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y/n’s POV:

I woke up to the sound of doctors talking outside my room. It was 7:50 am. I yawned and stretched—still ached.

Dr. Stevens and a nurse walked inside.

                “Good morning, y/n.” he smiled. “How are you feeling?”

                “Nervous and tense…” I muttered.

                “About the surgery? Oh don’t worry about that! You’ll be fine. You won’t realize anything when we perform it, you’ll be asleep.”

                “I know. But what if I wake up in the middle of it?”

                “I highly doubt that you will, but in case you do, you just need to stay calm and we’ll give you some more anesthesia and you’ll fall asleep again.”

                “O-okay…” I grew even more scared now that he talked about it.

                “Rebecca here will help you get ready for the day.” he said referring to the nurse, and he left the room.

The nurse was very kind. She tended to every one of my needs and gave me my breakfast.

                “Excuse me,” I called her.

                “Yes?” she immediately responded.

                “Do you know when my surgery is?”

                “Around 9 o’clock.”

                “Ok, thank you.”

                “Oh, and Ms. yl/n. These flowers were sent to you last night.” Rebecca said carrying in a huge bouquet of flowers. I was so flattered. Were these from Justin again?

I was wrong.

They were signed, Bruno Mars.

                “Thank you, I said to Rebecca and she left the room. I read the card that came with the flowers.

“Dear y/n. It’s me, your big bro Bruno. Demi told me about your accident and everything that happened. I am so sorry. I was supposed to be there protect you, but I let my guard down. I really do hope you’re ok. I can’t wait to see you again because I’m on tour right now. Promise to feel better for me ok? I love you so much lil’ sis, stay strong for me. Talk to you soon. Love, Bruno Mars”

I smiled even though I had no idea who it was. Was he my big brother? I thought my only brother Max…

I was watching TV and just finished my breakfast when Demi, Max, and Justin came in. They smiled at me.

                “Hey, y/n! Good morning!” Demi said ran over with a hug. Max joined too. Justin was just staring at the flowers I got with an unapproved look on his face.

                “Wh-who are these from?” he sounded jealous.

                I smirked. “A really nice boy…” I said teasing him. Demi laughed.

                “What boy? What’s his name?”

                “Dude, calm down,” Demi said laughing at Justin.

                “I’m just asking!” he defended himself.

                “They’re from a guy named Bruno Mars. Apparently I know him?”

Demi looked over at Justin, and crossed her arms waiting for his response for making a fool of himself.

                “Oh…” Justin said awkwardly. “That’s great then!” he said like nothing happened.

                “Way to go, Mr. Overprotective…” Demi laughed at Justin and rolled her eyes.

                “Can’t help it, alright?” he said quietly.

                “Um… so who’s Bruno?” I asked.

                “Oh he’s one of your best friends ever. You guys are like brother and sister, but you’re not. You’re just that close.”

                “Is he my boyfriend?”

                “NO. HE’S NOT.” Justin said firmly.

                Demi just laughed harder. “Justin chill out, she was just asking.”

                “Sorry guys. I’m just, really on edge today... Probably too many energy drinks.”

                I giggled. “That’s ok.”

It was 9:18 when Dr. Stevens and a few surgeons and nurses came in the room. We all turned around.

                “It’s time.” Dr. Stevens said.

Demi, Max, and Justin got out of their way as they helped me into a wheelchair. I was incredibly nervous.

                “It’ll be ok,” Demi said.

                “Trust me.” said Justin.

I gulped and nodded as they pushed me out of the room into a separate room for surgery.

I was breathing heavily, scared out of my skin. I saw all the sharp tools propped on a table. They laid me on a table and one of the nurses took out a shot. A sharp, sharp needle.

                “Please remain calm.” she said and carefully injected the shot into my arm. I bit my lip because it hurt a little.

I felt myself losing my senses. I didn’t feel awake. I was numb. My eyes slowly closed…

Justin's POV:

Demi, Max, and I waited in the halls outside of the surgery room for y/n's surgery to be finished. Dr. Stevens said that it'll take 45 minutes to an hour.

All I did was think of how it would turn out; if the surgery would be successful or not. I had little beads of sweat forming on my forehead the more I worried.

Demi was looking at me, and she rolled her eyes and shoved me.

                "Wow, you're such a hypocrite." she said.

                "What do you mean?"

                "You tell y/n that there's nothing to worry about, and here you are stressing your mind out."

                "I just didn't want her to feel nervous."

                "She'll be fine, Justin! Trust. Right?"

                I looked at Demi and smiled at her for quoting me. “Right.”


It's been way past the time the doctors said y/n's surgery would've been finished. All of us were worried by now. Why were they taking so long? Don't tell me something went wrong. We weren't allowed to knock on the surgery room door and I didn't see any doctors around to ask.

                "Guys maybe we should check y/n’s regular room to see if she's already resting in there. Maybe the surgery's been long done and we've been waiting here the whole time for nothing."

                "You're right, she's gotta be in there by now." I said and we rushed to y/n's room.

We stood outside the closed door and prayed that y/n was just casually lying on her bed asleep or watching TV or something. I reached my hand towards the knob and slowly opened the door...

The room was empty.

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