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Justin’s POV:

I had a house party in celebration of releasing my new album, “Journals.” I might be going on tour soon too, but that hasn’t been confirmed with Scooter and the team yet. I was so excited. I invited many people from my label and fellow celebrity friends. Of course I invited Selena, y/n, Demi, and Fredo. My best friends, Ryan and Chaz, were also visiting from Canada. I haven’t hosted a party in a while since I’ve been working my ass off in the studio. I’ve been to parties and clubs, though.

Fredo, Ryan, and Chaz were helping me get things ready around the house. People should be here any minute now.

I heard the doorbell ring. Let the party begin.


The doorbell rang again, but the music was so loud that I barely heard it.

                “That was the doorbell, right?” I asked the dancing people around me.

                They smiled, danced, laughed, and nodded. I was happy to see that people were having a good time. Somebody’s definitely gonna get drunk and do stupid things tonight. That’s the definition of a teenager, and we get judged for it all the time.

I made my way through the crowd and got the door. Demi and her boyfriend, Wilmer, were standing at the door, smiling.

                “Hey guys!” I said with a hug. “Thanks for comin’.”

                 “Of course, we’re so happy for you!” Demi said with her energetic attitude.

                “Yeah, man, congrats!” Wilmer said.

                “Thanks,” I said.

Wilmer starting walking inside. Demi was gonna follow him, but I stopped her.

                “Uh, where’s y/n?” I asked Demi.

                Demi frowned. “Oh, uh… She’s not feeling too well,”

                I frowned. “Oh, she didn’t tell me,”

                “Yeah, she hasn’t been on her phone lately. Really not feeling well,”

                “So is she coming at all?”

                “I dunno. She said maybe if she starts feeling better,” Demi said, and left to join the party, and so did I.


y/n still hasn’t come yet. I tried texting her, but she didn’t answer. That’s strange. She usually tells me beforehand.


It’s three in the morning. Some people were passed out all over the house, from the staircase to the couch. I didn’t really mind. That’s what you get for throwing a dope party, haha. Demi and Wilmer were still here. They said that they weren’t feeling sleepy at all, and that they insisted to help me clean up a little before I go to bed. I told them that I’ll just clean it all up tomorrow, but they strongly insisted, so I couldn’t do anything about it.

                Selena came up to me and leaned against me. She was drunk. “Babe, I’m so tired,” he moaned.

                I kissed her forehead. “Go to bed, I’ll be there soon,”

                “Ok,” she said. She tried to kiss my cheek, but she missed and kissed my collarbone. I chuckled and helped her stand up a little straighter. She left and went upstairs to the bedroom, or she tried.

                “Damn, drunk Selena looks terrible,” Demi said.

                Wilmer and I laughed.

                “No kidding,” Wilmer said.

                “So what exactly is wrong with y/n? Does she have the flu or something?” I asked.

                “No, she just… she just isn’t feeling well. I dunno, she doesn’t want me to talk about it,” Demi mumbled.

                “Talk about what?” I asked.

                “Why are you so curious?”

                “I’m her best friend, I’m supposed to know this stuff. It’s like she’s been hiding stuff from me,”

                “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. The only people she talks to is me and Max,”

                “Well, can you tell me what’s going on with her? I’ll keep it secret if you want me to,”

                Demi looked at me and saw that I was being honest. She sighed. “Fine. I mean, I thought you’d figure it out, but I’ll just tell you before it becomes headline news—Harry broke up with y/n.”

                I was speechless. “W-what?” I couldn’t believe it.

                Demi nodded. “Yep. She’s been moping around the apartment ever since,”

                “That… that son of a bitch! Why?!”

                “Why what?”

                “Why’d he break up with her? What could y/n have possibly done? It’s impossible to break up with y/n, all she does is care and be kind to you, I don’t understand!”

                “Justin, calm down. I know you’re upset for y/n, but Harry just said that it didn’t feel right.”

                “Is that all he said?”

                “Pretty much. He refused to tell her anymore.”

                I sighed and groaned. “Imma go find him,”

                “What? Now? Justin, he’s probably asleep right now,”

                “I don’t fucking care. If he can break y/n’s heart, then he wouldn’t mind waking up in the middle of the night and getting what he deserves,”

                “Justin! Be rational!” Demi said, taking my car keys from me. “Now, listen. He’s headed to London tomorrow—“

                “What, is he chickening out?!”

                “Justin! Calm down!” Demi snapped. “I know you’re angry, but control yourself!” she took a breath. “Ok, as I was saying… He’s going to London so if you really need to talk to him, talk to him before he leaves—and be mature about it,”

                I groaned. “Fine,”


Demi and Wilmer left. I decided not to wake up the guests passed out around my house. I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, and changed clothes. I quietly settled into bed. Selena’s eyes opened a little, and she cuddled next to me.

I would’ve passed out as soon as my head it the pillow, but I couldn’t stop worrying about y/n. I’ve seen her at her darkest moments, and they’re not pretty. I feel terrible for her.

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