Chapter twenty five

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It had been two weeks and Yoongi really missed Hoseok but especially Jimin. He sat in the living room, watching TV. Then he started to get uncomfortable and grind his butt on the couch. He groaned, "No not now!"

Namjoon sat down next to him, "What's wr-" he sniffed him and bit his lip, "You're on your heat aren't you?" The kitten nod and frowned. The bear got up, "Good luck." He snorted and walked away. Yoongi frowned and watched him leave. He rubbed his butt on the couch and whined.

Then he quickly ran upstairs to Jin's study room. "M-Master I'm on my heat..." The man looked up at him, "Ask Namjoon for help." The kitten shook his head, "He doesn't want to."

Jin sighed, "There are some toys in your room. They are in your closet, bottom drawer. Don't leak on the floor please." Yoongi shook his head, "I won't, thanks master." He ran away. The man chuckled and continued working.

The kitten took his clothes off and looked in the drawer. "Woah.." He looked at all the toys. He grabbed a few vibrators and dildo's and put his butt in the air. He shoved a dildo inside him and moaned, spreading his legs more. Then he held a vibrator against his member and moaned loudly. "Ngh, mm~"

He thrusted the dildo into him faster and harder and he started drooling. He soon came hard and panted. Then he laid down on the bed after shoving a vibrator in his hole. The dildo that was inside of him was now rubbing against his hole.

Then the door opened, "I can't deal with this, your scent is driving me crazy." Namjoon groaned and walked up to him. Yoongi looked at him and moaned, "N-Now you want to help?" The bear growled and took his shirt off, showing his beautiful body. The kitten gulped and watched him strip off his clothes.

Namjoon flipped him over and hovered over him, "This is for ignoring me, kitten." The cat moaned as the vibrator was taken out of his butt, whining at the loss of contact after. Then Namjoon slammed into him, making him scream in pain. "Y-You're bigger than I thought! Mm g-god~"

The taller smirked and held his waist, thrusting as hard as he could. "Your scent is so nice." He moaned. Yoongi held onto the bed and moaned uncontrollably, drooling into his pillow. "J-Joonie~! Don't stop!"

Jin heard everything and blushed. He decided to go downstairs and make dinner.

After Namjoon came he left again, leaving Yoongi alone in his room exhausted. The cat was lying on the bed, trying to catch his breath. Jin soon finished making dinner and called his hybrids.

Yoongi slowly got up and put on a night gown, shuffling downstairs. The two were already eating. Yoongi quietly sat down and started eating too. "Mm, Yoongi don't leak on the chair!" The kitten looked up at Jin, "I can't help it, you'll just have to deal with it." The man frowned, "Don't talk to me like that."

After dinner the cat awkwardly cleaned up the pool of liquid that was left on the chair.

The rest of the day he spent it in his room, using his toys. Was Namjoon jerking off to his moans and whimpers? Maybe.

The next morning Yoongi woke up when he got slapped on his ass. He whined and squirmed away, soon being held down by someone.

"Oh kitten you leaked everywhere! I guess I'll just have to punish you so master doesn't have to." The bear was hovering over him, his hands on each side of Yoongi's waist for support. He smirked and opened his legs, rubbing his index and middle finger against the boy's wet entrance.

Yoongi whined and found himself grinding down on his fingers, "Joonie please punish me~ Punish me so hard I can't walk anymore." He practically begged and grabbed his arms.

The bear bit his lip and flipped him over, smacking his ass harshly. Yoongi yelped and stuck his ass in the air, "More more!"

Jin walked upstairs when he heard the two and frowned. "Namjoon what the hell do you think you're doing?! To my office, now!" The tallest shrugged and shoved a vibrator into the boy's ass before following his master.

Yoongi whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure and came everywhere.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Jin snapped at the younger. Namjoon frowned, "Well... I thought you bought me a toy..."

The man scoffed and slapped the back of his head, "Don't be an idiot. You needed someone to protect, love and care for! Not this! I'm very disappointed in you Namjoon, just go to your room." Jin sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I'm sorry I let you down master." The bear mumbled and left.

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