Chapter thirty nine

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It was later in the evening, Jimin drove to the place with Jin and Yoongi. When they got there they showed the card and were allowed inside, but only under the guidance of someone who worked there.

As they walked into the hallway they saw the first cages line up. It seemed like these weren't that secured. Maybe these hybrids weren't as threatening as all of them seemed to be house pets.

Yoongi curiously walked up to one and saw a pair of bunny ears stick in the air. He looked into the cage and screamed when the bunny lunged at the boy. "Aish Yoongi!" Jin pulled him closer to him, "Don't wander off in a place like this." The boy frowned, "I'm sorry master."

The man that worked there showed them Namjoon. He was in big secured cage and had a chain around his ankle. Yoongi gasped when he saw Namjoon in the corner nibbling on the chain. When the alpha noticed the people he growled and walked up to them. He then stared at Yoongi. "Omega..." He whispered and changed into a bear. He banged on the walls and Yoongi hid behind his master.

"Where is Hoseok? He's my fox hybrid..." Jimin frowned. The man nodded, "Follow me." Jimin walked away with the man.

Yoongi slowly walked back to the cage and frowned. "He looks like he got bruised... did they hurt him?" He asked his master with a sad expression. Jin sighed, "They better not have." He hugged the omega. Namjoon has calmed down a little and was just staring at the two now.

"Master he's freaking me out, can we go to Hobi?" Yoongi asked quietly. His master nod, "Sure babe. I hope Namjoon will get better soon.." he sighed. The cat kissed his hand, "He will master. I'm sure he will."

They walked over to Jimin and saw Hoseok. The hybrid looked very bruised and had cuts on his face and body. Yoongi frowned, "Jiminie what happened?" He tugged on his shirt. The man sighed, "They said he almost got away while they took him to his cage. The poor thing." He frowned.

Hoseok saw Yoongi and started sneezing and scratching his ears. "Kitten." He whispered and bit his lip. The alpha approached the boy slowly and stared at him. Then he started scratching the cage while growling. The cat quickly hid behind the two men again. Hoseok chuckled darkly, "God I love it when they're scared." He licked the cage.

"Hoseok that's enough! Be respectful." Jimin ordered and stomped his foot on the ground. "Sir you can't order him around. It's not safe. It's probably best if you go now." The man said and stood in front of Jimin. "But we've only been here for ten minutes..." Yoongi mumbled and frowned. The man sighed, "I'm sorry but it's for our safety. I'll lead you out." He started walking in a fast pace.

The three quickly followed him.

Soon they were back home. Jin was taking a shower while Jimin and Yoongi were on the couch quietly. They both were sad.

Yoongi sighed and hugged him, "Jiminie please don't be sad. You said they'll get better, right?" The man looked over at him and sighed, "They will." He pet his head. After a moment Jimin pulled the cat on his lap and looked at him. The boy blushed lightly, "Sir what are you doing?"

The man took a deep breath, "I'll probably regret this but.." He then leaned in and kissed Yoongi. The boys' eyes widened and didn't kiss back. When Jimin noticed he quickly pulled away, "Uh shit I'm so sorry.." he frowned. The hybrid blushed more, "I-It's fine Jimin.."

The man shook his head, "No I'm so sorry." As he was about to get up he felt the soft lips of Yoongi on his. He relaxed and kissed back, hugging the boy closely.

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