Chapter forty eight

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Yoongi walked to Namjoon's room while sniffling. When he entered the room the boy frowned and sat up, "Hey what's wrong baby? Why did it take you so long? Master is searching for you now..." Yoongi hugged him and shook his head. He didn't want to tell. "When can you go home?" The cat asked and sniffled. He wiped his eyes. Namjoon kissed his head but decides not to ask anything, "Tomorrow." He said.

"Do you want some candy?" The boy asked and handed Yoongi some. The smaller nodded and ate it, quietly thanking Namjoon. Seokjin soon entered the room and sighed out of relief, "Oh thank god you're back! I thought you got kidnapped, again." The cat shook his head and grabbed the bag full with candy, eating more. He tried not to cry. Namjoon sighed and rubbed his back, kissing his forehead gently in the process.

"Is something wrong kitten?" Jin asked and sat down on the bed, looking at Yoongi. The boy didn't say anything and hid his face in Namjoon's chest. "Babe?" Jin got closer to him. "Master just leave it ok? Let's just talk about America." The bear suggested.

"Yeah. We can go next week so you can rest more. Then we'll get a hotel by the beach but also close to the city." Jin said and smiled. "That sounds good master. Right kitten?" Namjoon smiled and nudged him. The cat nodded and kept eating. He was slowly calming down.

It got later and later and Jin finally decided go to home with Yoongi. He lift the cat up and held him as he kissed Namjoon's head. "Rest a lot ok?" Jin said and pulled the covers over the hybrid more. He smiled, "I will. Let Yoongi sleep with you tonight. I think he needs it." They looked at him and the cat hid his face in Jin's neck. They both chuckled.

"Master I'm hungry." Yoongi mumbled. "But you ate all my candy." Namjoon chuckled. Jin smiled, "I'll make you something at home and you can make my bed warm, ok babe?" The man kissed his head. "Thank you master. Bye Joonie, I'll see you tomorrow." Yoongi smiled lightly. "Bye kitty~" The taller smiled and waved at him until he didn't see the two anymore.

When the two were at home Yoongi went to Jin's room and laid down on it, curling up into the blankets. The man started making his hybrid some food.

When he finished he put it on a serving tray and took it upstairs. When he saw him he chuckled, "I have your food kitten. Sit up." Yoongi looked up and smiled, immediately sitting up. He watched as the food got placed on his lap and he happily started eating.

Jin laid down next to him in bed and turned on the tv. He turned on a cooking show and watched it. Yoongi turned to his master, "How come your food always tastes so good master?" He asked. The man chuckled, "Thanks babe, and I just really love cooking." The cat nodded and kept eating.

Sorry for the short update

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