Chapter eleven

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They put a cast on Yoongi's ankle and gave him crutches to walk on. Jimin smiled, "You're doing so well baby! Good job!" Yoongi smiled and hopped around the room.

Hoseok chuckled, "I'm impressed, Yoongi!" The kitten hopped over to them.

The doctor nod, "He's getting the hang of it. You can go home now, after getting some painkillers. Here's the prescription." He handed Jimin a piece of paper. The man thanked him and helped his hybrids out of the room.

After they got the pills they walked over to the exit. "Master wait I'm tired!" Yoongi yelled as he struggled behind. He stopped to catch his breath and the other two stopped walking as well.

They chuckled and Hoseok walked up to him, "Should I carry you?" The kitten shook his head, "I can do it."

Someone rushed past them and accidentally hit Yoongi's shoulder, making him fall over. He gasped as he was about to hit the floor but Hoseok quickly caught him, "Are you ok?" Yoongi nodded, "Y-Yeah."

Jimin groaned and stormed over to the guy. "What the fuck is your problem? Can't you see that he has a broken ankle?!" The guy was surprised, "Wow calm down, it was an accident." He rolled his eyes.

Jimin's blood started to boil, "Do you even know who I am?" He shrugged, "No..." Jimin lunged at him but Hoseok held him back, "Let's just go home master!"

"Master?" The man laughed, "Oh look he's sex addicted 'cause he doesn't have one hybrid but two!" Yoongi hissed at him, "Don't talk to master like that!"

"Shut it kitty!" He yelled, making Yoongi scared and hide behind Hoseok. "That's it!" Jimin punched the guy and jumped on top of him.

"Yoongi don't look!" Hoseok lift him up and carried him out of he hospital. "M-master..." Yoongi mumbled and peaked over his shoulder, seeing Jimin punch the guy.

Jimin and the guy were taken to a room and had to tell the boss what happened.

"I'm sorry but I have to make an important phone call. My hybrids need to get home safe." Jimin said and stood up. The guy nod, "Okay whatever. Miss. Please stay with him so he won't leave." The nurse stood up, "Yes sir." She walked out of the room with Jimin.

He grabbed his phone and called someone up. "Hello, yes it's Mr. Park. I want you to take my hybrids home safely. Tell them I send you and show your ID.... Yes of course you need to!.. No they're not idiots... if they protest use force, but don't hurt them."

The nurse was listening to him and looked at him surprised. He rolled his eyes, "Keep out of this and mind your own business." He walked back inside. The nurse nod and followed him.

"Yah how long is he gonna take?" Hoseok whined. Yoongi shrugged and held him closer. He was getting tired of standing so Hoseok was so kind enough to hold him.

A black van pulled up next to them and two men got out. The fox took a few steps back.

The men walked up to them, "We're taking you back home. Mr. Park send us." One spoke. Yoongi hugged Hoseok more, whispering in his ear: "I'm scared. Don't trust them."

"Please just come with us, or we'll have to use force." The other one said sternly. They moved closer to them and Hoseok just kept walking backwards, "Leave us alone!"

"You take the cat I'll take the fox." One guy said and quickly grabbed Yoongi away from Hoseok. He squeaked, "Stop it! Put me down!"

The fox growled and was about to do something when he was pinned against the wall. "Aish what the fuck?!"

"H-Hobi!" Yoongi yelled as he got carried away in the van. "Be quiet kitty we're taking you home. I promise." The guy sighed and pet his head. "Don't hurt yourself."

Then Hoseok got dragged into the van and he immediately hugged the scared cat.

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