Chapter fifteen

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The door flung open and both the hybrids gasped. Jimin growled and looked at them. "You better bent over that fucking bed right now!"

"M-master don't yell please." Yoongi whimpered and did as told. The fox frowned and bent over the bed too. He held the others hand, "Shh it'll be over soon."

Jimin grabbed a paddle from a different room and walked back. "Fuckin' hybrids." He yanked down both their underwear and slapped their ass as hard as possible.

They were both shocked at the amount of pain it gave them and Yoongi started crying once again.

"Oh shut up cat!" He hissed and did it again, even harder. "Master please stop!" The cat screamed out.

Jimin's eyes were filled with rage and Hoseok saw. He quickly got up and tackled him to the ground. "Master calm down!"

The man growled and fought back until Hoseok punched him. He was unconscious. Yoongi gasped, "Hobi what did you do?!" The fox was panting, "H-He was hurting you! Fuck we have to go, now!"

The cat crawled off the bed and to Jimin. "Master wake up!" He shook him. "Yoongi no! He'll hurt us again! It's because of that fucking Taehyung guy I bet!"

Hoseok lift the cat up and brought him downstairs. He then grabbed the crutches and carried him out of the house. Yoongi cried into his chest.

Hoseok rubbed his butt, "Does it hurt a lot?" He kissed the smaller ones head. The kitten hummed and frowned. "How could he..?" The fox frowned, "I don't know Yoongi. I don't know."

They stopped at a park as Hoseok got tired of carrying Yoongi. He put him down on a bench and sat down as well.

Meanwhile, Jimin woke up and groaned. "Fuck I shouldn't have drank so much." He sat up and rubbed his cheek, thinking about what happened.

When he realized he cursed under his breath and got up. "Yoongi?! Hoseok?!" He yelled and ran out of the room. He checked Yoongi's room. "Listen I didn't mean to do that! Please don't hide from me!"

He walked downstairs and checked every room. "Please don't hate me! I was drunk!"

He then saw that the front door was slightly open. "Oh my god..." He groaned and pulled his hair, "Fuck fuck fuck!"

"Hey, are you two ok?" A man asked and walked up them. Yoongi hugged Hoseok more and hid his face in his chest.

The fox looked up at the man, "Not really, but we don't want trouble." The man chuckled, "Funny. C'mon you two look like shit. Plus that cat is wounded. I swear, you won't get any better."

Yoongi shook his head, "No t-thanks sir." The man sighed, "Are you hungry? I could give you some food.. If it means something, I have a hybrid too. An omega."

Hoseok looked up, "What animal is it?" The kitten hissed and tugged on his sleeve, "I'm not going anywhere!" "Yoongi we'll have a roof over our head. Plus we can get some real attention for once."

"He's a panda. So, are you guys in? I could get take out on the way." The man shrugged. "Only if you tell us your name and the name of your hybrid." The fox said, making the kitten sigh loudly. "Great, I love being kidnapped."

The man frowned, "My name is Jackson and my hybrids' name is Mark. He's really nice."

Hoseok got up, lifting the older up. "Please let us stay at your house." Yoongi's eyes widened, "W-What? No!" He kissed his head, "Shush. I'll protect you."

Jackson smiled lightly, "My car is just around the corner. And I promise we won't hurt you kitten." He pet his head and walked to his car, getting inside with the hybrids.

After getting them some take out they arrived at Jackson's house. Hoseok carried Yoongi inside.

"Master where have you been? I woke up and you weren't next to me!" A voice whined and walked up to them. He froze. "Mark don't be scared. They're friendly, right?" Jackson looked at the two. The fox nod and smiled at the boy.

He quickly ran behind his master, "Master who are they?!" He tugged on his sleeve. The man picked him up, "They were hybrids in need darling. Don't be scared." He kissed his forehead.

"Introduce yourself. Didn't master teach you manners?" The man said and put him down. The hybrid nod, "Yes master, sorry."

He looked at the other two and bowed. "Hello. I'm Mark, a panda hybrid." Jackson smiled, "Good boy."

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