Chapter 45

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*Lilys pov*

"Come with me to get a drink?" Carrie asks nudging my shoulder,

"Sure" I smile, "stay here Tom, ill bring you back a water" kissing toms head before walking off behind Carrie.

She gets a beer for herself and I pick up two waters for me and Tom. Carrie puts one finger up, signalling for one minute, and walks over to one of her friends. I wave off to her and pick up the bottles, passing and smiling at Danny and Matt as I walk back to Tom.

As I turn the corner I'm horrified to see Tom pressing another woman against the sofa, one of his hands placed firmly on her hip and the other cupping her cheek, his tongue visibly slipping in and out of her mouth.

*No ones pov*

Lily stares disapprovingly at Tom and this very tall, thin legged, long blond haired girl. She throws the bottles of water on the floor and screws up her face trying to hold back the tears.

Lily couldn't help herself but let the tears fall, she runs through the crowd of people and down the hall towards the front door, passing the guys and Carrie,

"Lily!" Danny shouts after her, he quickly looks back to the direction she was running from to see Tom with his Ex girlfriend. "shit" he murmurs to himself.

Lily runs out of the large house, dodges in and out of the cars parked in the drive,

"Lily! Wait up!" She hears Danny shout from behind her, she ignores him and runs towards the road down the drive way.

Danny continued to run after lily until he lost her in the park which was around the corner, he stumbles across a pair of black high heels that were a half a meter away from each other. After picking them up he searched around and someone caught his eye. A small bodily shaped figure sitting on a worn out bench next to the lake, he recognised her instantly; long brown hair and blue strapless dress which he'd seen not long ago.

"Hello stranger" Danny states, Lily turns around, black mascara smudges under her eyes. Danny walks and sits next to lily, wrapping his arms around her shoulders she collapses her head into his chest and weeps uncontrollably.


Meanwhile back at the party Tom had finally realised what he had done,

"What the fuck are you doing Amelia!" Tom shouts pushing off her,

"Tom I know you want me back, I can just feel it in the way you kissed me" Amelia states pulling on his shirt, pushing her lips against his again.

"Stop it! I don't want you, I want lily" He shouts again pushing her away,

Dougie had been watching the whole thing ever since lily had left to get them a drink,

"Tom what the fuck?!" He shouts, he couldn't hold it in anymore,

"I don't know! I'm not thinking straight.. Where's lily I need to talk to her?!" Tom slurs, he was still quite drunk so could barely stand up or speak,

"She ran out! She saw you kissing and left, Danny followed behind her but I don't think he's found her yet.." Dougie replies,

"I need to find her!" Tom shouts once again, trying to move but collapsing on the floor, "Tom you're not going anywhere, go sit down and wait until Danny finds her" Dougie states picking up Tom and putting him on the sofa,

"Tom just leave her, come home with me!" Amelia shouts holding out her hand for Tom,

"Fuck off Amelia, just leave!" Harry shouts walking in with Evie behind him,

"Urgh, fine! this party sucks anyway!" Amelia announces before storming off out the room.


Lily slowly started pulling away from Dannys tight hug, wiping under her eyes and pulling down her dress that had ridden up after running. Danny moved an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him,

"I don't know what to do Danny.." She whispers looking down at the ground,

"Well first of all you might want to put these back on" Danny lightly chuckles handing Lilys shoes back to her, lily smirks slightly and slips them back on.

"And secondly, lets go back to the party; let Tom explain himself" Danny continues,

"No. I don't want to see Tom.." Lily states shaking her head,

"But lily, you know Tom was very drunk. And I know Amelia, she always try's to get what she wants and I'm sure it was her fault for their kiss"

"Don't even remind me, You don't know how it felt seeing the guy you love kissing someone else.." Lily whispers putting her head in her hands,

"So, You love him?" Danny ask lifting Lilys chin,

"I do.. Well, I did.. He never knew, and he won't now.." lily replies moving her head down and standing up from the bench.

Lily picks up a small pebble from beside the lake and skims it across the water, creating ripples at each bounce. The moon light shone over the water and the park creating a beautiful light blue glow on everything.

Danny just watched as lily continued to throw pebbles into the water, he walked over to her and stood beside her; staring at the late night sky and the moon that covered every inch of them in blue.

"Lily, please just talk to Tom. He has to a least explain himself" Danny states looking over to lily who threw another stone but quite vigorously this time,

"I will, Im just not ready to see him again, not tonight anyway...Those fans were right you know.." Lily replies looking up at the sky,

"What are you talking about?" Danny questioned,

"They all said that Tom would go back to her, or find someone who's gorgeous and fit for him.. I was stupid for ever thinking that I could possible have a future with Tom.. He's a successful talented band member and he deserves someone that doesn't bring that reputation down.. I might as well just continue my life alone " Lily sighs, a slight lump in her throat and tears starting to build up again,

"Lil you're being silly, you're perfect for Tom. And you're gorgeous, beautiful, stunning any word that can accurately describe the woman standing next to me. Don't ever think you're alone because you're now stuck with us lot; and you can never get rid of us, we all love you and will be there for you" Danny comforts, shuffling closer to lily and nudging her shoulder,

"Hey, do you wanna stay round mine tonight? I have the spare room free and you can talk to Tom tomorrow" Danny states,

"Yeah, if that wouldn't be too much trouble"

"No of course not, not for my number one gal"

"Number one? what about Charlotte?" Lily chuckles,

"Fine, number one gal that isn't my girlfriend" Danny corrects giving slightly evils to lily.

"I love you Danny" Lily said turning round to face Danny, he looks down and smirks slightly

"Love you too lil" Danny smiles.

They turn so they're fulling facing each other, their eyes lock, the moon creating a very romantic mood and vibe between them. Lily's mind wasn't thinking straight and she was angry at Tom, her eyes move to look at Danny soft looking lips. He copies her action and slowly licks his bottom lip. They were both unintentionally moving closer to each other, Danny's hand had managed to make its way up to her cheek and cupped it gently, Lily moves her hands to Dannys hip and bicep. Just as lily got onto her tip toes, where she was the same hight as Danny, their lips were now only miller-meters away from one and other. They could feel the others breath warming up their face. They both slowly close their eyes, One more miller-meter and their lips would meet..

McFly, Tom And The Musician ||Tom Fletcher||Where stories live. Discover now