Chapter forty five

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"Stay away!" Yoongi screamed and stuck the knife forward without looking.

The man looked at the cat with wide eyes. Yoongi opened his eyes and gasped when he realized he stabbed the man right in his stomach. "Y-You're fucking d-dead now." The man grabbed Yoongi's neck and pushed him against the wall, squeezing it so he wouldn't be able to breath.

Yoongi started panicking. Before he knew it he stabbed the man into his shoulder, watching as he pulled away and almost screaming in pain. This was his chance. The kitten lunged at the man and pushed him onto the ground.

Yoongi got on top of him and started violently stabbing him. "This is for hurting the ones I love!" Yoongi screamed and started crying. He soon got stopped by Namjoon who was also crying. "Y-Yoongi you just killed a man.."

The cat dropped the knife and turned around, "I-I couldn't help it he hurt you! You're covered in bruises and your arm is bleeding!" He hugged him and kept crying. "Listen we have to go." Namjoon sniffled, "Before anyone finds out he's dead." He lift him up but flinched.

"No I can walk myself!" Yoongi protested and helped the younger instead. He took him out of the house and whimpered. "I thought he was going to kill us. I want master." He started crying. Namjoon hugged him, "Shh, he'll find us I promise. But for now we just need to be on ourselves." Yoongi shook his head, "You need to go to the hospital. I'll tell the blood on me is just from your arm. Please Joonie please.."

They were on their way to the hospital when a car stopped in front of them. "Oh my god what happened to you?!" Jin came out of the car and hugged them tightly. "Master!" They both said in relief and hugged back, "What the hell happened? Why are you covered in blood?!" Jin frowned and pulled away.

"This crazy man tried to hurt us and he cut my arm but then we escaped." Namjoon said and showed his master his arm. Yoongi looked up at him. Why didn't he tell that he just brutally murdered someone?

Jin gasped, "Oh my god that's a deep wound. Hold on I'll call someone." He quickly called a few of his staff over that lived nearby. In a few minutes a big van drove up and a few men got out. One covered Yoongi in a heated blanket and the cat thanked him. He purred and got close to his master. Then they took Namjoon into the van and started treating his wound.

"Yoongi get into the car." He sighed. "You should take a nap baby." Jin kissed his forehead. Yoongi nodded and got into the car. He changed into a cat and curled up into the warm blanket.

When they were done with Namjoon he got in the car and drove home. The hybrids both fell asleep from exhaustion. When they got home it was very late already. Jin woke up the hybrids and helped them go to bed after cleaning all the blood off them. When they fell asleep he sighed and went to his master bedroom.

He laid in his bed and whimpered. He hated that he couldn't protect his hybrids again. Jin was turning and groaning but he couldn't sleep. He got up and sat down by his desk on his comfortable office chair. He turned the computer on and searched for a new house. He didn't feel safe here, especially with two hybrids in the house. Some of the stuff wasn't even unpacked yet and all the boxes were still in the house somewhere.

After searching for over an hour and making himself some coffee he finally found a small house in a safe looking neighborhood. It was very far away from here but away from the city. He decided to buy it and fill out all the paperwork now.

Yoongi woke up the next morning and walked to his master's room. When he saw that the man was passed out by his computer he frowned and shook him gently. "Master?"

The man woke up and looked up at the concerned boy. He frowned and stretched, "Why are you up?" He asked. Yoongi tilted his head, "It's ten A.M. It's not early." He said and frowned. He hugged him, "Master why did you fall asleep on the chair? You shouldn't be working so much you'll get too stressed."

Jin frowned and pulled him on his lap, "Yoongi I have to tell you something." He sighed. "We're going to move again. I don't feel like you'll be safe here. And now that Namjoon is hurt he can't protect you. I also have a babysitter for you once we get there." He kissed his head.

Yoongi frowned and his ears laid flat on his head, "Again? But master we already moved here not that long ago. I can't even get used to this place and now we're moving again?" He huffed. His master hugged him tighter, "I'm sorry Yoongi but you have to understand I can't be at home for you to babysit you at all times." He said. The cat sighed and nod, "I guess. Should I wake up Joonie?" Jin shook his head, "Let him rest. We can pack our stuff without him. There's also a moving van coming in.." he looked at his watch, "An hour. So I'll make breakfast for us and you can start packing your things that are in your room ok?" The cat nodded and kissed Jin, "Don't overwork yourself master." He went back to his room.

Yoongi started packing his things in boxes that were still in his closet. He was worried about who was going to be his babysitter and hoped it would be a nice person.

Soon he went downstairs and ate breakfast with his master. The moving van came and Jin told the people what to take. They started taking the furniture and putting them in the van. Jin told Yoongi to wake up Namjoon and started helping the people.

When everything was in the van and in Jin's car they drove to their new house. Jin was nervous the hybrids wouldn't like the house because it was way smaller than they were used to. It was the best he could do on short notice.

Unfortunately Namjoon was feeling sick and nauseous after waking up and fell back asleep in the car. Yoongi was playing with his tail.

After hours of driving they finally arrived at home. Before Jin and Namjoon could even go in the house Jin was taking Namjoon to the hospital because he was worried about his health. Yoongi got into the house while holding his pillow. He was getting anxious. Jin told him his babysitter was already in the house but he didn't hear anything.

"Hello?" Yoongi called out carefully. He gasped and dropped his pillow once he realized who it was. "Hello Yoongi.."

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