Chapter 38

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*Lilys pov*

Tom and I must have fallen asleep on the sofa last night, we were still in the same positions. I lightly yawned and started to move around slightly as I start to wake up, I felt something tighten around my waist as I try to get up.

"You're not going anywhere" Tom murmurs gently kissing my back between my shoulders still with his eyes shut,

"But Tom I want coffeeeee" I complain wriggling about in his arms, I manage to get out of his grasp and slide over to his kitchen.

I start the kettle and get two mugs out, putting some coffee, and sugar into mine. I finish making the coffee and walk back into the living room to see Tom back fast asleep, his head leant of his arm that was out stretched off the sofa and adorable ruffled hair all over the place.

I quietly chuckle before placing a cup on the table in front of Tom and stroke back the hair that was covering his eyes, I head back to the kitchen to sit down at the table in there.
I look at the clock on my phone; 10:39,
Quite early in the morning in my books! There was a quiet meow that came from beside me, a black and white cat sat and looked very confused.

"Hello Leia" I say softly, she tilts her head slightly and jumps up onto the chair; then the table and walks next to me. I gently start to stroke her behind the ears, she moves forward slightly and gently nuzzles her nose into my cheek..

"She already loves you, took me a couple of months before she even stayed in the same room as me" Tom chuckles running his hand through his hair as he strides into the kitchen,

"That's because I'm very loveable, except with kids.. they seem to hate me" I reply,

"I'm sure that's not true. Anyway, how are you this morning?" He asks walking towards me and hugging me from behind,

"I'm good, necks a bit sore; and I blame you for making me sleep on the sofa" I reply sticking my tongue out at him,

"Hey! You fell asleep, I can't stop that!" he shouts tickling my neck. "anyway, I'm going to hop in the shower so behave yourself!" Tom states kissing my cheek before once again leaving the room.

I decide to not have stay in my pjs all day, as much as I would love too, I wash up my mug and walk upstairs into toms room. He was using the shower in the main bathroom so I knew he wouldn't get another seekey peek like he did at Dannys.

I walk over to the cabinet where my T-shirts were and see Oli curled up on them, "hey Oli, you feeling home sick?" I ask picking him up off them and putting him on the bed, he looks up at me very disapprovingly before curling back up.

Getting changed into black leggings and my Jurassic Park grey t-shirt, also putting on bright pink fluffy socks before heading towards the stairs. I catch a glimpse of Tom getting out the shower, through the small gap he had left in the door, and I saw everything.. Fuck me is every part of Tom gorgeous..

I must have been stood there for five minutes or so, watching Tom sort out his hair and dry himself, he started to move towards the door and I quickly returned going down the stairs before he saw me.

Plonking myself onto the sofa I turned on the TV, searching for something to watch through the thousands of channels Tom has. I found The Big Bang Theory so stuck that on, I suddenly feel my phone going crazy in my pocket; I pick it out and see loads of notifications off twitter. I couldn't read them all, there were too many coming through..

'@Wazzap_Its_Lily Hey slag, we've found you now!'

'You know you and Tom aren't going to last right? Just look at toms long line of gorgeous gfs before you, he'll get rid of you in no time! @Wazzap_Its_Lily '

'@Wazzap_Its_Lily, what the fuck is Tom doing with someone like you!'

'@Wazzap_Its_Lily you really don't take good photos do you?! Fat bitch'

'@Wazzap_Its_Lily you realise Tom is only using you, he would never actually care for someone that looks like you!'

' How did Tom even meet you?! You munter, look how you have no curves or anything; I bet you and Tom aren't even going out! @Wazzap_Its_Lily'

'You know that Tom will find someone better, he's better off without you @Wazzup_Its_Lily'

I couldn't help myself, I burst into tears. I swear these were supposed to be the nicest fans, I guess I was wrong.

"Oh lily where are you?" Tom asks laughing slightly, I see his feet shuffling down the stairs slowly just out of the corner of my tear covered eye.

Toms smile drops as he sees me curled up on the sofa and shaking as I cry
"Lily! What's the matter?!" Tom states practically sprinting over to me, he pulls me into his material covered chest and slowly starts to rock me. I couldn't talk, my throat was sore from crying, so instead I picked up my phone and showed him my Twitter notifications. He took it from me and quickly scanned over each tweet, sighing before handing it back to me.

He gently lifted my chin with his fingers and tutted before lightly kissing my forehead, he shuffles so his hips are against mine and has one arm around my shoulder. "don't listen to them, it's always the same fans that don't like something us boys do" Tom states softly,

"But what if they're right.." I mumble into my hands,

"What?! They're not, lily I chose you for all of you. You're gorgeous, funny, talented, wonderful, kind, loving and I want to be with you" Tom replies squishing me tighter against his side.

We were disturbed from our hug by a knock at the door, "Who is it?" Tom shouts,
"Dannayy and Dougster" someone with a strong Bolton accent replies,

"Let yourselves in!" Tom replies, I stand up and walk into the kitchen so I can dry my eyes without either of them noticing.

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