Chapter thirty six

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It was morning, Yoongi was taking a shower by his master's request. He was loudly singing and dancing a song while washing his body.

Meanwhile Namjoon had woken up by him and was hiding his face under his pillow. "Make it stop!" He whined and sighed. Of course Yoongi didn't hear him and just continued to sing.

Jin was making breakfast and just laughed. He thought it was hilarious that Yoongi was singing so badly. Unlike Namjoon he didn't mind if the hybrid wouldn't stop as he was busy making pancakes.

After a few minutes Namjoon got up and went to the bathroom, slamming the door open. Yoongi gasped, "Oh my god you scared me!" He held his chest as he panted. The bear growled and took him out of the shower, forcing him to bend down over the bathtub. "Joonie no I'm sorry I'll stop!" The cat whined and tried to get away. Namjoon groaned and spanked him hard.

Yoongi gasped and held his butt, "Y-Yah don't punish me!" He tried to make him stop. "Master!" He screamed.

Namjoon chuckled and spanked him again, "Say sorry!" Yoongi whined, "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" The bear smirked, "Suck me off and I'll forgive you." The boy immediately went to his knees after being released.

He pulled the younger's boxers down and started sucking him off. Namjoon smirked, "Good kitten." He held his head.

Jin was confused why it suddenly went quiet and decided to check it out. He stood by the door and sighed, "Really Namjoon?" The bear looked up and moaned, "I had to shut him up somehow." They heard a whine from the cat and both chuckled.

When Namjoon came they all ate in the kitchen. Jin smiled, "I have a day off. We can spent this nice day together!" Yoongi's ears stood up and he looked up, "Really? Let's chase mice or break into someone's house!" The other two laughed and Jin pet his head, "Babe those are cat things. Maybe we can garden or play badminton?" Namjoon nod, "That's better. But I could just watch you or read a book, if that's fine." Jin nodded and hummed, "Sure babe. Clean up the table with me first. That also counts for you Yoongi." The cat pout, "Fine."

When they cleaned the table they went outside and Jin, being the protective master he is, had to make sure the hybrids were wearing sunscreen. Especially Yoongi as he was probably gonna be naked half of the time.

Namjoon teasingly pinched his butt. Yoongi whined, "Joonie!" He slapped his arm, making the bear laugh. Jin chuckled, "Babe stop, you're up next. Take off your shirt." Namjoon blushed, "Yah master you only do this because you want to see my abs." The older grinned, "I love them."

Yoongi giggled and nod, "They look cool. I have a tummy but master says he likes it, right master?" He looked at the man. Jin nodded and smiled, "Definitely! You don't need to have abs to be liked. You're a cutie and everyone can see that." He kissed the cat's head. Namjoon smiled and took his shirt off, "I only have them to keep your little butt safe. So be thankful." He poked Yoongi's sides, making him squeal and jump away. "Of course I do Joonie!"

Jin put sunscreen on Namjoon and Yoongi took some pictures. "Woah! So handsome!" He gasped. The bear giggled, "Stop~!" Jin pout, "What about me?" Yoongi started taking pictures of him and giggled when he posed. Soon enough they started playing badminton and Namjoon kept the score.

Eventually Yoongi somehow fell asleep on the trampoline in only his panties. Namjoon was reading and Jin was making important phone calls inside.

A fox walked into the yard and jumped on the trampoline. It licked Yoongi's cheek. Namjoon looked up and gasped, "Get away from him!" He ran up to the fox who jumped off the trampoline. As the boy was about to hit the fox it changed. "Don't hit me! I'm Hoseok!" He squealed. The bear was surprised, "Oh! I'm so sorry I thought you were an actual fox.." Hoseok glared at him, "I am a real fox!"

"Why did you lick Yoongi?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. Hoseok scoffed, "He's Yoongi. Let me miss him from time to time." The bear nodded, "As long as you don't hurt him."  The fox smiled, "I won't hurt him. But thank you for keeping him safe, I really appreciate it." Namjoon nod, "Of course."

Jin walked outside and saw the hybrid. He smiled, "Oh hi Hoseok. How are you?" The fox nodded, "I'm good. Jimin is good too by the way. He really enjoyed the dinner." Jin smiled, "That's good. We really enjoyed it too. Especially Yoongi." Hoseok nodded, "I could tell." He chuckled. Then Jimin called out for him, telling him that he needed to help with dinner. "Oh sorry I have to go. It was nice to see you again." The fox smiled and changed into one. He ran back through the bushes.

Jin turned to Namjoon, "Babe get some rest, you've been reading all day." The hybrid nodded and grabbed his book, "Alright." He kissed his head and went to his room. Jin turned to Yoongi and chuckled as he saw his ears move around. He walked up to him and shook him, "Kitten~"

Yoongi woke up and yawned. He stretched and looked over at his master. "Hi master." He sleepily rubbed his eyes. "Help me with dinner ok?" The man said and handed him his dress. The boy nod and put his dress on, following his master back into the house.

Jin was busy making dinner and handed Yoongi a knife and carrots. "Cut them in small slices. Don't cut yourself. Put everything in this bowl except the tip of the carrots." He instructed. The boy nodded and sat on the kitchen island, cutting the carrots to pieces.

Jin watched him and gasped, "No not like that! Look I'll do it a few times." He cut it the right way. Yoongi nodded, "Ah I get it now.. I hope."

"Master I think I broke my door handle.." Namjoon said as he walked downstairs with a door handle in his hands. The man scoffed, "Again? Aish I'll put it back again. Yoongi watch the food please." Jin rushed upstairs with the bear hybrid.

Yoongi was humming a song when he smelled something burnt. He looked up confused and scanned the room. Soon enough he saw a big fire escape from one of the pans and fell off the kitchen island, hitting his head so hard against the ground he passed out.

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