Chapter fifty

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"Alright. Let them in the room." The man in the coat said. They opened the door and pushed them inside, quickly locking the door after.

Then the hybrids saw the alpha and gasped. "Alpha 44 is in heat. He's been injected. If we did it correctly he wouldn't attack the omegas." The man said.

The alpha looked up at the two and walked up to them, sniffing them. Both of the omegas froze and grabbed each other's hands. The alpha started sneezing and scratching his ears. "It didn't work. Get the hybrids out of there!" The man said.

"I'm sorry I can't help it." The alpha whispered and lunged at the two. They both screamed and ran around the room like helpless animals. He grabbed Jungkook and pinned him down, spreading his legs. The bunny squeaked and tried to stop him. "Y-Yoongi help.."

The cat gulped, "Get off my friend!" He jumped at the alpha. "No don't, cat!" One of then men yelled. They opened the door and took Yoongi away. Then they tackled the alpha and took Jungkook away with Yoongi.

The bunny was whimpering and shaking. Yoongi looked at the hybrid and frowned, "Let me go! I need to comfort him!" He hissed. The man ignored him and took him to a different room. There he got dressed and they gave him some food. The cat ate the food while his ears laid flat on his head. It tasted.. weird...

Before he knew he passed out.

When Jimin woke up he was slightly bleeding from his head. He slowly got up and held onto the kitchen counter. Then the memories came back of the kidnapping. "Oh hell no. Jin's gonna kill me!" He quickly grabbed his phone and ran to his car. There he checked the gps on Yoongi's collar and put the address in his car. When he drove there with full speed he called up Jin.

"Jin I'm so sorry but something happened and I need to get Yoongi back!" He said once the man answered. "What?! Jimin you were hired to fucking protect him!" Seokjin yelled through the phone. Jimin frowned, "I know sir! But there were three people and they knocked me out! Yoongi did his best to escape.." he sighed.

Jin groaned, "Send me his address I'll come too. I was almost about to leave Namjoon anyway." Namjoon heard and frowned, "Oh god not again."

Jimin send the man Yoongi's address and kept driving.

When he got there he checked the address one more time before knocking on the door of the building. No answer of course. Jimin heard a car pull up and turned around, sighing in relief when he saw Jin. The man rushed up to him, "Let's break in." He walked up to the door.

Once they got inside they decided to split up.

Jin walked upstairs and looked around. There were a lot of rooms. He opened a room carefully and peaked inside, seeing a bunch of people talking to each other. He stayed and listened what they were saying.

"What did you do with the whiny hybrids from the last experiment?" One asked. Jin raised an eyebrow. "Experiment?" He whispered. "I took the bunny into room 402 and the cat in room 426. They got some clothes and then we fed them. They immediately passed out thankfully." He man chuckled. "Well where are they now?" Another with a deeper voice asked. "Still there.. but I tied them down and left a note if they were to wake up before they got taken away to the west."

Jin closed the door and looked at the room number. 109. He rushed down the hall and called Jimin. "Jimin Yoongi might be in room 426. That's the fourth floor. Meet me there. They also have a bunny hybrid in room 402. We gotta fucking free them all. Call your men!" He said and hung up again. He soon found an elevator and took it to the forth floor.

Jin informed his men and send them the address. When the door opened he walked out but got pushed against the wall by multiple people. He groaned, "Get the fuck off me!" He tried to get away. "We can get you arrested." A man scoffed and dug his knee into Jin's stomach.

Jin groaned and spit into his face, "You're gonna fucking regret this."  He hissed. A different man punched him and they dropped him to the ground. Jin bit his lip hard and put his hand behind his back, grabbing his gun slowly.

"Get away from him!" Jimin yelled as he walked up to the men. He was pointing a gun at them. "Shit they're armed." They put their arms in the air. Jin got up and pointed his gun at them. "Tell me where you keep all the hybrids. Show it to me." He groaned. "F-Follow me." A man gulped and walked away. "Jimin get Yoongi. I'll deal with this." Jin said and followed them, still holding his gun out.

Jimin nodded and rushed away, looking for room 426.

As Jin got taken to a room, his men and Jimin's men arrived and they got inside. They started closing the people in. Jin managed to lock the men up in a room once they explained where the hybrids were.

"Yoongi you in here?" Jimin asked and banged on the door where Yoongi supposedly was. No reaction. He sighed and kicked the door in, seeing the boy passed out on the ground. "Oh shit." He ran up to him and checked his pulse. His heart was calmly beating.

"Come here." He sighed and lift him up. "You did your best." He mumbled and held him. He took Yoongi out of the room and decided to go to room 402.

When he got there he kicked the door in and walked inside. He saw a boy with beautiful bunny ears. He walked up to him and looked at him. Jimin gasped, "Jungkook?!"

He put Yoongi down and checked the boy's pulse. "What the hell did they give them?" He frowned. The hybrids didn't wake up. How could he carry them?

The man sighed loudly and lift Yoongi over his shoulder. Then he grabbed Jungkook and threw him over his other shoulder. "Thank fuck you guys are light." He mumbled and left the room. He walked around for a moment before spotting a few men. "Hey could you help me over here? They're passed out. Take them to my car ok?"

The men walked over and took them, "Alright sir. We have found the hybrids and they are taking them away." Jimin nodded, "Good. Wait just grab the bunny, I got the cat." He held Yoongi and took him out of the building.

I have a few fanart pieces send in and they're adorable omg. Thank you so much for making them

 Thank you so much for making them ♡

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