Fashion Disaster

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"Are you kidding me?!" An Irish accent rang through out the studio, causing the raven haired man who the voice was directed at to tense up a bit. "I've been asking you for the past month and a half, double checking like 50 times that I was free that week and now you want me to do a show on those exact days I planned other things?" Jack groaned in frustration.

"You don't... have to." The raven haired man pointed out, his chocolate eyes flickering around nervously, trying not to upset the green haired model who stood in front of him even more than he was already.

Jack sighed. "I know, It'd just be better for the company." He replied calmer. "And I actually kinda want to, Mark. It's just..." He trailed off, sighing again. "Just, give me some time. Let me sleep on it and think about it when I'm not so tired." Jack smiled, the ocean from his blue eyes washing out over the other man. "No promises though." Jack reminded him playfully. Mark chuckled.

"Yes, yes. I know. No promises." Mark smiled back, laying a hand on Jack's shoulder reassuringly, letting him know that he wasn't mad. "See you Tuesday then?"

"Yep, Tuesday. I should have an answer for you by then."

Mark nodded, removing his hand and watching the model walk away.

Jack plopped in his recording chair once he got home, posting on Twitter before going to change out of the outfit he was wearing. "Hey guys! I know I promised I'd go to PAX, but other things came up, and now I might not be able to go. :("

He was looking at the responses a little bit later, sadness filling him and causing him to frown.

"He always says He'll go to meet us, but then never does."


"But I already bought my ticket!"

"Nuuuu! I was so excited for that!"

"So much for fans being the most important part about what Jack does on YouTube."

Jack sighed. He was so torn. Mark didn't know about his YouTube channel and his followers didn't know about his modeling career, so it wasn't like he could just explain to one or the other why this other event was so important. Jack just read more comments, thinking over his two options. He eventually decided he'd go to Pax. He'd already promised he would, and Mark only brought this show to him today. Plus, there was only one Jacksepticeye, while there are many other models just as attractive, if not more, than him at Mark's agency. Before he could convince himself to change his mind, he bought plane tickets and reserved a hotel, tweeting out once more.

"Just kidding guys! I got everything sorted out and I am DEFINITELY going to Pax!! So pumped to meet you guys! :) :) :)"

The comments were much more pleasing to read after that.

Tuesday came a lot faster than Jack had expected, pulling Mark to the side during his break. "So, I've decided that I can't." Jack tried not to look at Mark in fear of the disappointment on his face would make him want to change his mind. "I had already made plans and promises I'd do this other thing and I already bought the tickets to America." Jack trailed off, looking up at Mark, how just stared back at him curiously.

"Where is this event that you're doing taking place?"

"Uhh... Boston, I think. Yeah, Boston."

Mark just laughed. He didn't know what else to do, so he just laughed. He held up a finger as Jack stared at him confused. "You're kidding me, right?"

Jack simply shook his head, not quite understanding. "Umm, I guess I didn't tell you this, but the show is in Boston."

Jack's eyes widened slightly. "Wait, that means... I could do both. The scheduling might be a little tight, but I could do both." Jack smiled happily, throwing his arms around Mark. "Oh my gosh, this makes life a whole lot easier. You have no idea how hard it is to turn you down."

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