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Justin’s POV:

Selena and I were getting out of the car. We are meeting y/n, Cameron, Demi, and Wilmer here for dinner. This was the triple-date that I got myself into because I’m just an idiot.

I took Selena’s hand and led her inside the fancy restaurant. A waiter greeted us with an English accent. Demi, out of nowhere, quickly came over to us.

                “They’re with me.” she said.

                The wait nodded and excused us.

                Selena and I followed Demi to a table. Apparently everyone was already here.

                “Babe, you’re sweating a little.” Selena said, gently dabbing my forehead. “Are you nervous about something?”

                “What? Oh, no. It just feels a little hot in here.” I said. That wasn’t really the truth.

                Selena took my jacket off for me and we sat down.

Wilmer was telling a story, and we were all eating and listening. I glanced at Cameron. He was pretty good-looking and funny… No wonder y/n likes him. But there was a part of me that didn’t like him one bit.


                “Hey, uh, Justin?” Demi said.

                I turned to her.

                “Will you come with me and get this thing out of, uh, my car?”

                “What is—“

                “Just come with me.” she said sternly. Demi then smiled nicely to everyone else at the table. “We’ll be right back.”

I followed Demi and exited the restaurant.

                She stopped, and then turned to me. “Are you ok?”

                “Yes, I’m fine. We shouldn’t be out here. The paps will come any minute.”

                “I know, I know. But you were quieter than usual  tonight. Are you ok?”

                “Yeah, uh… Nothing’s wrong.”

                “What do you think of Cameron?”

                “Cameron? He’s cool.”

                “Are you lying?”

                I sighed. “I don’t like him.” I confessed. “There, I said it. You happy?”

                Demi smiled widely. “Not until you admit that you like y/n.”


                “Come on! She’s out of her amnesia! If she never got amnesia then you guys would probably be married by now!”

                “Well things change, ok?”

                “Why did you stop liking her?”

                “She never liked me back because she couldn’t even remember who I am or what I meant to her. I guess I just grew out of it and then I got back together with Selena. Then y/n and Harry became a thing. Then he broke up with her, and now she’s with this Cameron guy. I don’t know why I didn’t show any feelings of hate towards Harry too, but I probably should’ve!” I said, frustrated. “I’m sorry, Demi, that things are going the way you want it to. I think they never will.”

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