Chapter 24

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*Lilys pov*

I was currently upside down on my bed, reading The Original Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes.. I always loved Sherlock Holmes, especially Benedict Cumberbatch as him!

Half way through Silver Blaze my phone vibrated and started to play Backstreet boys- Everybody.. don't judge.. I sit up and pick up my phone from beside me on the bed. I smiled as I read who it was that was calling me,

"Tom! Hey"

"Hey lil! The guys, and I, were wandering if you wanted to come to dinner with us tonight?"

"Um.. sure!"

"Don't worry, you won't be the only girl this time! Danny and Dougs Girl friends will be there too"

"Aha okay, it'll be nice to see the guys again!"

"Yeah, well we'll be done in the studio in about an hour or two.. i'll pick you up at 6:30?"

"Okay that sound good, see you then!"

"Bye! lov.."

I hung up before Tom could finish his sentence. Holy crap.. what was he just going to say?! I so badly wanted to call him back to ask him, but maybe it wasn't what I thought it was..

Well anyway, I had two hours to kill before Tom got here. I looked around my room, scanning each poster I had on the wall; not all of which were McFly/The boys by themselves, but also of Fall Out Boy and one Saint Kidd poster.

I decided it was time to take down the ones of McFly.. it was weird enough that I had pictures of them naked on my walls, but also that they were my boy friends best friends. I reluctantly started to unstick them from my wall, of course I couldn't get rid of them.. I took off the blue tack and stacked each poster on top of each other on my bed.

The pile was quite big, I slid them under my bed where I knew they wouldn't get ruined or creased. I looked back at my walls, they looked so bare.. it made me sad just looking at it.

Two hours later I had gotten changed into some dark purple skinny jeans, a white and navy blue sleeved shirt and matching blue wedges. Slipping on some earring and matching necklace. There was a knock at the door, I shuffle over to it while still trying to put my wedges on.

I open it and see my very attractive boyfriend standing there in black jeans and white shirt.

"Hello Gorgeous" he smiles as I fully open the door,

"Hey! Come in, I'm not quite done" I laugh still doing up my shoes, he follows me in and goes off to talk to Oli while I go to the bathroom. I spray some perfume and quickly brush my teeth before going back to the living room where Tom had picked up Oli and was tickling him behind the ears.

"You ready?" He asks putting Oli down,

"Yeah, i'll just go get my purse and phone"

I pick up my phone and shoving it in my purse before walking towards the door,

"Hang on, there one other thing" Tom said, I turn around and smile at him,


"This" he whispers putting his arms around me and pulling his lips against mine, I could feel him smile as I kiss back. He moves his hands to my hips and slowly leans back, I smile back at him and motion for him to follow me through the door.

We get outside and he grabs my hand before leading me towards a small blue mini, he opens the door for me to get in and he hops in the other side.

"Tom?" I ask as he closes the door,

"Yeah lil"

"Are we in a relationship? like are we an official couple, boyfriend and girlfriend?" I ask,

I look at him, he looks down at his lap and sighs.. this doesn't sound good..

"Well, I hope we are.. because I really like you and Im hoping that you like me too.. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he replies as he looks up and smiles,

"Yeah, I'd like that" I say leaning over and kissing his cheek, after that he starts the car and heads off.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now