Chapter thirty two

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After awhile the door opened and Yoongi hugged the boy more. He gulped as he pretended to sleep. He felt the person getting closer and closer to them. Woozi started shaking and clutched onto Yoongi, unil he got pulled away by the man. "Shouldn't you two be resting?" The man chuckled. Then Yoongi finally looked up at him and gasped, "Jinyoung why are you here?" He sat up.

The man smiled, "I came to check on you. You hit your head good when you passed out." The cat nodded, "Where are we? Can I please go home?" Jinyoung chuckled and shook his head, "Unfortunately not. When you're feeling better you have to get ready for the next show. I'm sorry." Yoongi frowned, "Next show? No please I want to go home!" Woozi crawled over to him and hugged him protectively. "No!"

Jinyoung rolled his eyes, "I don't have a choice. My dad will kill me if I set hybrids free." He got up but Yoongi held his arm, "Please! Just us two..." The man sighed, "Jesus fine. Follow me." Jinyoung got up and walked to the door. The hybrids quickly followed him.

He guided the two to another room and dragged them inside, locking the door after. "There's a fire escape outside the window, climb it without getting caught and you're free. This is the only way I could help you." Yoongi held his neck, "What about my collar?" Jinyoung frowned and sighed, "They were all broken and thrown away, incase it had GPS in it." Woozi was already opening the window, "Y-Yoongi it's too high.. I have a fear of heights."

Yoongi hugged Jinyoung and thanked him before walking up to the other kitten. He looked out of the window and sighed, "It'll be ok. I'm here if something goes wrong." Woozi hugged him tightly, "If something goes wrong, keep running. I'm already happy I have the possibility to escape." He kissed the boy's chest. Yoongi smiled, "Let's go."

When the boy let go of him he managed to climb onto the fire escape and helped the younger onto it as well. The poor thing was shaking. Yoongi held his hand and walked down the fire escape. Then they heard people yell from the window they climbed out and immediately knew they had to hurry up. Yoongi sprinted down the stairs with Woozi right behind him.

"Hey! Get the fuck down here!" A man yelled who was clearly pissed off. The hybrids ran down the stairs like maniacs. They were almost at the ground when Woozi tripped over the stairs and landed on the ground hard. Yoongi gasped and ran over to him, kneeling down next to him. "Oh my god are you ok?!" The younger kitten whimpered, "J-Just go. Please!" He pushed Yoongi away."But-!" Woozi interrupted him, "You've done enough already I-I'll escape some time later!"

The men ran down the stairs and were almost at the ground. Yoongi frowned as he got back up, taking one last glance at the cat before running away as fast as he could.

It was morning and Jin was picking up Namjoon at the hospital. The bear was still confused about everything but just decided to roll with it. The nurse that was helping him yesterday helped him again with putting on clothes.

Jin walked in the room and smiled, "Hey Namjoon. How are you feeling?" He kissed his head. The bear blushed and got up, "I feel a little better. Just a little sensitive for loud sounds and stuff." The nurse tapped his shoulder, "You're ready to go. If things get worse you should let your doctor check up on you. Got it?" Jin nodded and put a coat on Namjoon, "Will do. Let's go." He grabbed his hand and guided him out of the hospital. Namjoon couldn't lie, Jin was really handsome and he was happy he was his master.

When they got in the car Jin got a phone call and answered. It was one of his employers. "Sir, we found your hybrid. He's ok but it seems that he's been wandering through the streets for awhile." Jin sighed out in relief, "Thank god, thank you so much. I'll be right there." He hung up and quickly drove over to the place.

Namjoon was sitting in the backseat, nibbling on his seatbelt. "What do I call you?" He asked and looked up. Jin smiled softly, "You usually call me master or Jin. both is fine." Namjoon nodded and went back to eating his seatbelt.

They soon arrived at the place and Jin got out. "Stay, I just have to pick up Yoongi." He locked the car and jogged into the building. As soon as Jin got in he got greeted by many people. He went up to where Yoongi was.

One of his empoyers bowed in front of him, "Hello sir, Yoongi's sleeping luckily. The poor thing thought that he was getting kidnapped again. Once I explained it to him he believed me thankfully." Jin smiled and bowed back, "Thank you."

He walked up to the sleeping boy and lift him up, carrying him out of the building and into his car. Namjoon looked up and sniffed the kitten, "God you smell good." He growled lowly. Jin got in the car and drove home.

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