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A calm breeze drifted across the ocean as Jack stood there, looking out across the water. It would've been peaceful, if the poor green haired man wasn't currently tied to the mast of a sinking ship. The pirates who captured him were laughing at the Irishman's unfortunate fate as they sailed away safely from the sinking boat. Jack struggled against the ropes that held him tightly against the mast, hoping against all odds that he could get free. Suddenly, A head popped out of the water, slightly startling green haired man. A figure with raven hair swam closer to the Irishman, holding out a fish that he held in his hands.

"No," Jack shook his head. "Get me free from here.

The man looked confused. He just smiled, and held out the fish again. "Fish." The man said, his deep voice rumbling out of his throat and filling the open air.

"No!" Jack growled, getting slightly frustrated. "Get me off of this thing." Jack slightly panicked as the ship sunk further, the water up to his shoulders.

Once again, the strange man insisted Jack take the fish, Jack still refusing. At this point, the raven haired man seemed slightly annoyed at Jack's resistance, his chocolate eyes staring at the blue eyed Irishman as he continued to panic, the water now up to his neck. The raven haired figure sighed, tilting Jack's head back and dumping the fish in his mouth.

Jack figured he might as well go along with what the mysterious man wanted, maybe he'd help him after that. The green haired man chewed the fish, swallowing it, causing the man's brown eyes to sparkle with happiness. He grabbed the rope, cutting Jack free just as his head went under water.

Jack let out an underwater scream squeezing his eyes shut as he floated free from the mast, unable to move as he felt an unbearable pain in his chest, slowly losing the oxygen in his lungs. All the while, the man just floated beside him, watching. He smiled once more, swimming closer to Jack and taking his hand as the green haired man stared at his newly formed green tail. Jack swept his gaze up to the man in front of him, getting a glimpse of the strangers  red tail for the first time. The raven haired merman smiled.

"Hi, my name is Mark."

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