Chapter 2

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"Okay so we have the gym which we are just going to play football (soccer for Americans) against the boys outside and then we have lunch." Brandy said as we started to walk to the girl's locker room.

We got changed into shorts, t-shirts, and sneakers and then went outside. While we sat on the benches I saw a group of boys with tattoos and they were smoking. The curly haired one looked over to where I was and saw me he and smiled before looking back over to his friends. I looked over at Brandy and tapped her shoulder she turned and looked at me. I pointed over to the boys and asked "who are they"

"They're the bad boys of the school I suggest you stay away from them they're nothing but trouble" she replied.

"Okay." I mumbled. The coach called us all over even the boys with the tattoos came over.

"Okay I were going to have two teams and the team captains are Jess McConnell and Harry Styles." she said while looking at her clipboard. Harry and I both walked over to the coach.

"Okay both captains shake hands." she said.

The boy with the curly hair and tattoos put out his hand and said "I'm Harry."

I put my hand out and shook his "I'm Jess." I replied. The coach picked who was going to be on our team and what we were going to play. I was chosen to play middle offense. Harry's team had the ball first. The whistle blew and we started playing I stole the ball from one of the girls and ran down the field with it I was so close to scoring but one of the defensemen took the ball from me and passed it to Harry.

He ran down back down the field and past the defense and shot at the goal. And he scored. He ran back over to half-field and looked and me with a smirk and said "better luck next time love."

 *Author's Note* Hey Everyone! Yeah this chapter is kinda short but hopefully the next one will be longer. Please vote, comment, and fan. Happy Reading :-)

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