Chapter forty six

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"Hello Yoongi.." A very familiar voice said. It was Jimin. Yoongi frowned and ran up to him, hugging him tightly. "Oh my god I missed you!" The man hugged him back, "I missed you too kitten. But I'm only here for business purposes." He took him to the living room and sat down on the chair.

Yoongi said down on the couch, "So you're going to be my babysitter?" The man nodded, "Yeah. It's quite embarrassing but Jin really needed my help. So of course I said yes. And Namjoon is hurt so you definitely need someone to watch over you."

Yoongi looked down, "I guess.. but where is Hobi?" He asked confused. Jimin frowned and took a deep breath, "He uh.. He's dead.. Some asshole attacked him from behind and he unfortunately didn't make it.."

Yoongi's eyes widened, "H-He died? Oh my god no Hobi.." He put his head in his hands and started sobbing into them. Jimin walked up to him and sighed, "I know. Now go to your room and don't come out. I don't want to see your face again." He ordered.

The cat looked up surprised, "What?" He sniffled, "But why..." Jimin grabbed his arm, "Now! I'm missing his funeral because of you!" Yoongi flinched and ran upstairs. He soon found his room and locked himself in it. He whimpered, "Hobi.."

He put his head in his pillow and sobbed.

After an hour Yoongi heard some noise outside and looked out of his window. He saw a few guys with skateboards outside. Yoongi watched them and had his eye on one of them. He looked cute but super hot with his ripped jeans and snapback. When the boy looked up Yoongi blushed and waved lightly.

The guy smiled, "Oh cool you're a hybrid. Come down let's hang out." Yoongi bit his lip, "I'm kinda grounded so I can't really go outside." The guy chuckled, "Then climb down the window. It's not that high. Let me help." He put his skateboard away.

"Alright hold on." Yoongi quickly grabbed a coat and climbed down the window. The guy grabbed him and put him down on the ground. "Damn you're cute, what's your name?" He asked and smiled. "Yoongi." The cat giggled. "Where are your friends? They were here just now."

He smiled, "They went home but let's chill at my place ok?" Yoongi nodded, "What's your name?" He asked. The boy smiled, "Jay. Get on my back ok?" The cat quickly got on his back and held onto him as he skated to his house. Yoongi smiled.

Once they got there he took him inside and took him to the couch. "You know, you look so cute." He said and fixed Yoongi's hair. The cat giggled, "Thank you. You're very handsome." Jay chuckled and put Yoongi's hand on his thigh, "Thanks. Hey Yoongi.. can we have some fun? You know I don't think I can stay like this." He pulled him on his lap.

Yoongi bit his lip and rocked his hips a little, "Like this?" He asked quietly. Jay nodded and bit his lip, "There you go." He grabbed his ass. The cat looked down and kept moving. "Hey don't be sad. I don't just let anyone touch me. You should consider yourself lucky." He said and kissed his head.

The cat blushed and nodded. "Then I want to do this." He got off his lap and unzipped his jeans as he got on his knees. The boy smirked and watched the hybrid. They're so easily tricked. Stupid little sluts.

Once Yoongi pulled down his jeans and boxers he bit his lip and started licking the base. Jay moaned, "Good boy~" he held his head.

Jimin was getting skeptical at how quiet it was upstairs. He knocked on the door, "Yoongi? I hope you're unpacking your shit before your master gets upset." No response. He huffed and knocked again, "Yah answer." He ordered.

"I'm going to break open this door if you don't open it now!" He said and crossed his arms. He kept waiting...

After awhile he groaned and went through the bathroom to Yoongi's room. Of course he forgot to lock it. When Jimin realized he wasn't there he started panicking and rushed out of the house. He started searching for him.

Yoongi swallowed the warm cum and pulled away. He wiped his mouth and smiled at the boy. Jay pet his head, "You want a beer?" He fixed his jeans and watched the cat curl up next to him. "No I don't drink." Yoongi said and purred. The boy got a little irritated and got up, walking to the kitchen to get himself some beer.

"You know you should go back home. It's getting late." Jay yelled from the kitchen. Yoongi sat up and frowned, "But I just got here..." he watched the boy walk back into the living room. After Jay drank some of his beer he shrugged, "Tough luck. Go home I'm going to bed."

Jay took him off the couch and took him to the front door. "But I'll see you around ok?" He kissed the disappointed cat. Yoongi nodded and blushed, "Okay. Maybe come to me tomorrow?" He suggested. Jay nodded, "Sure. Go quickly." He tapped his ass and closed the door. Yoongi sighed and started walking home.

"Kim Yoongi if you don't get your ass back here right now I'm going to punish you even more than I already am!" Yoongi heard a very familiar voice say. He gulped and turned around, seeing a pissed Jimin walk toward him. He whined and ran away, "No if I go with you I'll get punished! I'll go home myself!"

"Yoongi I swear to god!" Jimin groaned and ran after him, almost immediately tackling him. The cat squealed and squirmed around, "Jimin no! I don't want a punishment!" The man groaned, "Too fucking late. Now stop squirming!" Yoongi frowned and did as told. He just let Jimin lift him up and take him back home.

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