Chapter fifty two

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"Ah finally our hotel~" Seokjin smiled as he saw the big hotel in front of them. "Namjoon thank the man and hand him his money please." The hybrid nod and gave the taxi driver his money. "Thank you for the ride sir." He said in English and smiled at him. The man nodded and got out of the car to take our their luggage.

They all got out of the taxi and grabbed their stuff. Jin took his hybrids into the hotel and checked in. He looked at the two cards and saw what rooms they were in. 206 and 208.

"Master why do you have a room for yourself?" Yoongi asked once they were in the elevator. "Because I want a vacation too." The man chuckled and pet his head. The hybrid pout, "Yah that's mean of you." Namjoon pinched Yoongi's butt, "Hey but you're stuck with the guy that can actually speak the language everyone is speaking here. I bet master will make me order his room service." He chuckled. Jin scoffed, "I might be rich and powerful but I can't be bilingual too." He crossed his arms.

"You're perfect to me master." Yoongi hugged the man's waist. The man grinned, "Thanks babe. You're perfect to me too."

When they left the elevator Jin suddenly stopped, "Oh Yoongi I forgot to tell you. I got you birth control. Yes it sounds girly but you'll need it." He eyed Namjoon up and down. The bear blushed and looked down while Yoongi just nodded, "So I can get pregnant again. Uh yeah can I take one now?" The man chuckled, "But, if you take one now you'll still have to wear a condom until tomorrow just in case." Yoongi sighed but nodded.

Jin gave him the pill and he swallowed it. Then they went to their rooms and put their stuff down. "We should visit the beach! It's across the hotel." Namjoon smiled. Yoongi shrugged, "I don't want sand all over my ears."

The taller groaned, "C'mon! You're so whiny! I'll ask master!" He ran out of the room and knocked on Jin's room. When the man opened the door he smiled widely, "Can we visit the beach master? Please?"

The man chuckled, "Of course honey but you need to take a nap because of jet lag. Yoongi too. We can go there in 4 hours." Namjoon pout, "4 hours? I can't wait that long!" Jin rolled his eyes, "Its too early now. Go to bed." He kissed the boy's cheek and shooed him away.

When Namjoon went to talk to master Yoongi left their room because he heard a familiar voice. When he saw Jaemin he smiled widely and walked up to him, "Hey you're in the same hotel! Where's your master?" He asked. The panther sighed, "Work stuff. Will you keep me company until he comes back?" He smiled lightly. Yoongi nodded, "Of course."

They went into the panther's hotel room. Yoongi sat down on the bed and watched the hybrid put his stuff away. "So I've been kinda lonely.." Jaemin started. "Master has been neglecting me sexually. Will you help with my urges?" He came close to him and sniffed him.

Yoongi blushed, "I don't know..." the boy groaned and put his hand on Yoongi's thigh. He started sucking the boy's neck. The cat gulped and let a small moan escape his mouth, allowing Jae to slide his hand under Yoongi's dress.

The boy didn't do anything. He just let it happen.

Suddenly Jaemin flipped him around and pulled down his panties. "W-Wait." Yoongi said and looked up. "Use a condom." He grabbed one.

The boy smirked, "Whatever you want~" he took his clothes off and put on the condom. He then aligned himself at the boy's hole and pushed in.

"Yoongi we gotta take a nap!" Namjoon announced as he walked into their room. "Yoongi? Are you in the bathroom? Don't use up all the nice little soaps!" He said and jogged to the bathroom. No Yoongi. "Oo that's a nice bathtub." Namjoon said and stared at it for awhile. "Uh no I gotta find Yoongi!" He left the room.

"Yoongi?" Namjoon called out as he left the hotel room. He groaned, "If that fucker is kidnapped again I'd have to put him on a leash!" He went to Seokjin's room and knocked on the door.

The man opened the door, "Babe I told you to take a nap." He yawned. Namjoon walked inside, "Can I borrow your laptop please? Also nice underwear." He walked to Jin's laptop. The man looked down and looked at his pink boxers, "Oh shush you love it. And why do you need my laptop?"

"Nothing master. Go to sleep ok?" Namjoon got up and took the man to bed. Jin was too tired to fight it and just let him. "Fine. Goodnight sweetie." He kissed his cheek. The hybrid kissed his head and tucked him in, "Yeah goodnight."

Namjoon walked to a different room with the laptop and searched for Yoongi with the gps. "Huh he's in a different hotel room? The one next to us?" He was confused. "Whatever." He got up and left Jin's room. He went to the hotel room next to their room and as he was about to bang on the door it opened.

He saw the guy from at the airport holding a sleeping Yoongi. He looked up, "Oh.. it's the other hybrid.." he awkwardly laughed. "Yeah uh, he's tired." He handed Namjoon Yoongi and quickly closed the door. Namjoon groaned, "Yah what did you do with him?!"

He looked at the sleeping boy in his arms and sighed, "I'll punish you later. First I want to go to the beach." He mumbled and took him to their room. He put him down and cuddled him as he fell asleep.

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