Chapter 56

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*Lilys pov*

It has been a month and a half since I was in the car accident, each time I went to the hospital to get checked up Tom would come with me - anywhere I went, even just going upstairs - he would come with me. Most people, after a while, would find it annoying; but I loved it, just knowing that tom really cared for me..

"Common babe!" Tom shouted from downstairs,

Today was the day I was finally getting the cast off my leg, both Tom and I were excited; but mostly him, because he'd been leading up to the start of this week telling me that he had a surprise for me on Friday (that was today) after my cast came off.

"Okay, okay I'm here!" I reply, hobbling down the stairs,

"Here, let me help" Tom smiles, swinging me up into his arms, I giggle and pick up my purse from the front table as he walks by.

The hospital appointment went well, I told Tom to wait out side as I was having the cast removed.

"Tom? you can come in now" I say,

His head quickly pops round the corner of the door and smiles instantly as he looks at me then my leg,

"I forgot you had two legs" he states walking closer and lifting them off the bed so he could sit under them,

"You're such a numpty" I say poking his cheek,

"But I'm your numpty"

"Yes you are" I smile leaning over and pressing my lips against his,

"Okay, so where's this big surprise of yours then?" I say jumping up and down slightly,

"I can't tell you, it's top secret military information" he chuckles wiggling his eyebrows, Tom shuffles off the bed and pulls on my arms.

After about an hour and a half of driving, i start to wonder where on earth tom could be taking me,

"Okay seriously, where are you taking me?"

"I cant tell you" he replies, Smugness running over each word,

"Pleaseeeeeeee" i beg, pulling at his shirt sleeve,

Tom reaches into his pocket and hands me a black piece of material,

"What's this?" I question, clutching it in my hands,

"It's a blindfold, now put it on or it'll ruin the surprise"

I sigh before giving in and wrapping it around my head, covering my eyes.

"Okay, ready?" Tom asks as he slowly leads me, from behind, towards somewhere,


He quickly whips off the blindfold, it doesn't take long for my eyes to adjust to the light from the evening summer sun. It reveals a almost silent white sandy beach, the only sound to be heard was the small crashing of waves, the setting sun creating an orangey glow, a large blanket with a picnic basket, a radio and candles stood in front of us and it was totally abandoned.

"Tom.." I choked, it was beautiful..

"You like?" He asks moving in front of me so he could see my face,

"I love" I smiles, he takes my hand and leads me towards the blanket.

We sit down and he pulls out two wine glasses and a bottle of rosé before pouring some into them, handing one to me,

"To you" He smirks leaning his glass towards mine,

"To us" I correct, clinking our glasses together before taking a sip.

For the rest of the night we ate, drank, chatted and were now cuddling. Toms arm wrapped securely around my waist, my head leaning on his chest - listening to his gentle and calming heart beat.

I slowly start to sit up, Tom following my actions obviously. I start to clamber up off the rug and walk toward the water,

"Where are you going?" Tom asks, slight worry in his voice,

"I just want to feel the water between my toes" I say, the water rushes between my toes and over my feet.

The quiet sound of footsteps through the water made their way closer behind me, until I felt a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and a nose burry into the crook of my neck,

"You look beautiful tonight Lil" Tom whispers, gently kissing the back of my neck,

"As do you Tom" I chuckle leaning my head back to rest on his shoulder, "thank you"

"You're welcome, I was looking forward to spending time with you outside of the house, and away from: fans, paparazzi and the busyness of London"

"No, Thank you for taking care of me the past month and a half, thank you for everything you've done.. I love you so much"

"I will look after you for the rest of my life, through anything and everything..I love you too"

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now