Chapter five

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"Sir. Sir.." The maid shook Jimin lightly. He groaned, "What are you doing here so early?" She sighed, "Sir.. it's afternoon. It's 2:30."

Jimin's head shot up and his eyes widened. "What?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" He hissed at her. She looked down at her hands, "I'm sorry I just came here."

"That's no excuse! I'm missing an important business meeting because of you!" He yelled. "I'm so sorry please don't fire me!" She got scared and closed her eyes.

Yoongi ran into the room, "Master why are you yelling? Don't be mad at her!" She ruffled his hair, "No little one, I'll take the blame I guess."

The boy pout, "No! Master it's my fault. She just got here. You were sleeping and I thought you needed it."

"Yoongi..." Jimin sighed. "I'll punish you later. I have to go now." He quickly got up and dashed out of the room.

The maid looked at Yoongi who was frowning. "Hey, it'll be ok. Just explain that you didn't know he had something important to do. Ok?"

He slowly nod, "Okay. Thank you Jisoo." She gave him a hug and he giggled. "You're very nice! And pretty!" Yoongi said, making Jisoo blush.

"T-Thank you." She pulled away and pinched his cheeks. "No problem!"

Yoongi was peacefully sleeping when he felt a hand rub against his ear. He moaned softly and woke up. "Kitten, it's time for your punishment." Jimin said in a deep voice, making shivers run down his spine.

"O-okay master." He got up, "What kin-" The man pushed him over his lap. Yoongi laid there in shock and jumped a little when he felt Jimin's hand rub over his ass.

"M-master what are you gonna do?" He asked, feeling that he pulled his panties down. "Shh kitten. The only thing I need you to do is count. Ok?"

Yoongi gulped and nod, "Yes master."

Then Jimin slapped the cat's ass, making him scream. "Shush, the neighbors will hear." He hushed him. "S-Sorry master."

"I said count!" He yelled and pinched his ass. "One!" Yoongi quickly yelled out and whimpered.

"Because of you I missed a very important offer. And of course that Wang bitch got it now!" He hissed and slapped him again. "T-Two." Yoongi sighed and gripped the couch.

"I'm sorry I didn't know! Please stop!" He squirmed under him but Jimin held him back. "Just a few more kitten, you're doing good."

He spanked him again. "Three!" The hybrid squeaked and a tear escaped his eye.

After the punishment Jimin pulled him up in his lap and planted kisses all over his face. "Do you want to get ice cream or something? I went pretty rough for your first punishment." He asked and Yoongi slowly nod, "Yes please."

It was a couple hours later, Yoongi felt the old him again and was happily changing into a new dress. He let tomato sauce spill over his white dress at dinner but luckily Jimin ordered him a new one quickly. When he was ready he ran downstairs to his owner.

"What are you wearing underneath that dress baby?" Jimin asked once he saw how short the dress was on Yoongi. "Just underwear. Why..?" The man walked up to him, "Your dress is too short. I can almost see your cute butt."

He pout, "But it's so cute! Please?" His master shook his head, "Put shorts underneath or put a different dress on."

"Okay okay." He sighed and walked back upstairs to put on shorts.

Jimin had been waiting for him for awhile and was getting annoyed. "Yah how long does it take to put on shorts?!" He walked upstairs and froze when he heard little whimpers and groans coming from Yoongi's room. "Yoongi?" He slowly entered the room and his jaw dropped.

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