Chapter thirty one

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When it was Yoongi's turn he got really scared and slowly walked onto the stage. "Strip!" They yelled. The hybrid looked around being terrified and slowly stepped forward. Then he saw the whips and sharp objects and started crying. One guy got on stage and slapped him, making him gasp and look up. "Do as they say or else!" The man yelled. The hybrid whimpered and nod, "I-I'm sorry."

When the man got off stage Yoongi slowly took off his awkwardly tight clothes. It was a bit of a relief but it was still super uncomfortable as twenty or more men were staring at him. As he was about to take off the last piece of clothing, his underwear, everything went black. He passed out on stage.

It was the middle of the night, Jin was staring at the sleeping boy in front of him. He occasionally kissed his head and played with his fingers. "Master's going to sleep, ok babe?" Jin frowned and lightly pecked his lips.

A light groan escaped Namjoon's mouth and the man gasped. "Babe? Are you awake? Say something please!" Jin begged and grabbed his hand. Nothing.

He got up and ran outside the room, "I need a nurse!" He called out. A nurse ran up to him, "Which patient sir?" Jin sighed out in relief, "Kim Namjoon." She nod and walked up to the boy.

She started checking some stuff and soon enough Namjoon's eyes slowly fluttered open. He stared at the two people above him, "Where am I?" He groaned and held his head. He tried to sit up but she held him down. "Sir, I need you to lay down for me." He smirked and nod, "Ok."

Jin smiled lightly and grabbed his hand, "God I was so worried about you." The hybrid looked up confused and pulled his hand away, "Who are you..?" The man's eyes widened and his heart broke. "Y-You don't remember?"

The nurse took him apart, "They had informed you about the memory loss right?" Jin frowned and teared up, "B-But.. no this can't be possible!" The nurse sighed, "Let me explain what happened to him. After that I'll leave so you can try to refresh his memory, ok?" She rubbed his arm. Jin nodded and wiped his tears away.

Namjoon yawned, "Why am I in the hospital?" The nurse raised the bed a bit. "Listen, you were hit by a car. Fortunately you're very lucky and only have a light concussion. But, as it seems, you also might have memory loss." The hybrid frowned, "What? Did I really get hit by a car? How did I even survive?" She shrugged, "You might have tried to step away or jump. But whatever you tried to do, it worked. I'll let you talk to this man who knows you. He's been right beside you ever since you got here." She smiled and looked at Jin who was lightly sobbing in his hands.

She walked out of the room and he boy looked up at his master, "Eh dude.. why are you crying?" Jin looked at him and wiped his tears, "I'm sorry." He walked up to him and sat down.

"The nurse said you knew me..?" The boy said unsure. The man nod and smiled lightly, "Yeah. Well, I'm your master. Kim Seokjin." Jin said and grabbed his hand again. "But you usually call me master or Jin." The hybrid sighed, "I'm sorry but I don't know who you are. I don't have an owner, I'm an alpha." He moved his hand away again.

Jin whimpered, causing the boy to sigh and grab his hand. "If I hold your hand, will you stop crying? You're making me sad." The man nodded and wiped his face, "Yes yes. Please listen to me. I adopted you five years ago, when I just got my own house." He smiled softly at the memory. "You immediately got attached to me and we did all sorts of fun things. After work got crazy about two years ago, we decided to adopt another hybrid. An omega." Namjoon took all the information in and chuckled. "Why would you buy an omega? They're useless an just walking sex toys."

Jin sighed, ignoring his remark. "We got him so you could take good care of him so you'll be ready to start your own family. We also got him because I was never home anymore and I just knew you were getting lonely. So, then we adopted a kitten hybrid, Yoongi. He's such a cutie but the biggest handful you could imagine." Jin chuckled at all the memories but then he stopped. "Well.. he's being a handful right now because he got kidnapped today.. but, as soon as you get out of the hospital we will look for him. I already send my people out to look for him."

Namjoon nodded, "You know this is a lot to take in right? So you should just go home, have some rest and come back tomorrow if you want." He nodded and smiled. Jin frowned and hugged him, "I will. Please think about this and I hope you'll remember some of it. I love you so much babe." He kissed his head.

The hybrid felt so bad he didn't know who was hugging him. His supposedly 'master'. He had no clue and just wanted to sleep.

Jin soon pulled away, "Rest enough ok? I'll be back tomorrow." He kissed his head one more time before stepping away. Namjoon nodded, "I will. Have a safe trip home."

Yoongi woke up and groaned. He was laying in a bed somewhere. He turned to his side and saw another hybrid. He frowned when he realized he was crying.

"Hey.. are you ok?" He said softly and sat up, looking at the much younger hybrid. The boy looked up at him and sniffled, "I-I'm so scared. Could you h-hold me please? I miss my master so m-much and he always holds me when I'm u-upset."

The cat nodded, "Yeah of course." He frowned and got up, laying down next to crying boy. He pulled him in his chest, "What's your name? I'm Yoongi." He pet his head. The smaller boy looked up. 'Wow he looks so much like me' Yoongi thought.

"W-Woozi, sir. I'm a cat hybrid..." The boy said and closed his eyes. Yoongi smiled, "That's a pretty name. And I'm a cat as well~ We look alike." He chuckled softly. Woozi smiled lightly and looked up at him, "Oh you're right."

"Why are we here?" Yoongi asked confused and looked at all the other hybrids that were laying on beds. "They took the hybrids away that fainted. Some that disobeyed got taken away I heard. I don't want to be taken away.." Woozi frowned and held Yoongi tighter. The older cat rubbed his ears slightly, "You won't. You seem like a nice little kitten who won't hurt anyone." The younger blushed, "T-Thank you sir." Yoongi chuckled softly, "Just call me Yoongi please."

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