Chapter fifty nine

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"Thanks again for agreeing to this Jimin. Yoongi really wants to go home." Jin smiled. Jimin nodded, "Of course. Don't worry about him I'll take him home safely."

Yoongi walked into the room with his luggage and got a hug from Namjoon. He giggled and hugged back, "Aish Joonie I'll only be home I'm not dead." The taller chuckled, "Sorry~" He pulled away. Then Yoongi hugged Jin. "Master rest well please. You need to be better soon." He pout. The man smiled, "I will babe. Have a safe flight." He kissed his cheek.

Jimin took his luggage and took him to the taxi that had been waiting. They got in the back and Yoongi just smiled at Jimin. The man chuckled, "Excited to go home?" The cat nodded.

"Yoongi sit down. We'll get food later." Jimin whined and made the cat sit down. "But I'm hungry!" Yoongi whined and put his head on Jimin's shoulder. The man chuckled and tapped his thigh, "Didn't you eat before you left?" Yoongi shook his head.

The boy sighed and looked at the people on the plane. He gasped when the plane started moving and held Jimin's arm. "You're really scared of planes..? Then why did you agree to go to America you idiot?" He chuckled. The cat just whined and closed his eyes.

Jimin played with his ears but got scolded by Yoongi. "Oh I forgot." The man mumbled. "My brother doesn't have that. My dad got him injected for that." The hybrid gasped, "You can do that? Ew why would he do that?" Jimin shrugged, "He wanted to be seen as a human." He sighed softly.

"Is it really that bad being a hybrid?" He asked. Yoongi shrugged, "It can be very fun. Like when you got me, it's like my whole life changed. Humans don't have that. I also like to get spoiled." He giggled. "But yes there are some things that suck. Like being seen as a sex toy by other people who only hear the bad news about us..." Jimin hummed, "Yeah I can understand. The news never cares about the good stuff. That's why I don't watch it. Too much negativity in the morning ruins my mood."

Yoongi played with Jimin's fingers. "Yeah it sucks. But that's just how the world works now.." The man hummed and looked out of the window.

It was twenty minutes later. Yoongi had spotted a hybrid that was looking at him. The boy blushed and waved at him. His ears were a little weird and he had no idea what type of hybrid he was.

The hybrid got up and walked to the bathroom, motioning for Yoongi to follow him. And he did.

"Hey." Yoongi smiled at the boy. "What type of hybrid are you?" He asked curiously. The boy chuckled, "I'm an owl." Yoongi's eyes widened, "Wow that's so cool! Wanna be friends?" He smiled. The boy nodded, "Sure. What's your name? Mines Sae." The cat bowed, "I'm Yoongi and I'm a cat." He smiled.

After ten minutes someone knocked on the door, "Excuse me can I use the bathroom now?" He sounded impatient. The two hybrids giggled and left the bathroom, going back to their seats.

Jimin raised his eyebrow when he saw Yoongi return to his seat with a smile. "Where did you go?" He asked. The cat leaned back, "Oh nothing. How long is the flight?"

"Too long. Take a nap ok? That's what I'm gonna do at least." Jimin put his chair down so he was laying down. Yoongi did the same thing and curled up in a ball. They both took a long nap.

"Yoongi get up." Jimin shook his shoulder. The hybrid groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes, "Are we home?" He asked. The man nodded, "Yeah let's get off the plane." He got up and grabbed the hang luggage. They left the plane and waited for the rest of their luggage on the airport.

Jimin had contacted one of his men to pick them up and drop them off at Jimin's house.

"Finally~" Yoongi sighed in relief as he walked inside of Jimin's house. "I need to pee where's the bathroom?" He asked. "Oh you go left and then at the end of the hallway on the right." The man said and walked away. Yoongi nodded and went to the bathroom.

Jimin was opening the doors that led to the backyard and walked outside. He yawned and looked around. An owl flew over to him at a fast rate and scratched his eye. Jimin gasped and fell on the floor, holding his eye in pain. "W-what the fuck?! Who are you I'll fucking kill you!"

Yoongi ran outside, "Jiminie what happened?!" He crouched down next to him and took his hands away. He gasped, "Your eye! You need to go to the hospital!" Jimin nodded and got up, "Fuck come with me." He dragged Yoongi to the car and drove to the hospital, calling one of his men to watch the house for him.

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