Chapter four

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They entered the fancy restaurant and Yoongi quickly grabbed Jimin's hand, who happily held his hand. People were indeed staring at the boy and he was getting anxious.

"Mr Park!" Some men cheered. Jimin smiled and dragged the hybrid to the big table where fancy business men were sitting.

It was an hour later, they were eating their food but
Yoongi just awkwardly fiddled with his dress. Suddenly he felt a hand creep up his thigh. He looked to his left and saw one of the guys smirking at him.

The hand kept going up until it reached his pantie line. He bit his lip and tried to scoot away but the hand gripped his thigh.

Jimin was distracted by telling a story about a shoe or something.

Suddenly the hand yanked his panties down and he squeaked, gripping his dress. No one noticed since everyone was talking loudly.

"It'll only be harder if you make a noise, sexy." The man whispered. He grabbed the boys' cock and started stroking it in a fast pace.

Yoongi gasped and stood up, moving away. He caught the attention of the business people and Jimin. "Master I'll go to the bathroom now."

He nod and watched the boy walk away. He was debating whether or not he should go with him but everyone wanted to hear the rest of the story.

Yoongi was in the bathroom, pacing around. Luckily no one was in there so he didn't have to be in a stall. "What just happened?" He asked to himself. "H-he just touched me... master hasn't even touched me before."

His eyes started to water but he quickly wiped his tears. The door opened and Yoongi sighed out in relief. "Master that m-" he saw someone stand there with a smirk on his lips. "Hello omega."

"Y-you're not my master." He moved back. "And you're not claimed." The boy licked his lips and walked over to him. "Do you know what I am, feline?" Yoongi shook his head and his back pressed against the wall. The boy slammed his hands next to Yoongi's head, making him yelp.

"I'm a wolf. To be exact, an alpha. And you're just a little kitty who can't do anything right now." He laughed darkly and pulled Yoongi's dress up. "Mm you're already hard. You slut."

"S-stop! Go away!" The kitten yelled out and tried to move away. "Should I make you pregnant, kitty?" He smirked and slipped a finger inside Yoongi. The boy gasped and squirmed around, "Stop it! Y-you can't do this!"

"Watch me." He growled and turned the boy around. He slapped his ass hard, making him squeak and move away.

He pulled out his dick and pumped it a few times before aligning at Yoongi's virgin hole.

Yoongi whimpered and closed his eyes, hoping it wouldn't hurt much.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Yoongi heard someone scream and he quickly put his dress back down. The wolf growled and punches were thrown.

"Hey baby are you ok?" Jimin asked and placed a hand on his hybrids shoulder. Yoongi turned around and cried into his shoulder. "Master! W-what happened to him?"

Jimin sighed and rubbed his back, "It's ok. I took care of it." The pain on his cheek was stinging unpleasantly but he tried to ignore it.

"Let's get you home, ok?" Jimin said and kissed Yoongi's forehead. He slowly nod and pulled away, wiping his tears.

Jimin felt bad for taking him to the restaurant, he thought it would be a good thing since he hadn't left the house once he moved in.

They went home and Jimin took a long and relaxing bath with Yoongi, who cuddled into his chest. Jimin was surprised he didn't try to get away this time. Was it because he was in the bathtub too?

After that he ordered pizza and they watched a movie while cuddling.

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