Chapter 22

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*Lilys pov*

What have I just done.. I've just invited Tom Fletcher up to my apartment! I hope he doesn't get the wrong impression, I like Tom and all but.. it's too soon..I'm not ready..

"Sure, I would love too" Tom smiles,

Still with our hands together I lead him into the building and we race up the stairs, we giggle like children as we reach my flat.

I open my door and step in first, usually Oli would still be on his bed but he seemed to be adventurous and be nosey at who was coming through the door,

"You never told me you had a cat!" Tom squeals bending down to stroke Oli, Oli didn't mind.. I guess toms strong boney fingers were a nice change from my weak chubby ones,

"Yeah, well I do! He's called Oli" I reply,

I start walking into my kitchen area and could hear Tom start to talk to Oli in a high pitched voice like he was a child.. it was kinda cute,

"Do you want a drink?" I ask popping my head back around the corner.

"Yeah, coffee? Black with one sugar please" He replies looking up from Oli and smiling, his smile just melted my heart every time I saw it!

Going back to the kitchen and turning the kettle on, getting two mugs and putting coffee and sugar in them. I felt Tom come into the room,

"Your apartment is tiny!" he chuckles,

"Well not all of us can afford big three story houses, we're not all in successful bands you know!" I reply sticking my tongue out at him,

"Okay okay! Well I wasn't saying it was a bad thing tho, living in a huge house gets lonely sometimes.. well except for my cats.."

I roll my eyes and get back to the coffee making, the kettle finished boiling and I start putting the water into the mugs..
"Actually I want something else.." Tom smirks walking closer to me and stopping a couple of centre-meters away behind me.

"Urgh! you had to leave it to the last minute didn't you Thomas Fletcher!" I chuckle, playfully hitting his stomach,

"Ohh burn, using my full first name!"

"Shut up, what do you want instead then?"

"You" and with that he quickly swings me around, moving me toward the fridge and pressing me hard against it, colliding his lips powerfully to mine. It was cold on my shoulders that it made me jump and accidentally bite toms lip, but he didn't seem too upset.. He seemed like he enjoyed it.

He gently started to push me harder against the fridge, pressing his body against mine, I couldn't help myself; my hands worked their way under his shirt and gently stroked over is abs, I could feel him smile through our kissing. He licks my bottom lip and teasingly slips it in and out of my mouth, I chuckle slightly and return the action; before I knew it, it had become a full on make out session!

Tom moved one hand from my waist and placed it between my neck and shoulder before trailing it down my back towards the zip of my dress.. I started panicking and I think he could tell, he moved his hand up from the zip and rested it on my neck. He steps back slightly, separating our lips,

"Shall we move this to the couch.. it would be more comfortable?" I ask, trying to move away from the freezing cold fridge door!

"Sure" Tom smirks slowly leading me me toward the couch.

He throws himself down first and lays there smiling to himself, I clamber on top of him and instantly let his tongue explore my mouth. Being on top made me feel like I had more control of what would happen, I really liked Tom.. but I wasn't ready to give myself to him yet..

And also I think Tom enjoyed me controlling him, he would move his hand to my thigh but I'd move it back and he'd just smile and carry on.

I looked over at the clock in my living room, it was now 10:47 and we had gotten in at 10:12.. meaning that we'd been making out for about 35 minutes! We had now managed to swap positions, and Tom had removed his top.. obviously I wasn't complaining! His lower body begins to gently grind on mine, I couldn't help but let a couple groans out.. until his hand moved under my dress and started to pull down my underwear..

"Stop.." I whisper,

"What? what's the matter?" Tom asks slightly confused and breathless,

"Tom I really, really like you.. but I'm not ready to go there yet.. sorry"

"No, no lily it's okay.. sorry if you felt like I was rushing you.. I really like you too"

We both sit up, its now a little bit awkward..

"How about that coffee?" I say breaking the silence,

"Yeah sounds good, can you point me to your bathroom?" Tom chuckles looking down at his crotch slightly, I giggle after taking a sneak peek and I point the way to the bathroom.

A couple of minutes later Tom comes back into the living room where I was waiting with a coffee for each of us, I couldn't help but smile just thinking I turned on Tom Fletcher!

"Not gonna do that up?" I ask looking down at toms still unbuttoned shirt,

"Oh yeah, do you want me too?" he chuckles,

"I'm not complaining!"

We both laugh about, for the next half an hour we did more talking but mostly about McFly. Tom didn't know how bigger fan I was of them, I'm just glad we hadn't gone to my bedroom!

"Well I best be off, day of rehearsals tomorrow" Tom states standing up and buttoning his shirt,

"Ah okay, I actually have something for you!" I say standing up and going towards my bedroom, he follows behind me.

"Wait there" I chuckle remembering the posters of him I have on my walls, he looks at me confused but nods and leans against the wall outside.

I scurry over to my bedside draws where there is many bits and bobs inside. I catch my finger on something sharp which make me squeal, Tom quickly opens the door and just as I turn round I see him become slightly stunned as he looks at the walls.

"Wow.." he lightly chuckles,

"Um.. you know that band McFly?" I say, he laughs and walks around my room studying each poster,

"Here" I say handing a plectrum to him,

"Um.. what's this?" he states,

"Your plectrum from the 2007 Up Close And Personal tour.. you threw it into the crowd and I caught it.. so here, you can have it back"

He smiles and walks closer to me, wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me against his chest, I wrap my arms around his waist and feel him kiss the top of my head,

"You kept it for all these years.." Tom whispers pulling my chin up,

"Yeah, it meant a lot to me.. it was the first concert I went to alone, I had just moved out from my mums house when i was only 19.."

"You're crazy" he states,

"I know.." I say lowering my head,

"And I'm crazy...about you"

I couldn't help but look up at him, his small half smile and chocolate eyes teasing me.. I slowly start to lean up on my toes, he leans down and we gently exchange a kiss.

"See you soon Lily, i'll call you!" Tom says as he walks towards the lift,

"You better, bye Tom" I chuckle, I watch him as he gets into the lift and it takes him down.

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now