Chapter ten

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The next morning Yoongi woke up and groaned, rolling on his side. "You smell so nice, kitty cat."

He sat up and stared at the man on his bed. "Master!" He screamed and got up, running towards the door.

Hoseok bit his lip and grabbed his waist, pushing him down on the bed. "You have such a nice body as well."

Yoongi whimpered and tried to get away. He then realizing he was naked. "Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." The fox chuckled. "We're family now."

"W-what?!" Yoongi yelled and his eyes widened. "That's right. Your owner bought me too. He thought you were lonely."

The kitten tried to fight back again, "You kidnapped me! Y-You made me go to that horrible place! I hate you!" He yelled. Hoseok sighed and frowned. "Please let me explain."

"No! Get out of this house! Master will take you right back to the dump!" Yoongi yelled in his face. The fox just nod, "You done?" The kitten sighed and nod, knowing he wouldn't leave whatever he said.

Hoseok let go of him and wrapped a blanket around the kitten's body. "I'm sorry I kidnapped you. I was forced to by my last owners." He frowned. Yoongi watched his sad expression and started feeling bad. "B-but why did you obey..? You could've just escaped..."

The taller of the two shook his head, "They made me wear a shock collar. Every time it took too long when I was out hunting for other hybrids I got shocked. I got punished really badly every time I came back empty handed. It was a nightmare."

Yoongi saw a tear roll down Hoseok's face and frowned. "I'm sorry... I really didn't know. Please don't cry." He hugged him. The fox was surprised, but gently hugged him back.

"You're ok now." He whispered and rubbed his back. Hoseok swallowed a lump in his throat and nod, "Y-You too. I'm gonna protect you from the bad people."

"Thank you so much." Yoongi smiled softly and pulled away.

"Are we ok now?" Hoseok asked unsure. The older nod and smiled, "Yeah."

He got up, "I'll leave now. I can't think straight anymore with your strong scent. I'm an alpha so you know..." he chuckled. Yoongi nodded, "Okay."

"I'm Hoseok by the way... nice to meet you..?" The fox said, waiting for the older to say his name. "My name is Yoongi. It's nice to meet the real you."

He left and the cat let himself drop on the bed. "What just happened..?"

It was a few hours later, Yoongi finally decided to go downstairs after putting on a simple but cute dress. He hummed along to a song before falling over his own feet and falling off the stairs. He screamed out in shock and landed on the ground. He was about half way downstairs so it was a hard fall.

Hoseok immediately ran over to the wounded boy and gasped. The kitten cried out in pain and held his ankle.

"Yoongi what happened?!" He asked and helped him up. Yoongi tried to stand up but couldn't stand on his right leg. He almost fell again but Hoseok quickly caught him.

"I-I fell down the stairs." He whimpered. The fox sighed and lift him up bridal style. He brought him to the couch and carefully put him down. He put a pillow under his foot and walked to the kitchen to get some ice.

Yoongi looked at his ankle and cringed at the way it looked. It was all purple and swollen up.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Hoseok asked and gently put the ice pack on his ankle. Yoongi flinched, "Ah a-ah! I don't think I can move it!"

The fox sighed and got up, "I'm calling master." He went to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. Yoongi couldn't help but to feel jealous at the way he called his master.

After half an hour Jimin stormed back into the house. "Yoongi?!" The kitten frowned, "In here..." Jimin heard his voice in the living room and walked to him.

"Hey what happened?" Jimin asked and sat down on the ground, examining his ankle. He touched it lightly and Yoongi flinched, "Don't touch it!"

"We need to take you to the hospital." Jimin said and lift him up. "Hoseok you're coming with us!" The fox nod, "Yes master."

They got in the car with Yoongi on Hoseok's lap, his head in his chest. His ankle was killing him. Hoseok pet his head lightly, "You'll be ok."

Jimin smiled lightly. He was happy they got along.

Soon they arrived at the hospital and Hoseok carried the kitten inside, following Jimin.

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