Chapter eighteen

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They got to the mall and got out. Jungkook and Yoongi were ready to run out of the parking lot when Hoseok held them back. "Where do you two think you're going?" They just giggled.

After a few hours of shopping Jimin started to ignore his hybrids more. Hoseok looked at Yoongi who seemed disappointed. He sighed, "Hey let's ask master if we could get ice cream!" The kitten nod and smiled lightly.

Jungkook pushed Yoongi over to their masters. "Master, could we please get some ice cream?" He asked politely and smiled. The men were busy talking to each other. "Master!" Yoongi yelled, getting the attention of a few people.

Jimin groaned, "Keep your voice down. And no, we're going back home." Hoseok frowned, "But master.." The man grabbed Taehyung's hand. "No." He dragged him away.

The hybrids were hurt but had no choice but to follow them. They felt neglected and sad, but at least they had each other.

It was a couple months later, Yoongi's leg was healed and his cast was removed. He could finally walk around again.

Jimin barely looked at his hybrids anymore because of Taehyung. They were getting sadder by the day. So Yoongi had to do something about that.

As the kitten saw the man walk upstairs with his lover he hissed quietly at them, making Hoseok scold him. "Be nice to him. Master really likes him." He slapped the back of the boy's head. Yoongi got up, "Watch what I'll do to get his attention." He left. Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "Don't do anything stupid Yoongi!"

As the cat made his way upstairs, he could hear the sickening disgusting sounds of his master and Taehyung. He frowned as he stood by Jimin's bedroom door. Was this worth it?

Then he suddenly slammed the door open. He stood there with wide eyes as he saw his master getting fucked and spanked. The two froze when they heard something, "Y-Yoongi!" Jimin yelped.

The cat hissed and jumped on Taehyung's back, scratching him violently. The man gasped and pulled out, then he fell off the bed. He managed to escape from the crazy cat and started to punch him. "You asshole! You're such a useless cat!"

Jimin quickly pulled them apart, "Baby please! Don't hit him!" He whimpered and hugged him by his waist. Yoongi was laying on the floor, his nose was bleeding and his head was pounding.

"I've had enough! We're over!" Taehyung yelled and grabbed his clothes together. He put on his boxers and his shirt and left. Jimin started crying and turned to the cat, "You're fucking dead. Go to your room!" He screamed. Yoongi frowned, "Master I did what was good..."

Hoseok ran in the room, "I saw Taehy- Oh my god why are you crying master?!" Jimin choked back his tears, "L-Lock Yoongi up in his room. I'll deal with him later." The fox did as told.

Yoongi whined as he got picked up, "No no Hobi I did the right thing!" He slapped him lightly. Hoseok looked at Jimin with a frown before leaving the room, ignoring Yoongi.


later that night when the man stopped crying he went to his hybrid's room and looked at the sleeping boy. He sighed and shook him, "Wake up. You're getting your punishment." Yoongi slowly opened his eyes and gulped. He sat up, "Master I'm sorry please don't punish me!"

The man grabbed his arm tightly, "You do as I say brat!" The cat gasped and nod, "Y-Yes master."

"Strip." Jimin ordered and sat down on his bed. He grabbed a vibrator out of his pocket and chuckled sadly. Yoongi gulped and took his clothes off.

Then he got pulled over the man's lap, making him gasp again. "Master please.." He whimpered. "Quiet!" Jimin yelled and slapped his ass. The kitten squeaked and closed his eyes. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't stand getting ignored and forgotten to fed. Hoseok was bothered by it as well but he wouldn't let Yoongi notice it. He knew that the kitten would feel worse if he let him notice.

After twelve spanks he laid down on his bed, crying softly. Jimin tied his arms and feet to the bedposts. "M-Master please..." The cat said barely above a whisper. He was exhausted already and knew exactly what he was going to do to him. Jimin turned the vibrator on and shoved it inside of the hybrid. Yoongi bit his lip and tried his best not to make any noise.

The man got up, "Goodnight." He mumbled. He then left and locked the door.

Yoongi moaned softly and wiggled around. "M-Master don't leave me like this!" He stared at the door, hoping for it to open, but it didn't.

He didn't get any sleep that night.

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