Chapter thirty

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Jin was in the hospital, holding Namjoon's hand while crying in his chest. Namjoon was connected to all sorts of machines that were continuously beeping. His head was bandaged up after he got six stitches. The bear was extremely lucky he only had a light concussion and a few buises and cuts.

"Baby please wake up I need you. Ugh why did this happen to you?!" He cried out. A nurse walked into the room and sighed, "Sir, are you ok? The patient needs full relaxation." Jin slowly looked up and wiped his tears away, "I'm sorry."

The nurse rubbed his back, "I have something to inform you about." She said. The man gulped, "W-What is it? Is he gonna be ok?!" He was panicking. One of his hybrids was laying in the hospital, unconscious. While the other hybrid was missing.

"There is a chance that Kim Namjoon will have memory loss for a couple months." The nurse said and frowned. Jin cried louder and held Namjoon's hand tighter, "No no baby please!" She bit her lip, "I'll go now. Keep in mind that when he wakes up, you'll immediately have to call for a nurse." She bowed and left. Jin kept crying.

Yoongi woke up later and looked around. It was dark, way too dark to see anything. "H-Hello?" He hesitantly called out. "Where am I?"

Then the door flung open, making him gasp. Two guys stood there while smirking. The boy scoot away from them until he was pressed against the wall. They walked up to him slowly.

"Hello, Kitty." One grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. "No! Please don't do anything to me!" Yoongi yelped and started kicking everything around him. The other man slapped him. The cat whimpered and stopped moving.

Soon they brought him to a car and forced him to sit down. After a few scratches the man finally succeeded to tie him up. "Asshole." He mumbled and slammed the door shut. Yoongi started crying. He was mad at himself that he was in this situation again.

The car drove away.

After half an hour the car stopped and one of the two men opened the backdoor. Yoongi looked up and frowned. The man drugged him with chloroform yet again and the cat passed out. He took him into a building.

There were some tough looking guys standing in front of a door that said: 'Performers'. They got up, "Yo what you doin' here? Didn't my boss tell you to fuck off?!" One spat. The man rolled his eyes and handed him Yoongi. "Got one for you. Now give me the damn money." One of them took Yoongi into the room while one of the other ones handed him the money. "Finally." The man who took the kitten here left again. "Wow that took awhile." One chuckled. "That's 'cause he's an amateur." The other ones laughed.

Soon Yoongi woke up and looked around. There were hybrids and humans, and the hybrids all had revealing clothes on, or just lingerie. "Kitty follow me." A man that was right in front of Yoongi said and grabbed his arm. The cat yelped, "N-No why?" He tried to make the man let go of him but it had no use. The man turned around and lift him up, "We need to get you ready for the show." The cat whined and squirmed in his grip, "What show? I want to go home!"

Another man walked up to the two and grabbed the kitten from the man, making Yoongi gasp. "No put me down!" The man pulled his hair,  "If you say one goddamn word again I will hurt you." He growled.  Yoongi whimpered, "A-Ah I'm sorry! L-Let go!" He rolled his eyes and walked away with him.

He put Yoongi in a big changing room and yanked off his clothes. He threw some black latex clothes at him, "Put this on now." The kitten frowned and shook his head, curling up in a ball.

"Three," The man cracked his knuckles. Yoongi gulped. "Two," The man walked up to him but the kitten didn't move. "One." He pulled Yoongi's hair roughly. Yoongi screamed and held his arms, digging his nails in the man's skin.

The man groaned and let go of him, slapping him across his face. "You do as I say!" He yelled. Yoongi whimpered and backed up against the wall. "J-Just let me go.." The man laughed and looked at his bleeding arm, "Fuck no."

He pulled his hair more until he ripped off a chunk of hair. The cat kept screaming and begging him to stop. But he didn't.

Soon a younger looking man pulled him away from the hurt hybrid and hugged the crying boy. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He frowned. The older man sighed, "He scratched me Jinyoung! I was teaching the little brat a lesson!" He out his hand in the air like he was gonna slap Yoongi.

Jinyoung moved the cat away. "Fuck off or I'll get you fired. These hybrids must have no cuts or bruises!" The older rolled his eyes, "Fine you take care of him." He walked away. Yoongi sighed out in relief.

The man got on his knees, "Hey are you ok?" He wiped away his tears. Yoongi sniffled, "T-Thank you." He was shaking a little. The man sighed, "Put the clothes on ok? You need to be ready in fifteen minutes." He pet his head but Yoongi flinched. "Oh I'm sorry!" Jinyoung frowned and hugged him, rubbing his back. The cat closed his eyes and put his head on his head. "C-Can I go home?" Jinyoung bit his lip, "I'm afraid you can't. I'm sorry."

Jinyoung helped Yoongi put on the clothes and some light makeup and guided him to the rest of the hybrids. They were put in a line.

Soon enough the hybrids went on stage one by one. The first, who was a goat hybrid, awkwardly walked on the stage and gulped at the amount of people that were in the crowd. Then people started hitting him with whips, yelling: "Strip!" He whimpered and did as told. That went on for every hybrid. Some who disobeyed ended up dragged off stage, getting a bigger punishment. A few young hybrids actually passed out 'cause of the amount of stress they suddenly got. Yoongi was on the verge of crying.

The hybrids who tried to escape were escorted out of the building.

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