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Demi looked at me and smiled.

                “Whether it’s y/n or some other girl, I know you’re gonna be an amazing boyfriend.” she said.

                I smiled and my cheeks were burning. “Man, you really know how to make a guy blush, don’t you?”    

Demi laughed.

                The door opened and Dr. Stevens stuck his head out. "She just woke up, would you like to come inside?" he asked us. We anxiously got up and followed him inside.

y/n was lying on the hospital bed wide awake. Bandages and casts over her arms and legs. There was a woman sitting next to her talking to her. We quietly walked inside, and as we did, y/n's eyes followed me the whole time. We never lost eye contact.

                The woman next to her stood up and greeted us. "Hello, I'm Dr. Kelly. I'm a professional psychologist, here to help y/n." she introduced herself.

                "Nice to meet you. I'm Demi, this is Justin, and her brother, Max." Demi introduced us.

                "Nice to meet you," I said. Max waved.

                Dr. Stevens came up to us with a clipboard. "Well, in result, y/n has amnesia. Retrograde amnesia." he said.

                "What's retrograde amnesia?" I asked concerned.

                "It's the common type of amnesia. She can't remember her past, but she can create new memories. It appears she doesn't remember her name, age, birth date, and she can't remember any friends or family. Perhaps you'd like to talk to her to see if she can remember anything."

                We nodded. "Yes, of course." Demi said and we walked over to her bed. Dr. Kelly was sitting right next to her.

y/n stared at us as we came closer to her. I noticed her cuts and bruises up close, slowly healing. They looked painful, probably were. She looked afraid of us.

                Dr. Kelly put a hand to her shoulder. "It's ok, y/n. They're your friends."

                "I don't know these people..." y/n said softly.

                "This is Demi, she's your best friend." Dr. Kelly said introducing Demi.

                Demi took a step towards y/n. "Hi, y/n. I hope you remember me. Please feel better." Demi said nicely with a smile. y/n lips curved.

                "Thank you." y/n said not knowing who she was talking to.

                "And this is Justin. He's also your friend." Dr. Kelly said gently pushing me closer y/n.

                "Hey y/n, how are you feeling?" I asked.

                "Fine, thank you." she said looking into my eyes.

                "Do you remember me?"

                She stared at me, concentrating. Then she sighed. "Sorry."

I frowned. My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. Things aren’t gonna be the same anymore, are they?

 But then I smiled at her so she wouldn't feel bad. It's not her fault anyways.

She smiled back.

                Dr. Kelly coughed. "This is your brother, Max." she said breaking the silence. I secretly glared at Dr. Kelly. We were having a moment just now.

Max came closer to y/n. He was crying. y/n tried to sit up, the nurses helped her, and she hugged Max with her one unbroken arm.

                "Don't cry. I'll still love you, you're my brother." y/n said with a smile. Max smiled back and she kissed his cheek, and he kissed hers.

                "I love you, y/n." Max whispered.

                "Love you too." y/n said smiling.

                "Aww..." Demi said quietly. "She doesn't even remember him and she's already so sweet!"

                "Glad her personality didn't change." I said smiling at them.

The nurses helped y/n lie back down.

                "Now it's your turn to say that." Demi whispered to me in private.

                "Say what?"

                "I love you, to y/n."

                I looked at her surprised. "I love you? To y/n?" I asked. Demi nodded smiling."Love is such a big word..." I said.

                "You love her don’t you?"

                "Of course I love her. It's just so hard to say."

                "I understand."

                "She probably doesn't have feelings for me anymore anyways..." I said.

                "She will when the amnesia wears off. We don’t know when though.” she said. :Not to make this sound mushy or awkward, but I think you guys kinda give off that true love kind of vibe. Like two people truly meant for each other, you know? Like when you hang out, it looks like you guys have known each other since you were born.”

                “I kinda feel that way about her. Like she’s been here all my life.”

                “Just keep her in your heart. It’ll be worth it.” Demi said patting my chest, smiling. I smiled back.

                “Thanks for the words of wisdom.” I said and we went over to y/n.

The doctors left the room so we could have some alone time with y/n. We sat around and talked with her. She was friendly, but she still didn’t remember us. We told her about our adventures together and other funny stories. It was so nice to hear her laughing again.

                “This all really happened? Man, I wish I remembered! Ugh this is so frustrating!” y/n said laughing. We laughed with her.

                “You’ll remember eventually. I know you will.” Demi said.

                “And if you don’t, we’ll just make new memories together, no problem.” I said with a smile. She smiled back.

I could see Demi and Max gushing at us in the corner of my eye, but I didn’t care.

y/n’s POV:

                “Those are cool watches.” I said pointing to Justin’s wrists.

                He looked down at them, then back up at me. “Thanks.”

                “Why are you wearing two?” I asked. Demi and Max laughed.

                “Um… I don’t know. Good question, haha!” he laughed. “Here…” he said and took my hand, and he put one of his watches on for me. “You can have it.” he said with a smile.

                “It’s ok, you can keep it.” I said insisting that he take it back. But he didn’t.

                “No. I want you to keep it. A way of remembering me.” he said putting his hand on mine.

                “I don’t think I can forget.” I smiled and said softly, wrapping fingers around his hand. He gripped it tight.

                “Perfect!” Demi whispered in Justin’s ear. He rolled his eyes at her.

                “Huh?” I asked confused.

                “Nothing.” Justin said and played with my fingers until the doctors came back.

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