Chapter thirteen

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Jimin ran into the kitchen and picked up a hurt Yoongi who was laying on the ground. "You're so clumsy." He chuckled. The kitten whined and held onto him, "Sorry master. I was trying to stop Kookie but he ran away." Jimin raised an eyebrow, "Why were you trying to stop him?"

"Eh... nothing master." Yoongi mumbeld. The man hummed and carried him to the living room, "Don't worry he just fell, it's nothing to worry about."

Jungkook looked at Yoongi, "Does he know?" He shook his head slowly. "Does what know?" Jimin asked and looked at this hybrid. "I told you... nothing." he looked over at Hoseok who still didn't know what they were talking about.

"It was about the fox.." Jungkook whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked at Hoseok and he frowned, "You told him?" The cat sighed, "I'm sorry he was so scared I didn't know what to do..."

Hoseok got up, "Then I'll just come clean and save you a punishment." Jimin looked up at him, "Go ahead then."

Jimin was shocked and frowned. "Go upstairs. You too Yoongi." The cat grabbed Hoseok's hand "But master.." The man pet his head and softly said, "Up, now."

The hybrids obeyed and went to Hoseok's room.

"Jungkook join them." Taehyung said and looked at his bunny. "Hm? Why?" The young bunny asked confused. The man tapped his butt, "Be a good boy and go upstairs for master." Jungkook obeyed.

"This is bad." Jimin said after Jungkook left. "We have to work together and hope that those guys won't come after their fox." Taehyung nod, "Mhm, but can't you just throw him out? Or are you gonna train him?"

Jimin rubbed his eyes, "I don't know yet. They're both too young still."

It was a month later. Taehyung kept visiting Jimin more and more. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook started to feel neglected.

The doorbell rang and Jimin got up from the couch. He was stroking Yoongi's back as the cat purposely laid down on his lap. Once he got pushed away he sighed and frowned, meowing quietly.

The door opened and Jimin hugged the other tightly. "Taehyungie!" He smiled widely. Taehyung laughed and hugged him back. "Hi cutie. Let's go. I managed to book a table at the fanciest restaurant in Daegu."

Jimin smiled and kissed his cheek, "I told the hybrids I'd be home late." He winked at the taller man.

Taehyung blushed and grabbed Jimin's hand. "Jungkook is asleep so don't be so loud today."

The smaller smirked, "I can't help it that you're so damn big."

Soon they got in Taehyung's expensive clean car and drove away.

"Hobi master is gone!" Yoongi yelled once he changed back.

The fox groaned and walked downstairs. "Again? Aish he doesn't have time for us anymore. Do you want something to eat?" Yoongi nod, "Yes please. Can I help you?" Hoseok shook his head, "No because you always make a mess. Jisoo doesn't appreciate that."

The cat slumped down in the couch and sighed, watching the other hybrid walk away.

"But you can keep me company if you want." He yelled from the kitchen. Yoongi nod and grabbed his crutches, hopping to the kitchen.

Soon Jisoo walked inside the house. "Sir, I'm a bit earlier if that's ok. I need to go home at a certain time. My roommate is in the hospital."

There was no sign of the man. She did hear some muffled talking coming from the kitchen.

She walked to the kitchen and saw the two hybrids arguing. She chuckled and walked up to them.

"What are you making?" She sang out, startling the hybrids by her presence. "Jisoo you scared me!" Yoongi whined but hugged her. "Could you help us? We're baking a cake."

She smiled and hugged him back, "Im sorry I can't. I have to clean." She kissed his forehead.

"Oh it's ok, you can clean the kitchen after the cakes' done." Hoseok suggested and smiled at her. She nod and took off her coat, "I'll help you. What cake are you making?" Yoongi giggled, "Whip cream!"

After the cake was finally in the oven, Yoongi and Hoseok turned into their animal forms and licked up the mess. "No no! Don't lick the counter that's disgusting!" Jisoo whined and pushed them away.

"Wait for the cake to be done, ok?" She chuckled and helped Yoongi off the counter. Hoseok jumped off himself and changed back, quickly lifting the kitten up and ran away.  The maid chuckled and shook her head, "Cuties." She cleaned the kitchen.

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