Chapter sixty eight

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Last chapter!

Two months later.

Yoongi woke up by the crying of his baby girl Yoona. He felt a soft pair of lips against his forehead, "Keep sleeping babe I'll take care of her." Jin whispered and took the baby out of the room, giving her the bottle of milk she needed.

The cat smiled and closed his eyes again. "Thank you master." He said. He heard Yoona calm down once she was getting the bottle.

Soon the man came back with the baby in his arm and the bottle in his other. "Hey Yoongi.. I've been thinking." Jin said and looked at him. "Hm?" He answered and turned around. "Isn't it time for you to get more independent?" Seokjin suggested. "Like... go to the store alone with her and take her to the park." He said. Yoongi looked up at the man, "But master isn't that too dangerous?" He asked.

Jin nodded, "I know but you should try. What if I'm not there anymore?" He asked. Yoongi frowned, "Don't say that." He poked his hip. "No of course that won't happen but I'm just saying you need to be more independent. Let me teach you how to cook in the morning." He smiled. The boy nodded, "I would love that. I want to be as good as you are." The man smiled and kissed his head, "Okay I'm glad. Go to sleep now she's fed." Jin said and got up, putting her in her crib. Yoongi soon fell asleep.

A few hours later Yoongi woke up again and got dressed. He walked over to his baby and smiled when he saw her peacefully asleep. "Such a pretty girl." He cooed. He walked downstairs and made himself some coffee. This was his morning routine from now on. First he hated the taste of coffee but learned to love it. He needed to be awake somehow.

He felt two arms wrap around his waist, "Morning kitten. Ready for your first cooking lesson?" Seokjin asked with a raspy voice. Yoongi smiled, "Yes. What are we making?" He asked and turned around. The man smiled excitedly, "bacon and eggs." He said. Yoongi smiled, "Good because I always burn the eggs or the bacon." He chuckled.

Jin grabbed the stuff together and Yoongi watched. He suddenly thought about something. "Remember when the pink house burned down when I tried to make food with you? I fell off the counter and hit my head. I think I blacked out for a second too.." he said. Seokjin nodded, "You must've had a huge headache after. Just glad that the injury wasn't so bad and that we all made it out safely." He kissed his head. He then chuckled and shook his head, "Ah I loved that house. I remember when I specifically told the people it needed to be pink instead of white. They were a little confused by me." He smiled.

Yoongi giggled, "I was surprised when you first took me in. I was happy you had such a nice house but when I realized it was pink I knew I had the right owner." He smiled. Jin blushed, "Oh babe.." he hugged him, "You're the sweetest." He kissed his face.

The cat giggled, "Or when you found me and Namjoon when I killed that man. I couldn't be happier to see you. Namjoon was hurt and I was just in shock." Jin pet his head, "Aish you're taking this too light. If I knew that happened when you first told me I would've taken you to jail. But when I heard the full story.." he sighed. "I don't want to say you did good, but at least you defended yourself and Namjoon." Jin said. Yoongi nodded, "Yeah.. it wasn't one of my greatest moments."

They talked and talked about memories they shared and even secrets they kept from each other.

"Jin, thank you for taking me in when my life was at such a low point. Thank you for believing in me." Yoongi hugged Jin tightly. The man smiled and hugged back, "No problem babe.

I love you."

"I love you too."

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