Chapter fifty six

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"Master where are my pink panties? I want to wear them!" Yoongi whined and looked all over the hotel room. "I don't know ask Namjoon." Seokjin said and folded their clothes.

Namjoon looked up and quietly took his panties out of his pocket. "I found them. They were in my pants." Jin looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, "Why?" Yoongi awkwardly laughed and quickly covered Namjoon's mouth. It was too embarrassing to him.

Namjoon and Yoongi were messing around in their hotel room late at night.

"Uh okay. Let's just go. I rented a car to the airport. It's waiting in the parking lot." Jin said and put the luggage down by the door. "You guys ready?" He asked.

"Just a second! I'm getting the fancy soaps!" Namjoon rushed to the bathroom. Yoongi grabbed his luggage and left the room.

They went to the car and Jin drove to the airport. Namjoon fixed Yoongi's hair, "Your bedhead is so bad sometimes." He chuckled. Yoongi whined, "Shush. just fix it please." He pout. The taller grinned and continued, "Cutie."

"Anyone with a full bladder? We can take a break at a cafe?" Seokjin asked and looked behind him at the two. He smiled at how cute they looked. "Guys?" He tried again. Yoongi looked up, "No thank you master. I'm ok." Namjoon nodded, "Yeah me too- Master watch out!" He gasped as a car came at them at high speed.

Jin quickly looked back at the road and saw the car for a second before he passed out. Yoongi opened his eyes after the crash, whimpering at the pain in his arm. "Joonie?" He looked to the right but the boy had his eyes closed. Blood was all over the bashed window and his forehead.

"No Joonie! Please wake up!" He whimpered and took his arm. He didn't hear anything.

"M-Master?" Yoongi looked at the man in the front seat and gasped at the amount of blood there was. "Help!" He screamed out and cried heavily. The car was all dented and there was no way for him to get out.

Then he heard a groan from his right. "J-Joonie?" He sniffled and watched as Namjoon slowly looked at him. "I'm so dizzy.." He whispered. "A-Are you ok? You're covered in cuts.." He frowned. Yoongi nodded and cried, "Master is covered in blood. I-I'm so scared..." The taller frowned and squeezed the others hand, "They'll save us soon..." He started closing his eyes again but there were sirens coming closer.

"Is everyone ok? We're going to get you out now. Don't panic and do as we say." A man said from outside the car. He opened the door on Namjoon's side as that side of the car wasn't hit. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, "They're getting us out.. some panic.." he said and got taken out of the car.

Yoongi kept crying, "O-Okay. B-But master..." He looked at him but they were already taking the cat out of the car gently. They were taken to ambulances. "We got a heavily wounded driver!" Someone yelled and a few rushed to the car.

Yoongi watched as a woman took care of his wounds and a guy was checking his arm. Yoongi flinched, "A-Ah!" He hissed at the man. He chuckled, "Sorry." He kept checking. He slowly moved Yoongi's arm and smiled, "It's not broken. Your muscles just got a good scare so they're be sore for a couple of days."

Yoongi looked at him confused. "You don't understand me?" The man asked and got no response. "I'll take that as a no. I'll get your friend and see if he can understand me." The man walked away to Namjoon.

"Master?!" The boy gasped as they loaded him into an ambulance. Before he could get up the woman held him down and mumbled, "Be careful."

When she was done she sighed and pointed at Namjoon. Yoongi quickly went to Namjoon, "Joonie are you ok? They took master away I'm scared." He hugged him. Namjoon immediately hugged him back tightly and put him on his lap, "They told me your arm will just hurt a couple of days. But I'm glad you're alright." He kissed him all over his face.

"What about you? Your head was bleeding.." Yoongi frowned. "Oh yeah they stitched that up. I'm ok baby don't worry." The taller said and rubbed his back. "I'm gonna ask then if they can take us to the hospital. I don't think our luggage has survived but we need our passports to get home." He sighed. "I'll ask if they can search for them as well."

Namjoon lift Yoongi up and walked to someone from the ambulance. "Excuse me.. can you take me and him to the hospital to see our master? And we also really need to find our passports between all the debris to get home.." He explained. The man nodded, "Of course. We'll take you two to your master and someone will search for the passports. Get in the ambulance please." He said and got inside the back of the ambulance. The two hybrids got inside and sat down. They drove to the hospital.

"This is Seokjin Kim's room." A nurse said when they got to the man's room. "But we will have to check more on him later so you have an hour." She said and left.

They already said to them that Jin never woke up after the crash but he's still breathing well. It could be PTST but they weren't quite sure yet.

The hybrids walked inside and were shocked at the amounts of wounds he had on his face. "Oh no.. our beautiful master." Yoongi frowned and hugged him gently. Namjoon pulled him away, "Yoongi he might have more cuts and bruises on his chest watch out. A gentle kiss will make him feel a little better."

They both gently kissed his cheeks. "We love you master. And it's not your fault this happened. You know that right? You're such a good driver and the other was just not paying attention or drunk or whatever.." Namjoon said and sighed deeply. "We're fine. You're going to be fine too right?"

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