Chapter fifty one

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"Guys we don't have all day!" Jin groaned from downstairs. It was the day they were going on vacation. Yoongi and Namjoon were packing their stuff one hour before they had to leave for the airport because they were so busy watching sappy soaps the day before.

Jin couldn't lie, he loved those soaps. But, being the well put together man he was, he had his stuff neatly packed and already at the front door the day before.

"Master I'm coming!" Yoongi yelled and carried his big suitcase down the stairs. Jin quickly helped him once he noticed he was about to drop it. "Thank you." The hybrid smiled and kissed his cheek. "Namjoon is almost done I think." He hopped off the last few stairs and quickly grabbed some sweets for on the way.

The hybrids were both wearing hats to cover up their ears and Yoongi had to wrap his tail around his waist under his dress once they got to the airport.

Soon enough the other hybrid came downstairs with his massive suitcase, smiling like a little kid in a candy store. Seokjin chuckled, "Excited are we?" The boy nodded, "Mhm! It has been my dream to go to America and sniff the culture and rude business people who are late for their morning coffee." He smiled. The man chuckled and kissed his cheek, "God you're adorable. Help Yoongi with his suitcase will you? Mine are already in the trunk." Namjoon nodded and walked away.

Soon they were on their way to the airport.

When they got there Namjoon immediately took Yoongi's hand. "Do not leave my side. These people don't know you're a hybrid and I and master would like to keep it that way. And also, you could easily get lost here." He said. The cat nodded and squeezed his hand, "I won't let go Joonie~" he smiled. "Good." The bear chuckled.

"Guys we have to go here." Jin said and started walking away. The hybrids followed him.

Once they were ready they sat down and waited for the signal of the plane. Now they were just watching random people run across the airport like maniacs.

A boy sat down next to Yoongi and sniffed the air. He nudged the cat, "You know humans can't tell you're a hybrid but you can't hide being a hybrid when I'm one too." He chuckled. Yoongi looked at him and saw his ears. "Master told me to put the hat on. I tend to get kidnapped a lot." He awkwardly chuckled.

"Oh I'm Jaemin but call me Jae instead ok?" The boy smiled. Yoongi nodded, "My name is Yoongi." He smiled. Jaemin looked him up and down, "So what kind of hybrid are you? I'm a panther. Alpha."

Namjoon heard him and looked at him. "Nope Yoongi get here." He pulled the smaller on his lap. The panther laughed, "Awe just because I'm an alpha I can't make conversation with an omega?" Namjoon rolled his eyes, "He's my omega. And I'm supposed to protect him against other alphas."

"Oh shit so he's your mate?" Jae assumed. "It doesn't smell like it though.." Yoongi shook his head, "No I'm not. He just protects me but he doesn't need to right now." He got off the taller's lap. Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I'll remember that if I see him in the bathroom later with you bend over the toilet."

Jaemin choked on air, "Ahh I see what type you are." Yoongi blushed, "I'm not! Joonie!" He whined and slapped Namjoon's chest. Both the alphas chuckled. "Namjoon leave him alone." Jin said and nudged the taller.

Yoongi hugged his master and hid his face in his chest. The man chuckled and kissed his head, "Remember, we're in first class but I want you to sit with Namjoon. That way I could get some rest too." He chuckled. Yoongi nodded, "Okay."

"Flight 6 to America will be departed soon." A voice through the speakers said. Jin got up, "That's us. Namjoon watch Yoongi and I'll take care of the tickets." He said and grabbed they hand luggage. Yoongi took Namjoon's hand.

"You guys are going to America as well? Cool maybe we'll meet each other again." Jaemin said and smiled. Yoongi nodded, "I hope so." He smiled. Then he got dragged away by Namjoon so they wouldn't lose their master in the crowd.

Soon they got on the plane and Yoongi sat down by the window. Namjoon was beside him. Jin was on the other side but the same row so he could look at them and see if they were alright. Yoongi held his arm and cuddled up to him. "I like these seats. They're comfortable." He smiled.

Namjoon nodded and kissed his head. He then took off his hat, "Finally~" he put it away. Yoongi took off his hat, "That's better." He chuckled.

"This flight is about to take off. Please turn all your electronic devices off." A stewardess said. Yoongi got anxious, "I'm scared." He held Namjoon's arm more. The bear chuckled, "There's nothing to be afraid of baby." He rubbed his back.

Soon the plane took off.

Sorry if any of this is wrong I've never been on a plane or even in an airport before.

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