to get my older relative to listen to me, she was my 89 years old grandmother (yes I know I call her Aunt but that what I was brought up to call her) she was currently pulling at Toms cheeks - telling him how much he reminded her of her first husband..

"Aunt Josey, I really should introduce Tom to other people" I say motioning for Tom to start moving away,

"Oh okay deary, why didn't you just say so?" she questioned walking away.

"She was... lovely" Tom states slightly wearily,

"It's alright Tom, I know she's crazy and saw the fear in your eyes when she started chubbing your cheeks" I giggle looping my arms with his, I pull him into the kitchen where there wasn't anyone in there,

"My cheeks are gunna bruise tomorrow" He laughs rubbing his cheeks,

"Aw my poor tommy bum" I mock stroking my thumbs over his cheeks,

"Don't call me that naughty" Tom states lightly tickling my sides before pulling me into a hug. I rest my head on his chest - listening to his slow heart beat,

"Hey, have you seen Harry?" I ask looking up to Tom,

"Yes, look" He replies pointing out of the window, "He's already picked up a girl"

"Aha I guess I don't need to introduce them anymore, that's my cousin"

The rest of the afternoon and evening went quite quickly, I introduced Tom to each of my relatives and some of my old childhood friends. I couldn't believe how amazing Tom was being with all this, he hasn't complained at all throughout the day..

"I love you, you know?" I state walking up behind Tom, he was at the sink washing up from the evenings dinner,

"I love you too, today was fun, your family are so nice" he laughs leaning back and kissing my cheek.

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