Chapter twenty eight

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"Joonie I'm bored." Yoongi said once he entered the boy's room. Namjoon was peacefully reading a book on his bed. Then he looked up, "Then do something." He shrugged. The cat whined and crawled on his bed, snuggling up against him, "But Joonie~" Namjoon sighed, "Are you on your heat or something?" Yoongi shook his head and kissed his nose.

The younger rolled his eyes, "No you're not going to that fox, he's rutting." He held his waist and pulled him on his lap. Yoongi meowed cutely and hugged him, "Then let's ask master if we could do something." Namjoon chuckled, "We? I'm already doing something." He tapped his ass, "Go on kitty."

Yoongi whined and got off him, "Fine~" he left the room again.

He waddled downstairs and went outside where Jin was. "Master I'm bored, what can I do?" The man looked up, his face a little dirty. "I'm gonna go to the grocery store after I clean everything up, do you wanna join me?" The kitten nod and smiled, "Okay! Oh wait..." He chuckled and walked up to his master. He cleaned his cheek and smiled. "Thanks babe." Jin giggled and kissed him.

"Grab your leash for me please." Jin said as he started cleaning up. The kitten sighed, "My leash? We've never used that before master..." He had put it on once to see how it was and he absolutely hated it. "Yoongi, now. I'm not waiting for you once I'm done." The man said and walked inside his pastel pink house. The cat whined and grabbed his leash, connecting it to his collar.

Namjoon walked downstairs to grab a snack when he saw him. He snorted and grabbed it, tugging Yoongi along to the kitchen. "Aish Joonie!" He hissed and followed him. "What? Kitten doesn't like being dragged along?" He laughed and let go of him. "Namjoon lay off. No actually grab yours too, it'll be nice to spent some time together." Jin said as he entered the room. The bear looked up, "Eh.. I'm good." He tried to walk past his master but got held back. Yoongi laughed.

"Master if there's an alpha he'll make fun of me!" Namjoon whined and pout. His master hummed and connected the leash to the collar. The kitten smirked, "Does the bear hate being dragged along?" He mocked. The bear growled, "Asshole." He shoved passed him.

Soon they were walking down the streets, getting weird looks from some people. Others laughed instead. Yoongi played with his dress but didn't realize his butt was out. A guy smirked and took pictures, sneakily following the three after.

When they got to the store Jin immediately went to the food part. Namjoon saw the kitten's butt and scoffed, pulling the dress down more. "Your dress is getting too short, don't wear it anymore." Yoongi looked up, "What? But I love this dress!" The younger shook his head, "I'm your alpha and I said no. So go along with it!"

Jin heard everything and smiled proudly. "He's getting protective." He whispered and giggled. He turned back to the two and tugged on the leashes, "What do you wanna eat?" They both groaned at the feeling. Yoongi yawned, "Lets get pizza. I'm planning on sleeping early and I can't if you prepare the food for three hours to make it perfect. Which, I can't lie, it tastes amazing, but I just wanna eat something simple."

The man nodded, "Alright I'll get a pizza. What about you teddy bear?" Namjoon looked up, "Yah I told you not to call me that anymore! It's weird for an alpha!" Jin chuckled, "You'll get a pizza too. Hawaii right?" The bear nod. Yoongi tugged on his sleeve, "Me too."

Jin rolled his eyes, "You two are weird, putting pineapple on your pizzas." He walked to a different aisle. The two shrugged and followed, "You're so basic with your pepperoni master." Namjoon chuckled. The kitten nod, "Definitely."

"Yah don't team up against me!" Jin whined and put the pizzas in his shopping cart. "Respect the man who loves and cares for you." Yoongi chuckled and nod, "Sorry master."

When they were putting the groceries into their car Yoongi noticed a man staring at him. He got closer to the bear and held his hand. Namjoon looked at him, "What is it?" The kitten looked at the man who now looked away. The younger looked over as well and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" Yoongi whined, "He kept looking at us."

The bear growled and stomped over to the mysterious man. "What do you want from us?!" He snapped. The man looked him up and down, "How much? Is that dude with the pink sweater your owner?" Namjoon bit the insides of his cheeks, "Maybe." That was enough for the man to walk past him and over to Jin.

"Excuse me, how much do the hybrids cost for one night?" He looked at Yoongi, "Preferably the kitten." Jin scoffed, "Fuck off they aren't hookers." The man laughed, "You're so rude for an asian guy." He shoved him against his car, making him gasp.

"Master!" Yoongi gasped and got pulled behind Namjoon. "Yoongi, You'll finally see me in full form." Namjoon mumbled and changed into a bear. The cat's eyes widened and he fell on the ground. He quickly crouched away from him. Namjoon was even taller, he was an '8" foot tall grizzly bear. And he was pissed.

Namjoon growled and approached the man. The man chuckled, "Wow I'm so scared!" The bear growled again and flung his claw at the man, making him fly through the air. He landed against a tree and flinched.

Yoongi watched with wide eyes, frozen in place. He now knew not to mess with his brother. Jin frowned and hugged him, "Thanks babe, but please change back now before you get taken away." The bear immediately changed back and hugged him properly. Yoongi quickly covered his naked body by hugging him from behind. "Please never change into a bear again Joonie it's scary!" He whined. Namjoon chuckled.

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