Chapter twenty nine

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It was the day after Yoongi finally saw Namjoon in full form. He couldn't lie, he was pretty terrified of him.

He was lying on the couch, throwing a ball of yarn in the air. Yet again he was bored. Jin was working and Namjoon was probably reading a book.

He hated being an omega sometimes as he couldn't even go outside without someone to protect him. But he wanted to prove that he could go outside. And thus he got up and quickly left the house. But not before leaving a note on the fridge saying: 'I'm going for a walk!' With a poor drawing of a cat.

Why? Because he's Yoongi. The kitten who never learns from his mistakes. Unfortunately.

He held onto his dress as he looked around, slowly walking out of the street. Of course he forgot to hide his ears. His tail was poking out from underneath his dress as well.

Some kid that was painting on the sidewalk with chalk looked up at him. "Wow.. a cat..." The boy slowly got up and ran over to him.

Yoongi turned around when he heard giggles and smiled when the boy hugged him.

"Kitten~" The little boy giggled and held him tighter. "Can I touch your tail?" Yoongi chuckled and nod, "Sure. Just don't tug on it."

The boy cheered and grabbed his tail, stroking it softly. "Wah it's so soft!" He gasped. The cat smiled and nod, "Yup! How old are you?" The boy held up six fingers proudly.

"Wow you're so old!" Yoongi smiled. "I'm twenty!" The boy looked up, "No you're old!" He giggled. He tried to reach for his ears.

The kitten knelt down so he could touch them. He smiled when he saw the excited expression on the boy's face.

"Baby?! Get away from that man!" A woman squealed and ran over to them. Yoongi looked up at her and watched as she pushed the boy away from him. The cat frowned.

"You pervert." She scoffed and slapped him, making him gasp. "Ma'am I didn't do anything! He walked up to me!"

She looked at his ears and her expression darkened. "You sick hybrid! I bet you were trying to fuck him!" She slapped and kicked him. Yoongi desperately tried to stop her by holding her hands.

Then she kicked him in his balls and left.

Yoongi yelped and fell to the ground, holding his crotch in pain. Tears were threatening to spill out of his eyes.

A man rushed over to him and helped him up. "Oh my god are you ok?!" He frowned as he looked at his body. Yoongi sighed, "I-I'm fine." He definitely wasn't. His legs were literally shaking.

The man sighed, "You aren't. I'll take you home, ok?" The kitten shook his head, "I'm good, I promise." He fiddled with his fingers.

Then he got picked up by the man and thrown over his shoulder. "I'm not good, and you're gonna fix that."

Yoongi gasped, "No no! I-I really have to go home!" The man ignored him and took him to his car. As soon as he put Yoongi down he held a handkerchief by his mouth that smelled... weird.

The boy squirmed around in his grip until he passed out in his arms. The man took him to his car and drove away.

Meanwhile Namjoon took a shower and went downstairs with fresh clothes on. "Yoongi let's cuddle." He mumbled and waited for a response.

He walked to the kitchen and went to the fridge. Then he saw the note and his eyes widened. "God damnit you stupid cat!" He ran out of the house.

He kept yelling through the streets, hoping for a reaction. The man that kidnapped Yoongi saw him and rolled his eyes. The dumbass was standing on the streets.

The guy sped up and drove up to him. Namjoon saw him and gasped, quickly jumping as a reflex. The car hit him and he flung over the car, hitting the ground hard. The man looked in his mirror and saw a pool of blood surrounding him. He quickly drove away.

Yoongi woke up slowly and opened his eyes. He gasped when he saw three guys in front of him, looking down at him. He tried to move away but he was tied to the wall.

"P-Please don't hurt me." He whimpered and curled up in a ball. Then he noticed that he was naked, making him blush.

One walked up to him and pulled him onto his feet. He slapped him, making him yelp. "Do as told and you won't get hurt cat." He got behind him and pulled his legs apart. Yoongi bit his lip, "I-I just wanna go home please..."

The kitten gasped when the man slammed into him and thrusted into him harshly. Yoongi closed his eyes and started crying.

One of the three was filming everything. He was the one who also came up with the idea to burn Yoongi's dress.

The remaining one got a whip and started slapping his chest and thighs. Watching the marks appear on his body.

Yoongi cried loudly and hid his face in his arm. He really regretted going outside.

When they were done they left him and he collapsed on the dirty mattress that was under him. Yoongi cried himself to sleep.

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