Chapter thirty three

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Once they were home Yoongi woke up and yawned. He looked to his side and saw that Namjoon was staring at him. He gasped, "Joonie!" He got on his lap and hugged him tightly. The bear smirked and cupped his butt, "Hey there kitty~" He took in his scent. Yoongi smiled and kissed his cheek, "How are you? Did you miss me?" The younger bit his lip and nod, "Definitely."

Jin watched them and frowned. He got out of the car, "C'mon. Yoongi help me with dinner." The kitten nod and tried to get out of Namjoon's grip. He felt that the hybrid held him tighter. "Eh.. Joonie?" Yoongi looked at him a bit shocked. Namjoon smirked and kissed him, slowly beginning to make him grind on his crotch. "Joonie.." Yoongi pulled away, "Not in the car." He giggled.

The bear growled and pushed him against the carseats, holding his arms above his head. He got on top of him and pulled Yoongi's panties down. The cat hissed, "Yah stop!" He tried to squeeze his thighs together but Namjoon had them easily pried open. "Joonie!" The cat whined and frowned, "Please I don't want this!" Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Shut up omega!" He threatened to slap him but Yoongi flinched.

"Namjoon!" Jin yelled and dragged him out of the car, "That's Yoongi you idiot! treat omega's with respect!" He groaned. "God I can't stand you like this!" He dragged him inside. Yoongi watched and whimpered, "J-Joonie?"

Soon Jin came back and hugged him, "I'm so sorry. I need to explain something to you." Yoongi hugged back and sighed, "Master I thought he would be happy to see me..." He felt hurt. Why did it seem like he only wanted his body?

The man put him down on the counter, "So.. as it seemed, Namjoon got in a car accident." Yoongi gasped, "W-What?" He looked fine to him. How could a tall bear hybrid get run over by a car?

Jin frowned, "He only has a light concussion, and he has amnesia. Only until all his memories come back." The kitten frowned, "So he didn't know who I was?" He looked down at his hands. The man sighed, "I'm afraid so." He hugged him. "I think I'll just go to bed." The kitten mumbled and jumped off the counter. He went to his room and took his clothes off. Yoongi soon fell asleep.

Jin went over to Namjoon's room and closed the door. "Babe... I have to punish you for what you did." The bear looked up and growled, "Fuck no." Jin sighed and walked up to him. "I have to." Namjoon got up, turning into a bear. The man gulped and took a step back, "N-Namjoon please."

A hard thud was heard. Jin was laying on the groud, holding his chest in pain. "B-Babe please.." He whimpered. "I'm just doing what's best for you!" Yoongi quickly ran into the room and gasped, "M-Master?!" He got on his knees and held his shoulders. "Yoongi no leave. H-He'll hurt you." Jin started crying. Namjoon frowned and changed back, "Fuck I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that..."

"You hurt master!" Yoongi yelled and slapped his arms and chest, "What's wrong with you?!" Jin pulled the boy back, "Babe no.." The tallest looked down, "I'm so sorry master. I.. I just got mad.. It's fine if you punish me."

Yoongi frowned and wiped Jin's tears. "Let's get you to your room." He helped him up and took him to his room. Namjoon whimpered and locked himself in his room. He felt so guilty.

Yoongi put his master to bed and cuddled him, leaving small kisses on his chest occasionally. The man smiled lightly and held him, "I love you and Namjoon. He just needs some time. Don't get mad at him." The kitten frowned, "But master he-" Jin sighed, "No Yoongi. He just needs time."

"I'm sorry. Goodnight master." He put his head in the man's neck and held him. They soon fell asleep.

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