Chapter thirty seven

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Jin was trying to fix the door handle when he heard something. "Yoongi?" He called out. When he got no response he went downstairs and to the kitchen. He gasped when he saw the flames and a passed out Yoongi on the floor. He rushed over to him and his eyes widened when he saw some blood on the ground. The man immediately bandaged his head wound and took the pans away.

Before he knew it the fire was spread and Namjoon sniffed it. He perked up and rushed downstairs, only to see fire escape from the kitchen and to the living room. "Master?! Yoongi?!" He screamed out.

Jin gasped when the cat woke up, hugging him tightly. "Master the fire!" He screamed and got up, holding onto the man. Jin started coughing and couldn't see what way the exit was anymore. "Help!" Yoongi screamed and started crying. He was terrified as hot flames started to surround the two.

Namjoon ran into the kitchen and somehow managed to drag the two out of the house. The three were all shocked and coughing because of the smoke they inhaled. A fire truck and ambulance came to the house.

Jin burst out in tears as he watched his dream house burn to the ground. Yoongi frowned and hugged him, "M-Master we all got o-out in time thankf-fully.." he was shaking like crazy. Namjoon whimpered and hugged them tightly, "I found you. Master no one got hurt please don't cry."

Ambulance people rushed up to them, "Is everyone out of the house?" Jin nodded and whimpered. They sighed out in relief, "We're gonna need to check up on you as soon as possible. The smoke can be damaging." They took them to the ambulance and did a few tests on them. Soon enough they got blankets and water to calm down.

Jimin and Hoseok rushed up to them, "Are you ok?!" Jimin asked worriedly. Jin nodded and sniffled, "T-Thankfully." The man frowned, "You can stay with us for the night or even a few weeks. Take as much time as you need to get a new place."

Jin frowned and hugged him, "Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." He cried. Jimin hugged back and coughed, "You really need to take a shower. Just enter the house as soon as you can, ok? Hoseok stay with them." He went back inside.

Hoseok frowned and rubbed Yoongi's back, "You're ok now kitty cat. You're all ok. Please stop shaking." Namjoon hugged the kitten and the boy started crying loudly. He clutched onto the younger and Hoseok frowned, rubbing his back.


Jimin had provided them with a warm shower, fresh clothes and had ordered some food for them. Jin was cuddling with his hybrid's on the couch, holding them closely.

Yoongi was nervously scratching his left ear. He needed to be busy to keep his mind off the fire. Namjoon has noticed and stopped him, "Yoongi don't. You'll get a wound if you keep scratching like that." The kitten whimpered, "I think I'll just go to sleep... Can someone cuddle with me?" Hoseok got up, "I'll cuddle with you sweetie. C'mon."  Yoongi hugged Namjoon and Jin and told them he loved them. Then Hoseok lift him up and carried him upstairs to his room.

Yoongi cuddled closely to him before falling asleep. The fox frowned, "Poor thing. He must be so stressed out." He sighed.

Soon everyone went to bed.

The next few days they got used to living with Jimin and Hoseok. Yoongi always cheered up his master whenever he noticed he looked sad. Namjoon and Hoseok got really close and talked a lot.

Yoongi had his ear bandaged by Jin because he kept scratching it. At one point it started to bleed. At least Jimin got Yoongi some new dresses as all of his burned down. It was a pretty blue one, a short white one and a lacy black one. Jimin's favorite was the black one as it was perfect on him.

But at one point... things went downhill...

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